Internal Communications

This  School of Education protocol for internal communications seeks to: 

  • Promote sharing news and events as widely as feasible and practical—not only to internal audiences but also cross-campus and global audiences—in order to amplify SOE's mission, value proposition, core strengths, and accomplishments of its entire learning community. 

  • Align with SOE's and SU's “digital first” marketing strategy, which requires regular content to be carefully and strategically curated across multiple channels for greatest impact.  

  • Professionalize communications (by using the “One University” brand), foster efficiencies, and eliminate wasted effort.

  • Meet legal obligations, such as the University's Privacy Policy for digital communications, especially as it relates to the EU General Data Protection Regulation and similar regulations. 

  • Increase engagement of key audiences, such as alumni engagement and inquiries, applications, and yield.

This protocol will help SOE avoid:

  • News getting lost/sequestered

  • Duplication of effort

  • Confusing policy/workflow

  • Unprofessional look/feel

  • Non-brand compliant messaging

  • Lack of readership (e.g., wrong medium/wrong audience)

This protocol will reduce out-of-date communication tactics: 

  • Reliance on (print) fliers

  • Use of PDF/print newsletters

  • Listservs with very niche audiences

  • Listservs with external/alumni subscribers (i.e., to remain compliant with SU's Privacy Policy)

The Four Questions: Message flow for SOE news and events

Any potential SOE communication should be assessed using four simple questions that lead to choices for any message, such as whether it is "internal only" or deserves a wider audience: 

  1. Who is the audience?

  2. What is the message?

  3. Where should the message go (on one or more channels?)

  4. How do I initiate the message flow and who champions it for me?

1) Who Is the Audience?

  • Alumni

  • Current Students—Undergraduate

  • Current Students—Graduate

  • Prospective Students

  • Faculty

  • Staff

  • Campus Community

  • Local Community (CNY)

  • National/Global Community

2) What Is the Message?

  • SOE News Story/Press Release

  • SOE Awards/Accomplishments

  • Alumni Notes

  • Alumni Events

  • Research: Grant Awards/Publications

  • Faculty Opportunities: Grants/RfPs

  • Personnel/HR News

  • Personal News: Births, Marriages, Deaths

  • SU/SOE Policies/Reminders

  • Events/Calendar Items

  • Admissions Messages

  • Student Academic Opportunities: Scholarships, Fellowships, Classes

  • Careers: Job Openings, Fairs, Networking

  • Student Work Opportunities

  • External Sponsorships

3) Where Should the Message Go (On One or More Channels)?

  • SOE Website News Feed

  • SOE Enterprise Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr)

  • Program-Specific Social Groups (LinkedIn, Facebook)

  • Personal Social Media Accounts (with tagging!)

  • SU/SOE Calendar

  • SU News

  • HTML Email 

  • Listserv Message*

  • SOE Digital Signage

  • SU Digital Signage

  • Bulletin Boards: Print Posters/Fliers

  • Brochures: one-sheets, bifolds, trifolds

  • Press Release

  • Media Alert

  • Traditional Advertising

  • Slate email (prospective students)

4) How Do I Initiate the Message Flow (Who Champions it for Me)?

  • Critical for this policy, the Office of Marketing and Communications should be made aware of all news, events, and other messages in order to determine if they also should be disseminated to external audiences.

  • Other "message champions" will be faculty and staff administrators:

    • Office of Marketing and Communications Team (DEFAULT)

      • Advancement/Alumni Relations Team

      • Office of Academic and Student Services (Admissions)

      • Office of the Dean

      • Program Administrators

      • Center Directors (CAASD, CDI, CEPP)


Initiating the Protocol

Typically, a message flow starts when a faculty or staff member request to make a flier for an event, to announce an award, to notify students of an opportunity, etc.

Once this request has been made to a "message champion" within a program or unit ...

  1. The "message champion" should pose the Four Questions (who, what, where, and how) to the requester. 

  2. The Four Questions should elicit enough information to get the request into the right hands, headed to the right audience, and in the right form.

  3. Critical for this policy, the Office of Marketing and Communications should be made aware of all news, events, and other messages in order to determine if they also should be disseminated to external audiences.


  • A professor wants to get the word out to students about a film screening on disability studies/special education taking place in the College of Law, but sponsored in part by SOE.

  • The professor approaches the CDI communications manager as a "message champion."

  • To find out the best way to disseminate this message, the CDI communications manager asks the Four Questions (who, what, where, and how) and works with the professor to answer them.

1) What Is the Message?
  • A film screening about special education in another unit, sponsored by SOE

2) Who Is the Audience?
  • Current Students—Undergraduate

  • Current Students—Graduate

  • Faculty

  • Staff

  • Alumni

3) Where Should the Message Go (On One or More Channels)?
  • SU/SOE Calendar

  • Listserv Message (simple email or copy of HTML)—Undergraduates, Graduates, Faculty, Staff

  • SOE Enterprise Social Media—Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter

  • SOE Digiboards (digital posters)

  • SOE Website News Feed—i.e., announcing a mission-centered sponsorship

4) How Do I Initiate the Message Flow (Who Champions it for Me)?
  • Original message champion (CDI Communications Manager) informs:

    1. Office of Marketing and Communications (DEFAULT)SOE Social Media (Instagram), SU/SOE Calendar, SOE Website News Feed

    2. Program Administrators—Disability Studies/Inclusive Ed Listserv

    3. Office of Academic and Student Services—Undergraduate/Graduate Students Listserv

    4. Office of the Dean—Faculty/Staff Listserv

    5. Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations—Events Digest/EdExchange