Purchasing & Reimbursements

Animal Purchase Order Form

Department Purchase Order Form (Chemical/Non-chemical ordering)

Graduate Student Visa & Moving Reimbursement Request Form 

Postdoctoral Researcher Travel Grant Application

Travel & Expense Reimbursement Request Form - This form is only usable if you are paid on a fellowship or stipend.  All others should log into MySlice and use the Travel & Expense Center (SU training documents may be found here).

Other: Department -80 Backup Freezers I Freight Form

External Forms & Resources

CAS Communications (submit form) - submit news stories, update faculty research profile with CV, publications, projects, etc. 

Contact Operations Specialist Tracy Steele ( for all other website updates.

CAS Events (submit form) - reserve Life Sciences Complex Atrium (managed by Dean's office)

CAS Operations (email - research facilities and equipment troubleshooting

SU Community Calendar (submit form) - add events to University event calendar and tag Biology/Biotech/Neuroscience websites