Advisor's Handbook

Table of Contents

Value of Academic and Career Advising

Academic and Career Advising is an essential component of a Syracuse University education. The University is committed to providing the individual advice and assistance that students need throughout their degree programs and after. At Syracuse University, the academic and career advisement system depends upon a shared commitment of students, faculty, and professional staff to the advising process and the availability of timely, accurate information. The Falk College considers its academic and career advising system to be one of its primary strengths.

All public health faculty and internship coordinators serve as advisors.  Public health advisors provide guidance in matters related to academics, practice (internship opportunities, post-graduate employment), and post-graduate training or education. Advisors also serve as mentors to students applying for University prizes and scholarships.  In addition, faculty provide continued support to alumna who request assistance with graduate school options and/or career options.

The quality of academic and career advisement is considered in the annual faculty and staff evaluation process and promotion and tenure decisions. In addition to this handbook, advisors may opt to participate in trainings offered by Falk Student Services and the Public Health Department.  Online Orange Success tutorials are another training option.   Each semester, the Undergraduate Program Director distributes an Academic Advising Update.

Advising: Roles and Responsibilities

Advisor Responsibilities

  • Maintain regularly scheduled office hours for academic and career advising as needed throughout the semester.

  • Schedule additional office hours as needed during the pre-registration periods.

  • Provide assistance to advisees in setting both short- term and long-term educational and career objectives.

  • Assist advisees with schedule planning and course selection on both a long-term and short-term basis.

  • Be informed about academic policies and procedures and changes in departmental or university curriculum requirements.

  • Be knowledgeable about campus academic and career support services and refer advisees to these services as needed.

  • Be knowledgeable about career opportunities and prospects in public health.

  • Be knowledgeable about post-graduate training or education choices common to public health majors. And assist students in the exploration of graduate training or education options and pathways.

  • Provide letters of recommendation when asked and sufficient notice has been given. If advisors cannot provide a letter, the student is notified and an explanation provided.

  • Remove academic advising holds, undergraduate students (only):  At the completion of the academic advising session for the upcoming semester:  Submit the electronic S.C.O.R.E. card or the Study Abroad Course Advising Form.

Student Responsibilities

  • Know degree requirements and remain informed about changes in the curriculum.

  • Map out a plan of action for completing degree requirements and review it with the advisor. This is important to determine what courses need to be taken in sequence, as well as which courses are only offered once every year or every other year so that opportunities to take a needed or desired course are not missed.

  • Prepare, in advance, for academic and career advising meetings. Map out courses wanted and needed to take for the degree and any minors or CAS's; or to meet pre-requisite course requirements for additional advanced study.

  • Make and keep advising appointments.

  • Make advisor aware of any special needs or problems encountered at Syracuse University. The advisor can help with any problems that may hinder academic success and continued enrollment.

  • Provide sufficient notice (ideally 14 days) when asking the advisor to provide a recommendation.

Degree Requirements


Course requirements for the public health degrees are listed in the Syracuse University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs and on Degree Works.

Public Health, BS

Management and Public Health, BS Dual

Public Health, BS/MPH

Public Health, MPH

Public Health, MPH/Business Administration, MBA

Addiction Studies, CAS

Additional information and course substitutions for the program are listed on the PH website.  

Other degree requirements

BSPH: Divisional requirements:

courses that meet the humanity or social science requirement are listed in the College of Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts Core Guidebook.  All foreign language courses, numbered 100 – 400, fulfill a humanity requirement.  Courses that meet a liberal arts elective requirement include any course listed in this guidebook and approved courses offered within Falk College.  

Global diversity requirement:

courses that meet the global diversity requirement.  This requirement may also be met by participating in an academic study abroad program.  Refer to the Undergraduate Student Handbook and to Syracuse University Study Abroad specific program pages for more information on study abroad programs and course selection.  

MPH: Public Health Foundational Knowledge Training:

As an admission requirement for all graduate students, all students (with exception of those having a BSPH from a CEPH-accredited institution) are required to successfully complete the online course entitled “PH Foundational Knowledge”.

