Adding Users to Your Course

Adding Users to Your Course


Instructors can add additional users to their Blackboard courses in the following roles:

  • Instructor: The instructor role has the highest level of privilege within a course. The can create, edit, and delete content, and have full access to the Gradebook. Instructor is the only role that's allowed to add other users to the course and is treated as a content owner by ITS.

  • Teaching Assistant: The teaching assistant has equivalent permissions in the course to instructor except the role cannot add other users to the course. ITS does not regard TAs as a full content owner and will, in some cases, require permission from an instructor to complete support requests.

  • Course Builder: The course builder role is intended for users to add or remove content from your course, but is prohibited from accessing the Gradebook. 

  • Grader: The grader role is intended for users to assist instructors in grading assessments posted in the course and has access to the Gradebook, but is prohibited from adding, editing, or removing course content.

User role comparison chart


Adding Students

Registrar-enrolled students are automatically added and removed from your course by the system. To prevent conflicts, instructors cannot add users with the student role. If a student will register for the course with the registrar, ITS is unable to add the user. If a student needs to be added for any other reason, please contact or 315-443-2677 with the user's NetID and the reason for the request.


Removing Users

Instructors cannot remove a user or change their role because doing so may have unintended consequences. Please contact or 315-443-2677 if you need to remove or change a user role.


FERPA Considerations

These course roles will grant the user access to private and confidential student and course data. To abide by FERPA law, instructors are required to inform these users of the responsibilities that come with these privileges. At all times, users with access to privileged course information and student data must ensure the privacy and confidentiality of all other course users and data and may not share this data with any unauthorized persons.





Users are added and removed from Roster area of the Details & Actions menu.


Roster Area_Details and Actions.png

Click the button at the top of the roster. 

Screenshot of user interface

Enter the user's NetID in the search box click the plus button next to their name. 

Select the desired role from the drop down menu and then click Save. 

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