Syracuse Sport Management | Sport Analytics 2019-2020 Newsletter

Persevering Through 2020’s Challenges: How our students, faculty and alumni embraced virtual learning, remote employment.

In This Edition:

Cover Story: Persevering Through 2020’s Challenges

How our students, faculty and alumni embraced virtual learning, remote employment.

We welcomed a new decade with innovative ideas and graduated our largest class of students in May 2020, but even with the excitement surrounding major milestones, this new chapter did not unfold as we – or anyone - had planned. We persevered through a pandemic and we could not have done it without the unwavering commitment from our Sport Management faculty and staff, the understanding and flexibility of our students, the guidance from Falk College and Syracuse University leadership, and the loyal support of our alumni and advisory council members. So many of our events, trips, conferences, presentations, lectures and internships were canceled or cut short, including senior Capstones, graduate practicums, Los Angeles Immersion, Syracuse Sport Business Conference, Berlin Sport Analytics  Symposium, New England Immersion, and the Sport Venue and Event Management Charity Golf Tournament, not to mention all Summer 2020 Syracuse Abroad trips, including S.P.M.’s Australia: Sport, History and Culture three-week course. Our students came home early from their study abroad programs in London, Madrid, and Florence, among many other foreign countries. COVID-19’s impact on higher education worldwide was unprecedented. As we embark on a new semester and the unknown of what lies ahead, we are confident that all Syracuse University students, faculty and staff will work together for the best possible outcomes and to achieve success both in and out of the classroom. During this time, we have all learned a lot about ourselves, both personally and professionally, and can use this new knowledge to build on. The spirit of Falk College has never shone brighter, and we are honored to share these stories of virtual learning, remote employment and perseverance on the following pages.

Faculty adapt from classroom instruction to online teaching.

Undergraduate director Dr. Gina Pauline:

The Spring 2020 semester brought an unexpected challenge that no one saw coming. Think about it, 20 years from now, we will look back on this year and say, “Remember when you were quarantined at home for months and everything was shut down due to a global pandemic?” Everyone will look back and reflect in different ways. While there were a lot of struggles, a lot of positives occurred both personally and professionally. The graduate students I taught worked for the entire academic year to plan a charity golf tournament and dinner to be held in May 2020. I was so proud of their hard work, and then heartbroken when the event could not be held. I realized it was time to look ahead and figure out a strategy for the students to continue to develop their skills while also leaving a legacy by putting the event materials together so the next cohort of Sport Venue and Event Management students could carry out their efforts and host the event when the time is right. Despite the challenges and frustrations, the students overcame obstacles and set up the next group for success. I learned a lot about teaching online as well as ways to improve engagement of the students both online and in person. I also experienced the challenges of being a full-time working mother with three kids at home who were also learning remotely. It was a juggling act for sure! We all came out stronger in the end and I’m proud of my family, our students and everyone in the department who worked together in these difficult times.

Assistant teaching professor Dave Meluni:

As we approached Spring Break in March 2020, there was a feeling we may not return to campus. Turns out the feeling was right. Pre- COVID-19, in an effort to keep my students engaged, I began to use a free online program called Poll Everywhere in February 2020, which allows the professor to ask a question and students can text responses in a word cloud format. Once online, this resource worked perfect, as we would analyze sponsorship initiatives of brands by watching television commercials, then use Poll Everywhere to discuss, allowing students to engage no matter where they were. Teaching synchronously at the regular time of class worked well, even though we had a few students in  different time zones, but they embraced the change. I asked for student feedback each week as we adapted to teaching 100 percent online via Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Class projects were exceptional! Students learned how to meet via Zoom on their own to prepare and then present to the class online using screen sharing. It also prepared them for future online job interviews. Also, to keep our students engaged outside of the classroom, I began a weekly Zoomcast series called “In the Grove,” which featured sport industry professionals who spoke on different segments, including sponsorship, branding, youth sports, broadcasting, player development, ticketing, and facility operations, among others. COVID-19 forced people worldwide to adapt to change, whether it was in the office or classroom, in professional leagues or right here in Central New York youth sports.

