Degree Works Functional Summary

Student View (default)

Provides general information about your complete and incomplete requirements, as well as pre-registered, in-progress courses and transfer courses, all grouped into sections/blocks.

Class History

Provides a listing of all of your courses taken (including transfer credit), with grades and credits, grouped by term taken.

Graduation Checklist

Provides a condensed view of an audit which displays the same complete and incomplete requirements as an audit without the grades, credits or terms.

Registration Checklist

Shows only the incomplete requirements from the audit.


Allows you to process speculative degree audits using your current class history if you want to change your major. Transfer coursework is not included in the What-If audit.

Look Ahead

Also part of the What-if functionality which allows you to view how unregistered courses you may want to take will complete requirements in your current program or a What-if program.