Community Service:

Graduate students are made aware of service opportunities throughout the program – it is the responsibility of students to engage in those service activities.

Interprofessional Education (I.P.E.):

Each Spring, Falk College offers an I.P.E. activity that is open to all students. Graduate students are required to attend one of these I.P.E. activities in order to graduate.

Course Sequencing


To graduate within 4 years, students take 15-17 degree applicable credits each semester.  Pre-clinical health students take 16-19 credits each semester.  Recommended course sequencing is detailed in the Undergraduate Student Handbook.

Accelerated Degrees, Public Health, BS/MPH: 

To preserve eligibility for these programs, early planning is critical.  Students interested in these degree options must avoid taking the undergraduate courses for which graduate courses are substituted.  See the public health web pages for course substitutions:  BSPH/MPH.


Recommended course sequencing is detailed in the Graduate Student Handbook.

Internship Requirements

In partial fulfillment of the BSPH degree requirements, students complete a 2 – 9 credit internship. Policies and procedures are detailed in the Undergraduate Internship Handbook

In partial fulfillment of the MPH degree requirements students complete a 4 credit internship.   Policies and procedures are detailed in the Graduate Internship Handbook

Substitutions and Exceptions to Degree Requirements

Students wishing to request an exception to a degree requirement must do so by completing the Petition to Faculty form. Note: the public health program uses the College of Arts and Sciences Liberal Arts Core Guidebook to determine if a course is a humanity, social science, or natural science requirement.  The Liberal Arts Core Guidebook and Falk approved list determines courses that apply as a liberal arts elective requirement. Petitions requesting an exception to these guidelines will not be granted.

Advising Related Publications

SU Abroad contains information on the academic programs offered through the Syracuse University program.  Courses that meet public health and liberal arts requirements are found on the study abroad pages specific to each site.  For further details, students are encouraged to meet with an S.U. student abroad advisor.  Information about
financial aid and grants applicable to study abroad are posted on the S.U. site.

Winterlude:  information about Winterlude registration schedule, registration procedures and policies, and financial information

Summer at Syracuse:  information about summer registration schedule, registration procedures and policies, financial information, and the time schedule of summer session courses.

Undergraduate and Graduate Course Catalog contains descriptive information about Syracuse University and its various schools and colleges, as well as detailed information about requirements of all majors and minors. Course descriptions for all Syracuse University undergraduate and graduate courses are included.  Undergraduate and graduate rules and regulations are also described.

Class Search (accessed from faculty MySlice page) The classes scheduled for fall, spring, or summer sessions can be accessed on MySlice, Class Search.

Advising Related Services

Career Services. 214 Women’s Building, 315-443-3616.

Center for Learning and Student Success (tutoring). 014 Basement of Bird Library, 315-443-2005.

Counseling Center. Barnes Center at The Arch, third floor, 315-443-8000.

Center for Disability Resources, 804 University Ave, Room 309, 315-4443-4498.

English Language Institute. 700 University Ave, Room 207. Provides support for English as a second language students, 315-443-8571.

Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, Career Services. 300 MacNaughton Hall, 315-443-3144. Students exhibiting difficulties in academic or personal issues may be referred for appropriate intervention, 315-443-3144.

Health Services. Barnes Center at The Arch, second floor, 315-443-8000.

LGBT Resource Center.  132 Schine Student Center, 315-443-3983.

Student Legal Services. 720 University Avenue, 315-443-4532.

Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team part of the Counseling Center, Barnes Center at The Arch, 315-443-8000

Writing Center. 101 HB Crouse Hall, 315-443-5289.

General Information

Academic Calendars

Registration periods, schedule adjustment periods, add/drop deadlines, withdrawal deadlines, University holidays, reading days and the final examination periods are posted on the Registrar’s web site within the Academic Calendars.

Leave of Absence & Withdrawal

Policies regarding leaves of absence, withdrawal, and readmission are detailed in Section 15.0, Syracuse University Catalog.