Internship placement coordinator Nicole Cost:

It has been incredibly uplifting for me as an advisor of the Women in Sports and Event (WISE) Club to see the women continue to meet weekly via Zoom since their semester on campus was cut short. Though they were unable to create and carry-out their fundraising and event plans in the spring, they met at the same time they would have met on campus every week while at home, organizing various alumnae and industry speakers to join via Zoom. This organization means so much to members and it is evident through their dedication and commitment. They are our future industry leaders and surely have bright futures ahead.

Associate professor Dr. Patrick Walsh:

When we found out the spring 2020 semester would be transitioning online, there were many unknowns which certainly caused anxiety for both students and professors. During this time, I found it was particularly important to listen to the students, empathize with their current situation and environment, be flexible, and to seek out best practices in online education. This forced faculty to be creative to adjust course content, delivery, and assignments to more effectively meet course objectives in an online environment. Despite the challenges, our students rose to the occasion. I was very happy with how the students responded, and found they were very engaged online, and in some cases even more engaged and comfortable than normal. Ultimately, I think teaching online allowed faculty to see some alternative capabilities with technology and teaching methods that can be incorporated into in-person classes going forward.

Assistant professor Dr. Justin Ehrlich:

In sport analytics’ computer programming classes, there is a need for group discussion and group activities, as well as one-on-one sessions to teach the students in an iterative manner. Each student learns at a different pace, and has questions at different times, so a lab setting is certainly the most productive learning environment. However, the shift to an online experience went smoothly since it was midway through the semester and by that time, the students were well beyond the fundamentals. While students certainly learn better in a lab setting, Zoom was a helpful replacement, as it allows screen sharing between both the student and professor. Students found the asynchronous format of lectures helpful as it gave them control over the pace of learning. Moving forward, I plan to incorporate asynchronous lectures in my courses, which will free up class time for group discussion and interaction.

Photos with captions in this section include:  Sport Management faculty and staff (shown here in 2019) adapted to teaching online and working remotely during part of the Spring 2020 semester and in Summer 2020.  Student organizations, such as the Women in Sports and Event (WISE) Club, met via Zoom or other virtual platforms when COVID-19 forced the closure of campus and classes to be taught online.  A weekly Zoomcast series called “In the Grove,” which features sport industry professionals speaking on different topics impacting the industry, was created to keep students engaged with the department after they left campus.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions on campus, Sport Management seniors took part in virtual Capstone presentations in May 2020.

Michael Veley, Director and Chair, Rhonda S. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management:

At the beginning of this decade our faculty and staff embarked on a strategic planning initiative we called “2020 Vision,” aimed at positioning our program for the year 2020 and beyond. No one could have imagined a global pandemic that would force the closing of classroom instruction and all courses being shifted to online teaching in the middle of a semester. We had to be resourceful, and our faculty, professional staff and students met the challenges by exhibiting creativity, innovation, and open mindedness.

We will undoubtedly be challenged in the foreseeable future until a vaccine is created and globally distributed. Until then, we pledge to deliver the best educational experience possible that prepares our students for the new and ever-emerging world of sports that will undoubtedly be re-shaped by this public health crisis. We must thoroughly prepare our students to meet these -- and a host of other challenges -- with knowledge, critical thinking, thoughtful conviction, and visionary foresight.

Our senior class never envisioned their final semester of college would end so abruptly, both academically and socially. None of us did. Nearly all students on Senior Capstones were forced to complete their academic requirements online or work remotely. There was no convocation. No graduation. No sports. Sports remain a great metaphor for life’s difficult lessons. It was through athletics that many of us first came to understand that the ability to achieve something special, surprisingly, lies within. San Antonio Spurs head coach Greg Popovich said, “The measure of who we are is how we react to something that doesn’t go our way.”

COVID-19 has not been the only major disruption this year. In recent months we have also experienced a sweeping social justice movement directed toward eradicating racial injustice and enacting positive social change for all people of color. This embodies the Falk College mantra of teaching social responsibility and social justice and our department mission of using sports as a platform for social change. Now, more than any time since the inception of our department, I ask all of you, past, present and prospective students, faculty and staff, Advisory Council members, Emerging Leadership Council and supporters of the program to unite behind this movement.

