CEE Undergraduate Programs

Department Chair

Dr. Andria Costello Staniec

151G Link Hall


Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program Director

Dr. Yilei Shi

151E Link Hall


Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Program Director

Dr. Svetoslava Todorova

139 Link Hall


Department Address:

151 Link Hall

Syracuse, NY 13244-1210

Phone 315.443.2311


Mission and Goal Statements, Educational Objectives and Program Outcomes

The mission of the Department is to promote learning and the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge in Civil and Environmental Engineering through integration of teaching, scholarship, and service.

The goal of the Department is to prepare students for engineering practice, advanced study, and life-long learning in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Graduates are expected to be proficient in the fundamentals of engineering analysis and design, and to understand the importance and methods of effective communication. Students are encouraged to use the extensive educational resources of Syracuse University and the Syracuse University community to broaden and enhance the quality of their university education.

The educational objectives of the civil/environmental engineering program are to produce graduates who:

  1. can apply technical knowledge and problem-solving skills to advance their careers and serve the community;
  2. are prepared for engineering practice and advanced studies in civil engineering;
  3. will engage in life-long learning to keep themselves abreast of new developments in their fields of practice or study; and
  4. are capable of effective written and oral communications.


Our program (or student) outcomes are in-line with those identified by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).  At the time of their graduation, our students should have acquired:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Department Advisory Board

The role of the Department Advisory Board, whose members are prominent civil/environmental engineers and educators from industry and academia, is to advise the Department Chair on matters that relate to undergraduate and graduate education, and on activities that pertain to enhancing the reputation and promoting the growth of the Department.  The Board normally meets once or twice a year to discuss issues relevant to program accreditation, curriculum revisions, job prospects, and other specific needs of the Department.

Student Advisory Council

The student advisory council was officially formed in 2000 and is comprised of two representatives from each class.  The role of the student advisory council is to provide feedback to the Department on curriculum, advising, extracurricular activities, and other issues that arise through the student experience.  The council meets with the CEE Department Chair at least once each semester, and more as needed.  Students are elected to the advisory council by their peers at the start of each academic year.   

Academic Integrity

All students in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering are expected to abide by the Codes of Academic Integrity and the Codes of Student Conduct in the Syracuse University Student Handbook (https://www.syracuse.edu/wp-content/uploads/student-handbook.pdf).  The Handbook is revised each year.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering strictly enforces these policies. Students are required to read the policies on their own and follow the policies at all times while enrolled at the University.  Ignorance of the policies will not be accepted as an excuse. Students are expected to ask questions if they do not understand.  Violations of any policy will be reviewed by a quorum of Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty.  Occurrences of cheating, plagiarism, falsifying records, or other behavior in violation of the University policies will result in penalties following the Academic Integrity Office guidelines (http://class.syr.edu/academic-integrity/).

Diversity and Inclusion

Syracuse University, the College of Engineering and Computer Science and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, gender expressions, national origins, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, socioeconomic background, family education level, ability – and other visible and nonvisible differences.  All university faculty, staff and students are expected to contribute to a respectful, welcoming and inclusive environment for every other member of the university.  For more information, please see http://diversity.syr.edu/.

CEE Faculty Advising

Your faculty advisor is a full-time faculty member in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department to whom you have been assigned.  Advisors take their roles seriously and are dedicated to enhancing your experience at Syracuse University.  Although their primary role is to offer academic advice, they can also assist you and work with your advising team to find university resources to help with personal problems, health and wellness, and employment options.

You should see your faculty advisor:

  • Before registration to plan your schedule;
  • If you are changing your schedule (adding, dropping, withdrawing from a class);
  • When declaring a minor;
  • When having problems, concerns, or questions;
  • When exploring co-op, internship, and job opportunities;
  • Whenever you need someone to listen and/or give advice.

Your faculty advisor can, and should be, more than just the person that signs your Undergraduate Advising Form.  Your faculty advisor is offering you access to their experiences and knowledge.  Utilize that opportunity. You might learn more through your relationship with your faculty advisor than you do in any course.

Occasionally it will be necessary to change faculty advisors.  This can occur for the following reasons:

  • Student Request - A student may prefer another faculty advisor and may request a change.
  • Student Change of Major - Students are assigned faculty advisors in their program of study.  If you change majors, a new advisor will be assigned to you.  If you change between civil and environmental engineering majors, you will also have a new advisor assigned to you.
  • Advisor Departure - If a faculty member leaves their academic unit or the University, their advisees are reassigned.
  • Advisor Leave of Absence - If a faculty member is unable to meet with his/her advisees during registration or the academic year, his/her advisees are temporarily assigned to another faculty member.