Students Rights to Privacy

Syracuse University fully complies with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (F.E.R.P.A.). Specific to the role of the advisor: advisors are prohibited from disclosing information contained in the student’s educational record (including grades) to an outside party (including parents) without the explicit written consent of the student.

Advising Information

Class Sections, Closed

Advisors and students can monitor the status of class sections via MySlice, Class Search.

Closed sections, Access to. The web-based registrations system will not allow a student to register for class section that is closed. In some cases, faculty will give "permission" to a student to enroll in a closed section. Students must contact the faculty directly. If the faculty is agreeable, the faculty issues a permission.

Class sections, Time conflicts. The web-based registration system will not allow a student to register for classes with a time conflict even if that conflict is only a few minutes or periodic (for example, courses with scheduled exam periods).  The registrar allows no exceptions to this policy.

Undergraduate Course Placement:  Foreign Languages and Mathematics

Foreign Language: Registration for most foreign language classes will be blocked until the student takes the appropriate foreign language placement exam.

Mathematics: The mathematics placement examination is completed online by incoming freshman students. The examination is scored by the Center for Instructional Design and the test report is filed in the student's academic file. Based on the math placement score, recommendations for math course placement are made.

Student Academic Folder

Per FERPA regulations, student academic folders are maintained under locked conditions in the Administrative Offices located in Suite 444, White Hall. Faculty may sign out academic records for a 24 hour period only. The file must be maintained under secure conditions in the faculty office (locked office, or file drawer). Academic files may not be removed from the building.

Transcripts and Degree Works Advising Reports

Advisors can access their students’ unofficial transcripts by signing into MySlice and the Advisor Services > View My Advisees link. The Degree Works advising report is an electronic version of the public health program course requirements and allows advisors to track student progress toward meeting degree requirements.

Advising Special Populations

Disability Resources

Syracuse University, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, does not discriminate on the bases of disability. Services for students with disabilities are coordinated by the Office of Disability Services, 804 University Ave, 315-443-4498. Students with disabilities other than learning disabilities can receive advice on support services that they need through Office of Student Assistance, Resources for Students with Disabilities (315-443-5019). Students with diagnosed learning disabilities should call 315-443-4498 (804 University Ave) for assistance with academic support services. Services include note takers, readers, transcribing, adaptive equipment, and other services as well as advocacy with faculty and referral information. For students experiencing academic difficulty, but without an identified learning disability, an initial evaluation of the student's learning may be obtained at the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics Student Services office located in 300 MacNaughton Hall.

Pre-Clinical Health Students

The Health Professions Advisory Services serves all university students interested in post-graduate study in medicine, dentistry or osteopathy. A variety of services are offered, including advisement on the most appropriate path to medical school, internship experiences, and research opportunities. Additional information on paths to clinical health graduate programs (including nursing) can be found on the health professions advising web site: Pre-Clinical Advising & Additional Resources. Admission pre-requisite coursework varies program to program. Students are encouraged to explore specific programs to ensure that they have completed the pre-requisite coursework for admission. For more information about advising students interested in clinical health careers see: Pre-Clinical Health Advising.

Academic Policies and Regulations

Academic Probation, Suspension and Readmission

Academic probation applies to undergraduate students only. An undergraduate student who fails to meet criteria for good academic standing established by the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics or University will be placed on academic probation. Students placed on probation are advised of this action by a letter from the Academic Progress Committee. The letter will specify the criteria used in determining the probationary actions and the conditions under which good academic standing can be regained. When students have removed the deficiencies that led to their probation, they will be cleared from probation status. Probation action categories are described on the Falk College, Student Services.   Plans to meet the probationary conditions are a joint responsibility of the student, the public health academic advisor, and the Falk College student services academic counselor.

Advising Holds

All undergraduate students have an advising hold that prevents registration on MySlice. Students must meet with their advisor to have the hold released. Faculty advisors can release advising holds by completing the online S.C.O.R.E. advising form.   The S.C.O.R.E. form is submitted electronically to Falk Student Services to remove the hold.  Advising holds may take 24 hours to release.  Advisors should either forward the completed S.C.O.R.E. form to the administrative assistant in 344 White Hall or print a copy and give to the administrative assistant in 344 White Hall for placement in the student’s public health academic file.

