OCV - Ordering the Discussion Board Forum List

Topic Overview

The Discussion Board forums are sorted by the forum name and can be sorted top to bottom, or bottom to top. If some forum names begin with text and others begin with numbers, the numbers will be first in the list followed by those with text.


If an instructor wants the forums beginning with text to appear first and the forums beginning with numbers to follow in numerical order, then placing an underscore as the first character on the text-named forums will allow the list to be ordered in that fashion.


9/01 homework
9/02 homework
9/08 homework
9/10 homework
9/15 homework
Course/syllabus questions

To reorder this list placing the text-named forum at the top, modify the name as follows:

_Course/syllabus questions

the list will now appear as...
_Course/syllabus questions
9/01 homework
9/02 homework
9/08 homework
9/10 homework
9/15 homework

Additionally, forum names beginning with numbers (as shown above) sort by the first, second, third, fourth, etc. numbers. In the following example, you can see how the sort order differs when the single digit dates are not preceded by a zero:

_Course/syllabus questions
9/1 homework
9/10 homework
9/15 homework
9/2 homework
9/8 homework

To ensure proper listing, always use a 2-digit day format.

Sources and Relevant Links

Searching the Discussion Board

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'ivy-ai' is unknown.