Co-op and Internship Programs

·        Cooperative Education Program (Co-op)

The Engineering and Computer Science Cooperative Education program (Co-op) empowers undergraduate students to take advantage of experiential learning opportunities that have proven to aid them in successfully reaching their post graduate goals.  The Co-op program consists of full-time professional work, primarily during the summer.  This design allows students the opportunity to gain more than six months of paid work experience in their field of study and still graduate in four years.  Working during the academic year is an option that students may choose, with the understanding that their ability to graduate in four years may be affected.  To be eligible, students must be enrolled full time in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. For additional information contact: Engineering and Computer Science Student Success Center, 121 Link Hall, 315 443-2582.

·        Internship Programs

Internships provide students with learning and hands-on experience in their field.  Internships improve both a student’s education and employability.  Internships may be paid or unpaid.  Visit the ECS Career Services (http://eng-cs.syr.edu/current-students/undergraduate-resources/career-services) in 121 Link.

The CEE Department administers a competitive internship program.  The Dubai SU LAU Internship Program (DSLIP) is a four to five week program that takes place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates each summer.  The focus of the DSLIP is on construction engineering and management.  Airfare, lodging, transportation within Dubai, and some meals are provided at no cost, and students receive a small stipend.  Students also earn credits that can be used as a technical elective in their curriculum.

Interested students may apply for the internship program during the Fall semester of their junior year.  Selection of interns is made by a committee of CEE faculty, and is based on academic record, letters of recommendation, and potential as a representative of the department, college and university. Application materials are available from the CEE Department office.

·        Alumni Points of Contact

Our alumni often contact us with opportunities for summer work and internships.  These opportunities are circulated to students through the faculty and the class listservs.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate students in the CEE department are welcome to participate in research projects with faculty and graduate students.  This handbook contains brief profiles of the faculty, beginning on page 2.  Students are encouraged to contact faculty whose research topics they find interesting.  Undergraduate research experiences may be on a paid or volunteer basis. Students can also perform research for credit by enrolling in independent study. 

Undergraduates may participate in research during the academic year or during the summer. In the academic year, students typically work on research projects 5-15 hours per week. If the research project has external funding, undergraduate students can combine this with their work-study award as part of their financial aid package. Students enrolled in the Renee Crown University Honors Program (http://honors.syr.edu) can use their research to satisfy the requirement of the Honors Capstone project.

The CEE department also has many opportunities for undergraduate students to participate in research projects during the summer. Paid research internships include:

Internships Funded by Research Grants

Individual faculty members may offer paid summer research experiences, which are supported by research grants. These opportunities are offered at the discretion of the supervising faculty member. Interested students are encouraged to contact faculty members whose research areas they find particularly interesting.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Programs

The National Science Foundation provides funding for undergraduate students to be given the opportunity to become involved with research projects each summer.  There are REU sites across the country from Maine to California.  Each site consists of a group of undergraduates, each of whom is assigned to work on a specific research project at the host institution.  The students work closely with faculty, post-docs, and graduate students, while socializing with each other at seminars, lunch meetings, and social functions.  Students are granted stipends, and in some cases assistance with housing and travel. More information can be found at http://www.nsf.gov/home/crssprgm/reu/start.htm. Information regarding the Interactive Biomaterials REU Program intended for Engineering, Chemistry, Biology or Physics majors can be found at: http://biomaterials.syr.edu/reu/.

Summer Symposium

Every summer, students who participate in undergraduate research are invited to present their work in an on-campus symposium.  The symposium provides a forum for students with different research interests and from diverse backgrounds to learn about one another’s work, exchange ideas, and hone their technical presentation skills.

Study Abroad Opportunities

Syracuse University, through SU Abroad and the College of Engineering and Computer Science offers students in both civil and environmental engineering the opportunity to study abroad.    These programs give students the opportunity to gain global experience, develop new ways of viewing the world, form lasting friendships abroad, and deepen their connection to other countries, languages and cultures. Students with these experiences gain a competitive edge in today’s multinational, multicultural environment.

These opportunities include:

  • Study at SU Centers during Fall or Spring Semesters at: Florence, Hong Kong, Istanbul, London, Madrid, Santiago and Strasbourg.
  • Study at World Partner Programs at affiliated universities at: Dublin, Hong Kong, Istanbul and Sydney.
  • Summer Research program in Strasbourg, France

For further information, contact the College of Engineering and Computer Science Study Abroad Office in 130 Link Hall or Syracuse University Study Abroad, 106 Walnut Place (http://suabroad.syr.edu).


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