Windows Software

Available Windows Software

The following is a list of programs currently installed in all ECS public computer labs and classrooms.  If you would like one or more of these programs installed on a College owned computer please forward a request to the CIT Helpdesk at

Please be aware license restrictions may apply; purchase may be required in some instances.

With the decommissioning of AppsAnywhere, students will now rely on the software available via the school’s Remote Desktop Services (RDS). You can obtain a list of software available on RDS and directions on the various ways to connect to RDS via.

Software List

Abaqus 2024
Adobe Acrobat Pro
Adobe Creative Cloud Suite
Anaconda 2024.02-1
Ansys Electromagenatic 2024R2
Ansys Multiphysics 2024R2
ArcGIS Pro 3.3.1
Aspen Plus 12 (Only on Link 274
Autodesk AutoCAD 2025
Autodesk Civil 3D 2025
Autodesk Inventor Pro 2025
Autodesk Map 3D 2025
Autodesk Revit 2025
Bentley Suite
Bispec 2.20
Engineering Equation Solver 11.900
Google Chrome
ImageJ 1.54h
Java Runtime SE 64bit
Keysight Suite
Maple 2021
MathCAD Prime 10
Mathematica 14.0
Matlab 2024a
Mendeley Desktop 1.19.8
Microsoft Office Pro Plus 64bit
Microsoft SQL Mgmt Studio 19.1
Microsoft Visio Pro 64bit
Minitab 22.1
MLCAD (Only Link 202)
Mozilla Firefox
MS Visual Studio 2022 CE
MS Visual Studio Code 1.92.1
Multisim (Only Link 201 & CST 3-116)
Palisade DecisionTools Suite 8.6.1
Pointwise 2023.2.3
PollEverywhere Powerpoint 4.0.1
Primavera P6 20.12
Python 3.12.5
SolidWorks 2024
Structural Analysis
Structural Analysis (Only Link 201 & 202)
StructurePoint Suite
Thonny 4.1.4
VisualAnalysis 22
VLC 3.0.18
WinSCP 6.3.3
XLSTAT Premium 2023.2.0
Zotero 6.0.36