From Jackie Robinson to Mohammed Ali to Colin Kaepernick to Michael Jordan, the sport industry has helped raise social consciousness, created opportunities for Blacks and under-represented ethnicities and gradually helped change the sports culture in a positive direction. While progress is being made, further education can be an effective change agent. I hope you will join our department in making a vigilant commitment to enhance race relations in our department, College, community, and country.

The Department of Sport Management stands in solidarity with our students and fellow faculty and staff who have been affected by acts of violence and hatred. We unequivocally condemn these and all acts targeting any minority group, whether on our campus or in our society.

We are committed to working toward the systematic change required to create a university community – and society – that embodies social justice, equity, and inclusion. We are committed to working toward creating a campus community where we all feel a sense of welcome and respect.

Since our inception, Sport Management students have been affecting positive social change in our community with civic engagement, fundraising and volunteerism, a hallmark of the program and Falk College. Our alumni continue to “pay it forward” by supporting our students and the program they helped to establish and build. Together we are affecting change and making a difference, but more is needed.

There is a depressed job market and the sports industry -– like nearly all sectors of the economy -- is going to take several months to recover from its economic hardships and financial losses.

To our Class of 2020 graduates and alumni who have been furloughed or had their jobs eliminated, persevere! Getting a job parallels sport. It is about skill, timing, and positioning. Accept that denial and failure are part of that short-term process. But remember, if you are not hired for a specific job or internship, “No” is only a temporary pause in your life. No really means Next Opportunity.

You cannot script your life and ALL of us are experiencing that presently. It is you vs. you. Everyday. Always has been. Always will be. Battle through this temporary challenge. Your career is about offense. You will not reach your potential by being passive and playing defense. Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. That is often where the fruit is.

To our alumni: When public health conditions allow visiting campus, attending our alumni functions, or guest lecturing in a class, we welcome you with open arms. Our students are anxious to hear about your journey to success and we welcome your involvement.

As always, Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Orange!!


Michael Veley, Director and Chair, Rhonda S. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management

From our Dean…

A global health crisis has caused us to reflect and focus on our health, our relationships and serving our communities. Our attention is also focused on racial justice and positive social action for change. The collective Falk College community is united in its guiding values of social responsibility and social justice. The faculty and staff in the Department of Sport Management, under the visionary leadership of Professor Michael Veley, embrace sports as a platform to instill these values in our students.

Throughout these pages you will read about social responsibility in action. I am exceedingly proud of how Falk College’s Department of Sport Management is preparing a socially responsible workforce, which is evident by our alumni leading the way in the communities where they live and work.

In recent months we have witnessed the importance of social responsibility in the sport industry, from professional athletes who have donated millions of dollars to assist with pandemic relief to leagues and team members who have utilized their platforms to lead efforts for racial and social justice. While much work remains, educating for change is seen and engaged here at Syracuse University. It gives us hope that sports will continue to be a platform for forward progress.

Falk College is built on the values of social justice, and I have every confidence that in our Falk family—students, alumni, faculty, staff, board members, and friends—we will be active and using our voices for good in the days to come.

If not us, then who? If not now, then when? We all have a role to play. Now is the time.

— Diane Lyden Murphy, M.A. M.S.W., Ph.D., Dean, Falk College

How one company president forged ahead in uncertain times.

By Michael Patent, Founder and President, Culture Group, S.P.M.Advisory Council

Greetings from Singapore, where the government has allowed us to return to work in the office, eat at restaurants, and gather with others in a socially distant way. For most of the past five months, I have been working from home and managing my business remotely.

Our company, Culture Group, is a leading boutique marketing agency with interests in China, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia, so I am on a plane more often than not. As the reality of COVID-19 became apparent in February, I shifted my focus from expanding the business, to securing it and ensuring the safety of our most valued asset, our team of passionate young marketers across the region.

COVID-19 has been the world’s largest experiment in new habit formation, and consumers have sought out comfort and a sense of joy through the things they love most. As a result, our business has grown and we have added new employees, all of whom have had to begin their onboarding and work on Zoom!

Personally, this period has afforded me the chance to slow down, reconnect with family, friends and gain a greater appreciation for the little things. I have cooked, cleaned and enjoyed all aspects of a domestic life that I missed while crisscrossing Asia in support of our clients these past few years. While COVID-19 has been a tragic and terrible experience for many, Culture Group will emerge from it stronger.

