Answers Structure

The Answers knowledge base is comprised of spaces and pages. Additional content includes (but is not limited to) attachments (files & images) and Calendars. All content exists within a space.


A space is the top-level container in which pages (or other content) exists in. Within Answers, spaces fall under any one (or multiple) of the following categories:

  • Departmental

  • School or College

  • Short-Term Collaborative

  • Long-Term Collaborative

Each space has the same structure including the top bar and side bar navigations, and the content area. The top bar navigation will stay the same across all spaces, however the content of the side bar navigation and content area will change depending on how the space has been customized and the pages within. See for more information on the navigation.


Every page in Answers is contained within a space and has a similar structure. Pages present their content in the content area of the site. Each page has the following sections:

Breadcrumbs show you the location of the page in the page tree.

Page Actions

Page Actions contain various functions related to the page you are currently on. Depending on your level of access, different functions may be available. Actions may include Watching, Sharing, or Editing the page. See the Page Actions page for additional details.

Page Metadata

The Page Metadata lists information about the page, such as who created and when it was last updated. It also includes information on estimated time to read the page as well as some basic view metrics.

Content Area

The Content Area is where all of the user curated content is located.