All Assistant Teaching Professors** will be evaluated as follows:
Annual review:
Each year, assistant teaching professors will submit a c.v. update form and supporting materials including syllabi and major assignments and copies of any publications and presentations from the calendar year. The department will supply teaching evaluations and classroom observations, which will also be considered as part of the evaluation process. The due date for these materials will be the same as the submission date for tenure-track faculty c.v. updates.
Each assistant teaching professor will have a classroom observation by one faculty member and/or departmental administrator at least once during each contract period.
The department chair will convene a review committee to review c.v. updates and materials. The review committee will consist of the department chair, director of undergraduate studies, and three assistant teaching professors.
The committee will review materials submitted by the teaching professor on a 100-point scale. The department chair will consolidate the rankings, which will be kept confidential. These rankings will provide the basis for merit recommendations for the coming year.
The department chair will draw from this process in completing the report and recommendation form. The department chair will meet with each faculty member to review the R&R form, focusing on particular areas of strength and areas that need improvement.
Contract renewals and promotions will be determined following university guidelines.
*All information subject to change in future years, as the department continues to align its processes with the College’s new structure for evaluating and promoting full-time non-tenure-track faculty members.
**For the purpose of this document, the term “teaching professor” will be assumed to include lecturers.