Graduate Students Documents and Forms
- Chemistry Graduate Regulations: This document outlines procedures and requirements for all Chemistry Ph.D. and M.S. students. This document contains Ph.D. & M.S. timelines, as well as the Annual Report Cover Page.
- Full Time Certification Form: Student who are not a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant need to complete this form for each semester during which the student is registered for 0-9 credits, and is actively working on a thesis or dissertation. Submit the completed from to Jodi Randall and she will send it to the registrar/international center. The deadline for this form is the same as the "Financial Drop Deadline" for the semester in which full-time status is being certified.
- Independent Study (CHE 690): This form is used to register for CHE 690. The form is completed electronically, and then printed and signed by the student's Research Advisor and/or Faculty Sponsor for the course. After obtaining the required signatures, please send the form to Jodi Randall.
- Program of Study Form: This form is only needed for MPhil. Submit the form to Jodi Randall. If it is approved, we will submit it to the Graduate School for review.
- Request for Examination Form: This form is for students who are defending a thesis or dissertation. Fill out the form online and print out the email PDF file. Then, you can obtain the required signatures. Please send this completed form to This must be submitted 3 weeks before your defense date.
- Travel Grant: This form is for graduate students applying for partial support to cover travel expenses to attend professional meetings and conferences. To qualify, chemistry graduate students must be matriculated, be registered as a full-time student (i.e., registered for 12 credits as a graduate student, hold a graduate appointment, or otherwise certified as full-time), have completed at least one semester of graduate study at Syracuse University, and be in good academic standing. Travel support is only available for presentation of work at a conference. A maximum of one award may be made per student per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). Travel grants will normally not exceed $200, unless absolutely necessary.