I have just returned from a day at the office and I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss working from home…

Sport industry executives lend advice to students.

Charma Harris S.P.M.’13, Talent Acquisition Coordinator, C.N.A.:

As a corporate recruiter and human resources professional, COVID-19 has had a huge impact on our recruiting process. We had to completely transition our new hire process to be conducted remotely, and also help new employees feel connected with their teams and managers in a virtual environment. To the Class of 2020, you are joining the workforce during unprecedented times. I encourage you to remain optimistic and open to your career opportunities. Lean into the uncertainties of the sports industry and do not be afraid to take on smaller opportunities as they often lead to bigger ones. And remember, your career is a journey, so embrace all of the twists and turns along the way.

Mark Geddis, President and C.E.O., Geddis Holdings, Inc.:

The Coronavirus was a major setback for Super Fan Fundraising. We lost nearly our entire spring sales that represent 35 percent to 40 percent of the annual revenue. With schools, bands and Little League coming to a complete halt – so did our cashflow. We were determined to push forward. Rather than feel sorry, I informed all staff we would stay together (no layoffs or furloughs) and focus on the future. We are full speed ahead and excited for the return of students to school and youth sports back on the field. We have a lot of hard days ahead but if we stay positive, we just might come out of this pandemic in better shape than ever.

Sandy Montag, President and C.E.O., The Montag Group:

The global disappearance of sports that has come with COVID-19 has resulted not only in a rapid economic downfall, but unprecedented unemployment rates across the sports industry. Our company has been fortunate in being able to adapt quickly and effectively to continue operating remotely. I continue to stress the importance of face-to-face interaction, and thankfully, Zoom has been able to fill the majority of that void. Class of 2020 college graduates need to find ways to differentiate themselves by communicating effectively, getting creative and being proactive. Identify the trends and categories that will emerge as a result of the pandemic and start to get ahead of where those opportunities may live within the industry’s “new normal.” Stay positive, eager and busy!

Pam Hollander, Vice President of Consumer Marketing, Allstate:

We have definitely felt an impact from COVID-19. Sports sponsorships are completely disrupted with no games being played/events taking place. This is impacting our sponsorships of soccer, basketball, football, running, and even our naming rights on the Allstate Arena. Students looking to enter the sports industry should remain optimistic. Sports is not going away and when it does return to normal, it will be rightly celebrated. Sports is a common denominator and unifier for so many. People want and need something to cheer for right now. The current situation is forcing everyone to think differently and get creative with how we can use sports to connect with fans in unique ways.

Alumni step up to help in own unique ways.

Adversity challenges us to come together like never before, and for our alumni it was in the form of feeding health-care workers in New York City, rounding up supplies and P.P.E. equipment during a global pandemic, creating a virtual professional development series for young professionals, or coordinating a social media campaign for New York’s N.C.A.A. Division I basketball programs.

Andrew Arrospide ’13, Feeding first responders:

Arrospide began his career in the sport industry in 2013 with A.E.G. Los Angeles. After three years, he moved to the New York City area to work as an account executive with Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment.

In 2018, he shifted careers to work in the restaurant/hospitality industry and co-founded Alfalfa, a cafe in Hoboken, New Jersey. Alfalfa is a wellness brand dedicated to sprouting and building communities that embrace a culture of healthy and sustainable living.

“I decided to take my shot in the entrepreneurial world by starting a restaurant with my best friend,” Arrospide said. “We opened our first brick and mortar in 2019, after learning from the ground up, starting as a local vendor at a farmers market in 2018. The past year has been incredibly successful for us, and our concept has been well received in the community. Then COVID-19 forced us to close, but we were still able to raise money to feed first responders in our community.”

Kylee Haggerty ’14, Seeking P.P.E.:

Haggerty is a programming manager with Casper, a New York City-based sleep startup working to awaken the power of a well-rested world. Haggerty, who is based in Brooklyn, led efforts for people to donate Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) to healthcare workers.

