Accessible Social Media

As with other forms of digital communication, social media content must meet specific accessibility standards to ensure they are accessible to individuals with disabilities.

General Requirements

  • Alternative text must be provided for all images and gifs. 
  • Text within images must be included in the alternative text description or in the main post. 
  • Captions must be present for all video content.
  • A text description must be provided for any visual-only content such as a video montage.
  • Do not post content that flashes or flickers repeatedly. 
  • Users must have the option to pause or stop content that moves automatically. Refer to the respective social media platform settings options to ensure users can control moving content before posting. 

Platform Specific Guidance






com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'ivy-ai' is unknown.