Gradebook Calculations

Gradebook Calculations

Calculations (formerly "calculated columns") can be used to combine and display data from multiple columns, categories, or other calculations in the gradebook. 


Creating a New Calculation

To create a new calculation, click the icon in the location where you wish to create a new column - this can be done next to any existing column. There are two types of calculated column that can be created:

  • Add Calculation will open the general-purpose editor described in the next section (calculation components). This editor lets you combine values from other columns, functions, and operators to produce the desired result. This is the best option for most uses that draw on other columns individually or on a single grade category.  

  • Add Total Calculation will open an editor similar to the Overall Grade editor which is optimized for category calculations and/or percentage weighting. This option is suitable for calculations that draw on two or more grade categories. 

When the calculation editor opens, enter the name of your new calculation in the upper left. 

Use the visibility settings button in the upper right to choose whether the calculation is visible or hidden to students. All gradebook columns, including calculations, are always visible to instructors and TA's. 

Calculations can be used to display gradebook information to students that would otherwise be hidden. For example, students cannot directly view grading categories, but you can create a calculation of students' average grades for all assessments in the 'quiz' category and then make the quiz average calculation visible to students. If you want to incorporate more advanced category rules such as dropping the lowest quiz grade before averaging the remaining scores, use the "Add Total Calculation" option. 

Optionally, you can edit the grade schema, running total, and/or description to change how the calculation is displayed in the gradebook. The default settings for schema and running total display are based your overall grade settings for the course. 

Add icon highlighted in purple when hovering between two columns
Add icon highlighted in purple when hovering between two columns

Calculation Components

Build your calculation using any combination of the following functions, variables, and operators. Click the component in the left-hand menu to add it to the calculation. Click and drag components to rearrange them within the calculation editor box. It is not possible to type directly into the calculation editor. 


  • Average: Generates the average score for a selected category or set of gradebook columns. 

  • Total: Generates the total score for a selected category or set of gradebook columns. 

  • Minimum: Generates the lowest grade (by % score) from a selected category or set of gradebook columns

  • Maximum: Generates the highest grade (by % score) from a selected category or set of gradebook columns

  • Variable: Generates the score from a single gradebook column

  • Add ( + )

  • Subtract ( - )

  • Divide ( / )

  • Multiply ( * )

  • Open Parenthesis (

  • Close Parenthesis )

  • Value: includes a static numerical value


Click "Validate" in the upper left to check whether your calculation is valid. If there are any invalid/unmatched components, they will be highlighted in red. The calculation cannot be saved until it is successfully validated. 

Calculation functions, variables, and operators from the Ultra gradebook
Calculation functions, variables, and operators from the Ultra gradebook

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