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NOTE: University employees and students do not have the authority to act on behalf of the University to make procurement agreements or contracts with outside vendors for materials or services.  All contracts with external parties must be submitted to the College of Law Assistant Dean, Finance and Administration or Budget Manager for review and submission to Risk Management and Legal Council. 

For questions about signing authority or contract procedures, please contact the Comptroller’s Office at or 315-443-3765.

(plus)  If the payment to a vendor is over $3,000 a contract must be submitted prior to services and approved by the Comptroller and included with the request for payment.

Contracts with External Parties – Policies


The Comptroller may review and execute, on behalf of the University, routine contracts, including, without limitation, contracts for hotel arrangements, travel, artist performances, athletic games, liquor licenses, and other similar transactions. Construction contracts valued at $1,000,000 or greater require signature by the Chief Financial Officer. 

Only individuals listed on department-authorized signer lists should be submitting contracts for signature.

Contracts with a value of $50K or more require central budget and General Counsel approval.

Contracts below $15k Intake Form

All forms must be approved by the Comptroller (see Contract Agreements - Approval for Payment for process to obtain approval). In order to initiate the request for a PO, the following must be completed:

  1. Non-compete Form (SU Template completed by department to justify why this vendor is chosen)
  2. Master Service Agreement (SU Template completed by department)
    1. If a consultant with a small, one-time service, then a consultant agreement form can be used (to be completed by department and vendor). Reach out to for a form request.
    2. Scope of Work (SU Template completed by Vendor). Reach out to if a template is needed for your department.
  3. Vendor W9 (to be provided by vendor), most up to date form should be downloaded from the IRS website
  4. New Vendor application (SU Template completed by department)