Other holds (undergraduate and graduate): These include the bursar, library, health center, bookstore, parking and Falk College Student Services holds students can access information about registration holds on their MySlice page.

Credit from Other Institutions (Transfer Credit)

Syracuse University grants transfer credit based on the content of courses previously completed, their applicability to the intended program of study, and the quality of the student’s performance. Only credit hours, not grade points, are accepted in transfer. For the transfer credit to be applied toward the S.U. degree, an official transcript with the course title, credit hours and grade must be mailed to the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics recorder, 330 Barclay Hall. Transfer credit policies are described on the Falk College, Student Services web site. For courses not previously approved for transfer, students must complete the Petition to Faculty, Transfer Credit Form prior to registering for the course.

Minimum grade standards for transfer credit:  

Credit is accepted for transfer only for those courses in which a grade of C or better has been earned.

Maximum number of transfer credits allowed: 

Undergraduate: A maximum of 66 credits may be transferred to the S.U. degree from a 2 year school.  A maximum of 90 credits of transfer credit or a combination of transfer credit and any other credit (e.g., AP exams, experiential learning) will be accepted. 

Graduate: Students may transfer up to 9 credits. Substituted/transferred course work should cover material equivalent to that which is covered in the relevant required course. All students are expected to file a tentative program of study in their second semester. Students transferring courses from another institution must file a program of study prior to completing 12 credits at Syracuse University.

Diploma Request Card

Early in the semester of anticipated graduation, students must file a diploma request form on MySlice (and update their addresses). Filing on MySlice activates the degree certification process and awarding of the degree.

Graduate Students, Policies and Requirements

Policies and requirements specific to graduate students are detailed on the Graduate School web pages.  Graduate student forms may be accessed on these pages as well.  The Graduate Program of Study form is filed no later than the first semester of study.

Independent Study Courses

Students may wish to explore a specific academic topic not covered by courses offered at the university. To facilitate individual student learning, faculty may sponsor and supervise an independent study course related to the student's specific interest. Independent study courses are typically restricted to elective health or other courses and must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Assistant Dean of Student Services. In very rare cases students can do an independent study course to substitute for a course normally offered in the core curriculum.  Using an independent study course to meet a core public health requirement is an option only as a last resort after students have exhausted all other avenues to take courses during the regularly scheduled time and should not be used to facilitate students to study abroad or to accommodate students’ personal, extra-curricular or sport obligations.

The workload required in an independent study course should be equivalent to that required in regularly offered courses. Since students taking an independent study course do not attend formal classes it is vital that the student and the instructor with whom the student is doing the independent study keep in close contact during the course of the semester.

Before the start of the independent study course the student in consultation with the instructor must complete the standard Independent Study Form which will include a detailed plan of what is to be accomplished in the independent study. Such a plan should contain a list and schedule of readings, any required tests/exams/reports, a description of how the instructor will determine the student’s understanding of assigned readings, an evaluation plan, and a detailed outline of the independent study project.

Credit hour determination:

Independent study courses that are primarily practice based (ie: research experience) use this formula to determine the # of credits to be awarded:

1 credit = 45 hours of direct research or practice contact 2 credits = 90 hours of direct research or practice contact

3 credits = 135 hours of direct research or practice contact

Public Health majors may complete no more than a combined total of 12 credits of independent study (290/490) or experiential credit (270/470) for the undergraduate degree.

Intrauniversity Transfer, Out of Public Health

Intrauniversity standards are outlined in the Syracuse University Undergraduate Catalog, Section 13.0.   Public health advisors assist students by discussing and/or clarifying career interests and best match for an academic major and/or minor and running a ‘what-if’ profile on Degree works so students can see how courses already completed will apply to the new major and if the new major can be completed within the usual 4 years needed to earn an undergraduate degree.  Students interested in declaring another major are referred to the home college and department for further guidance and to complete the paperwork for transfer.  In addition, some schools and colleges require students to attend a mandatory information session. 

