Academic Watch and Probation Policies

Academic Watch and Probation Policies

The required minimum grade point average to maintain good academic standing in the School of Education is 3.0 for all programs (with the exception of Selected Studies in Education, which is 2.8). Students whose cumulative averages fall below these minimums will be placed on college probation. Be aware that overall grade point average is not the only criteria. Excessive number of incompletes, missing grades, and/or limited progress toward degree can also be factors in college probation. The School of Education has three categories of college probation:

Academic Watch

Students whose cumulative grade point average is between 2.8 and 2.99 (or 2.6 and 2.79 for Selected Studies in Education) must meet the following terms:

  • Attend meetings with an academic advisor in the Office of Academic and Student Services as required.

  • Attain a cumulative average at or above 3.0 at the end of the semester (or 2.8 for Selected Studies in Education).

  • Utilize tutoring services and other campus resource services as needed.

Academic Probation

Students whose cumulative average is between a 2.0 and 2.79 (or 2.0 and 2.59 for Selected Studies in Education) must meet the following terms:

  • Attend meetings with an academic advisor in the Office of Academic and Student Services as required.

  • Attain a cumulative average at or above 3.0 at the end of the semester (or 2.8 for Selected Studies in Education).

  • Utilize tutoring services and other campus resource services as needed.

One Term Trial Probation (OTT)

Students whose cumulative average is below a 2.0 are placed on One Term-Trial probation and must meet the following terms:

  • Attend regular meetings with the Assistant Dean for Student Success.

  • Attain a cumulative average at or above 2.0 by the end of the semester.

  • Utilize tutoring services and other campus resource services as needed.

Failure to attain the specified grade point average by the end of the semester may result in suspension.


Suspension is for one year, or two academic semesters. While on suspension, it is expected that the student will take courses elsewhere in order to cultivate improved study habits and demonstrate a solid grade performance before returning. In order to return, students write a letter requesting readmission to the Assistant Dean for Student Success, accompanied by an academic transcript.

Students may appeal their suspension. The process for appealing is outlined in the letter of suspension sent to the student.

Support Materials for Students

Students on academic probation receive notification in a letter sent to them by the Assistant Dean for Student Success. The letter is an important document which outlines the conditions and requirements of the student’s probation. Students on academic probation are required to attend workshops as determined by their academic counselor. This is specified in the student’s probation letter.

Academic Achievement Plans are an essential component of the discussion during regular meetings between probation students and their academic advisors. Students who are on academic probation are required to fill in the statements on the academic achievement plan and complete the College Success Inventory, in order to formulate specific goals for improvement in discussions with their academic advisors.

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