Undergraduate Degrees and Degree Programs, including Minors

Students wishing to pursue 2 majors: Refer to Table F in the UG catalogue. In most cases, it is most advantageous for students to pursue the Single Degree Program, Double Major option. In this option, Falk College is the home college and public health is the 1st major. Students ‘declare’ the second major by completing the Declaration of Major form.

Minors. Minors are voluntary programs of study. They provide the opportunity for blending another subject area, either related or unrelated to the student’s major. Minors require the completion of at least 18 credits in one specific academic department or college. See Undergraduate Offerings— Minors for a listing of all minors with links to their respective requirements. For formal admission to a minor, students must obtain approval on the Declaration of Minor form from their faculty advisor, the minor coordinator, and their home college. Because of limited space in high demand courses, admission to some minors may be restricted. Links to Public Health program minors:  Addictions Studies.

Ideally, public health students interested in pursuing a minor should begin coursework for the minor during their sophomore year. Students waiting until the junior year may not be able to complete the minor due to requirements within the major.

Registration Policies and Procedures

Changes to the Registration

Adding/Dropping Courses:   

Policies regarding adding/dropping courses are detailed in section 8.5, Syracuse University Catalog.  

Late registration & Schedule adjustment:  Students who have not registered for classes during the early semester registration period and do so after the semester has started are assigned a late fee.  During the schedule adjustment period (roughly the 1st week of the semester), students may add and or drop classes on MySlice.  

Once the schedule adjustment period ends, students who want to add a class must obtain permission from Falk College and the Registrar to late add a course.  See  the administrative assistant in Suite 444 White Hall for guidance in completing the form.  However, it is noted that permission is not routinely granted. 

Students may drop a course by completing a general petition to faculty form and submitting prior to the drop deadline. Dropped courses are removed from the transcript.

Withdrawing from Courses: 

Students may withdraw from a course by completing a Withdraw from a Class petition to faculty form and submitting it prior to the withdrawal deadline.  Students who wish to withdraw from a course following this deadline may Appeal to Late Withdraw.   It is noted that appeals to late withdraw are rarely granted.  When students withdraw from a course, the course remains on the transcript and are marked with a WD notation.

Adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a class: strict guidelines are established by the University Registrar. See the academic calendars for specific dates. 

Note: the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics Student Services division will not approve a drop or W.D. petition if that action results in a student falling below 12 academic credits for the semester

Class Standing

The number of credit hours passed determines class standing. Class standing per the university system is used when assigning registration access times. Financial aid awards are also partially based on class standing. See Section 9.0 Undergraduate Catalog for the number of earned credit hours required for each class

Maximum Hours per Semester

Undergraduate students may not enroll for more than 19 credit hours in a Fall or Spring semester or more than 7 credit hours in a single summer session.  Exceptions are made only by petition to the Dean of his or her home college.

Winterlude courses are applied as spring registration courses and therefore may result in a spring registration that exceeds 19 credits.  Exceptions to the maximum credit load are allowed by petition for students enrolled in a Winterlude course.

Students in the Honor’s program may register for more than 19 credits without special permission. Students registering for more than 19 credits will be assessed the appropriate extra tuition charges, unless they qualify for an overload rate exception.

Graduate students may not enroll in more than 15 during Fall or Spring semesters. Registration for additional credits requires a petition and approval of your academic department.

Pass/Fail Grade Option

Undergraduate students may elect to take a maximum of 6 credits of elective requirement as pass/fail. To elect this option, students complete a Grade Option Application form (available in Suite 344, White Hall) and submit by the grading option deadline (see Academic Calendar for deadlines).

Graduate students may not take courses as pass/fail.

Registration for Graduate Level Courses that will be applied toward the Undergraduate Degree.

Before registration for the course, students must complete a Petition to their Faculty form to apply the course toward the undergraduate degree. The University Registrar manually adds the course to the student schedule.

Repeating Courses

Undergraduate students may repeat a course previously taken at Syracuse University in order to fulfill degree requirements or to demonstrate improved competence. A repeated course is defined as a Syracuse University course with the same prefix and course number as the original course, or in the case of prefix or number changes within a department, the equivalent course as defined by the academic department. Courses that are repeated at Syracuse University in the semester immediately following the initial semester of registration will be automatically flagged by the University Registrar. To flag a grade in a course repeated in a later semester, students complete a Petition to Faculty - Flag Form requesting that the original course grade be removed from the G.P.A. calculation. Both courses (the first and repeated one) and their grades remain on the student's permanent transcript. The lower grade is removed from the students cumulative G.P.A..Students may also choose to take an equivalent course at another institution to fulfill degree requirements (for Syracuse University courses in which less than satisfactory grades were earned). A minimum grade of C must be earned to transfer the equivalent course to Syracuse University. Only credit hours, not grade points, are accepted in transfer. The original course completed at Syracuse University and grade remains on the transcript, with the Syracuse grade counting in the calculation of the G.P.A.

Student Status:  Full-Time and Part-Time

Refer to the section 12.2.2, Syracuse University catalog for policies regarding Undergraduate student status and implications for tuition charges and financial aid.

Syracuse University Academic Rules

Academic Rules 2020-2021 - Syracuse University Links and List

Academic Standards

Academic Record

Academic Status

Degree and Certificate Programs

Appendix A: Advising Pre-Clinical Health Students

Clinical Health Program Pre-requisites

Entrance exams
DAT:  dental admission exam.  Competitive DAT = 20 or higher
MCAT:  pre-med and option for physician assistant (PA).  Competitive MCAT, med-school = 507 or higher; Osteopathy = 502
GRE:  PA and some direct entry MS NURSING programs and most Doctor/Nursing Practice programs

GPA requirement (competitive, vs. minimum).  Science grades should all be a B- or better
Pre-med:  3.7 CUM GPA, 3.5 science GPA
Physician assistant:  3.6 CUM GPA, 3.5 science GPA
Dental:  3. 5 CUM GPA, 3.4 science GPA
Osteopathy:  3.5 CUM GPA
Nursing:  3.5 CUM GPA, 3.4 science GPA

Physical Science and Math requirements.  Science courses must include a lab.  Medical and physician assistant programs want these courses to be taken at a 4-year school and during the academic year (vs. summers)

  • Pre-med and dental: General Biology I and II, General Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry I and II, General Physics (algebra based is OK) I and II, Biochemistry I; additional BIO is desirable (genetics, cell biology); Statistics I and calculus

  • Physician assistant: General Biology I and II, General Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry I or Biochemistry I, Anatomy & Physiology I and II, Microbiology I.  Some schools require additional BIO (genetics, cell biology); Statistics I ; medical language (some schools allow non-credit courses)

  • Nursing: Anatomy & Physiology I and II (at SU, must take general BIO 1st), Microbiology, Lifespan Psychology (SU does not offer), Statistics I; many schools require at least one semester of general chemistry

Minors/double majors:  pre-medicine and physician assistant student profiles are enhanced by completing a minor in biology or chemistry or a second major in Biology BA or Neuroscience (with focus on biology course options)

Patient Care experience:  highly desirable for pre-med and pre-dental; required for physical asst.  Options:  summer employment – medical assistant, EMT, medical scribe ….

Research experience:  highly desirable for pre-med

Leadership experience:  highly desirable for pre-med and physician assistant

Gap years:  the average age of entry to medical school is 24 years.  Pre-clinical health students may take 1-2 years post-UG degree to strengthen their admission portfolio. Applicants may gain further clinical health experience, retake science coursework (nursing), completing a graduate degree (biomedical sciences, MPH), participating in research. Post-BACC programs are discouraged – these are expensive, may offer scholarships but no state or federal loan eligibility, award no additional degree, and entrance to medical school rates are low.

Additional options:  2nd bachelor’s degree in respiratory therapy or medical imaging.  Graduate degree in clinical perfusion or medical technology.

Syracuse University Health Professions Advising:  pre-med and pre-clinical health students should register with this program. The program provides advise on medical and dental school admission potential, ways to strengthen the portfolio, MCAT and DAT preparation, and provides committee letters of recommendation.

Nursing program options
Accelerated BSN and MSN Nursing Programs (information and find a program link).  There is no standard nomenclature for naming NUR programs.  Searching for programs can be confusing.

  • Accelerated, second degree – BSN (scholarships may be avail, but no loan or FA)

  • Direct entry MS NURSING program: eligible for RN licensure.  Training for nursing general practice and clinical nurse leader. Pathway to DNP:  Doctor of Nursing practice – advanced practice degrees (NP, CNA, nurse midwife)

  • Direct entry DNP

  • Accelerated BSN/MS NURSING programs eligible for RN and advanced practice (ie: NP) licensure.  Few programs exist.  Examples:  Yale GEPN and Simmon’s University NUR Direct entry

Pre-clinical health student advising

  • Students who choose pre-clinical health later (sophomore year) have a considerable amount of catch-up work

  • Study abroad: summer options exist for physician asst and pre-med and full-semester for nursing

  • The science sequence should follow as described.

  • Fill in with LA requirements and PHP courses. CORE courses ideally should be completed prior to PHP 422 (internship).  PHP 219, PHP 221, & PHP 223 should be completed by 2nd semester sophomore year.

  • Aim: 16 – 18 credits/semester

  • Service learning courses (PHP 221, PHP 309, PHP 310, PHP 304 – if CHE conc): Only 1 course per semester

  • MCAT: all science courses must be completed prior

  • Health ethics: students should take a HUM health ethics course (for example:  PHI 398).  The course will meet a HUM requirement vs. elective

Pre-Med/pre-Dental, 4 year plan.  Science and Math Sequences
Year 1: BIO 121, BIO 123 + 124, CHE 106 + 107, CHE 116 + 117
Year 2: CHE 275 + 276, CHE 325 + 326.  Highly recommended:  BIO 326 and 327
Year 3:  MAT 121 (fall), MAT 285 (spring), PHY 101, PHY 102, BCM 475 (fall only).  Spring:  study for MCAT.  MCAT:  schedule May/June, summer.  Apply to med school:  summer
Year 4:  complete PHP CORE fall.  PHP 422:  Spring

Pre Med/pre-Dental, 4 year plan with gap year.  Science and Math Sequences
Year 1: BIO 121, BIO 123 + 124, CHE 106 + 107, CHE 116 + 117
Year 2: CHE 275 + 276, CHE 325 + 326.  Highly recommended:  BIO 326 (cell bio) and 327 (genetics)
Year 3:  MAT 121 (fall), MAT 285 (spring), PHY 101, PHY 102
Year 4: BCM 475 (fall only).  PHP 422:  Spring. Spring:  study for MCAT.  MCAT:  schedule May/June, summer.  Apply to med school:  summer
Gap year:  strengthen portfolio (1 year graduate degree in biomedical science or PH, research,

Physician Assistant
Year 1: BIO 121, BIO 123 + 124, CHE 106 + 107, CHE 116 + 117
Year 2: CHE 275 + 276, CHE 325 + 326.  Highly recommended:  BIO 326 and 327
Year 3:  MAT 121 (fall), MAT 122 (spring), BIO 216 (anat/phys 1) , BIO 217 (anat/phys 2)
Year 4: PHP 422 Fall), BIO 409 (micro) Spring. HFS 326 Comm/Medical terminology

Year 1: BIO 121, BIO 123 + 124, CHE 106 + 107, CHE 116 + 117
Year 2: BIO 216 (anat/phys 1) and BIO 217 (anat/phys 2)
Year 3:  MAT 121 (fall), MAT 122 (spring), BIO 216 (anat/phys 1) , BIO 217 (anat/phys 2)
Year 4: PHP 422 Fall), BIO 409 (micro) Spring
[lifespan psychology in summer year 2 or year 3.  Most schools require this course and SU does not offer]