Ben Horwitz ’17, #TeamNewYork:

Horwitz, who served as a graduate manager for the Syracuse University men’s basketball team during the 2019-20 academic year, combined with Andy Borman, the executive director of the New York Rens A.A.U. program, to coordinate a socialdistancing social media campaign featuring the men’s and women’s basketball coaches at each of the 22 schools with N.C.A.A. Division I basketball programs in New York State.

After graduating in 2017, Horwitz spent one year as an assistant basketball coach at Post (Connecticut) University before returning to campus to work on a master’s degree in S.U.’s School of Education.

There are 44 coaches participating in the campaign, each using their own social media platforms to share public health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The coaches are using the #TeamNewYork hashtag on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

“We realized the influence these coaches have in their communities,” Horwitz said. “When you look at all the coaches in the state and you realize everything they do individually for their communities, you realize the impact they can have in a situation like this.”

(The Syracuse Media Group contributed to this report).

Matthew Rose ’15, #ExperienceGood:

Rose is a manager of creative strategy at C.S.M. LeadDog, a leading consulting, marketing solutions and brand experience company. Rose, who is based in New York City, helped launch the #ExperienceGood digital hub to help industry professionals move onward during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 21 agencies have since joined the effort.

Tiffer Valente ’12, #BeatTheVirus:

Valente is the chief operating officer of Beat The Bomb, an immersive video game experience where guests must conquer levels to earn more time on the clock before a paint bomb explodes. During COVID-19, the Brooklyn, NY-based Beat The Bomb began a campaign called #BeatTheVirus. The company built an online computer game and sold t-shirts to raise awareness and funds for New York City health care workers and hospitals. This turned into an online tournament streamed on Twitch.

Beat The Bomb also donated all of its Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.) normally used for customers to hospitals in the New York City area.

Capstone curveball preps senior for sport industry future.

By Shanthi Sepe-Chepuru, S.P.M.Class of 2020.

During the Spring 2020 semester, while I was completing my Senior Capstone as a media relations intern with minor league baseball’s Pensacola (Florida) Blue Wahoos, COVID-19 hit, shutting down the sport industry and putting the Wahoos’ season on hold. The transition was abrupt. Less than two weeks before, we hosted a college baseball tournament, where I acted as a cameraperson, scoreboard operator and game photographer.

When COVID-19 hit, we had just entered the final stages of our Opening Day preparations. My primary projects were all intended to be finalized by our April 9 opening, including rebuilding and managing the team’s new website and finalizing the production of the team’s 2020 Media Guide. I wrote articles and press releases, attended media events, and assisted in game-day production. We spent months working in earnest toward a finish line that, very suddenly, no longer existed.

After COVID-19 suspended the Wahoos’ season and the organization transitioned to working remotely, my  role changed significantly for the Double-A affiliate of the Minnesota Twins. I focused primarily on the website, which had to be entirely rebuilt in a new software. Shortly thereafter, I was offered the opportunity to work remotely on media relations for the Beloit (Wisconsin) Snappers, the Class-A affiliate of the Oakland Athletics. For the remainder of my Spring 2020 Capstone, I rebuilt the Snappers’ website and assisted with graphic design, marketing and social media.

After graduating from Syracuse University in May 2020, I transitioned to a remote media relations role with the Snappers, while remaining in Pensacola. I now manage the Snappers’ social media accounts and website, as well as assist with the marketing for a new stadium and team rebranding.

This was obviously not the way I envisioned my senior Capstone playing out. I anticipated working closely with the media and players, publishing my first game stories and hopefully seeing the Twins’ top prospects in action. Instead, I spent Opening Day social distancing at home, doing my best to keep the team prepared for the season to start at any moment.

While COVID-19 has brought disappointment and heartbreak for so many, the transition taught me the importance of workplace community. I saw first-hand the value of creativity and willingness to think outside the box. I never anticipated working remotely for half of my Capstone and running a media department for a team 1,000 miles away a month after graduation. I will not say it has been easy, but I am grateful for these challenges. I know this entire experience — the planned and the unprecedented — has prepared me for anything the sport industry can throw at me in the future.

Seniors on Capstone feel effects of industry shutdown.

During the Spring 2020 semester, 38 Sport Management seniors worked in numerous sectors of the sport industry while completing their Capstone. COVID-19 impacted every single one of them, each in different ways. Sport Management internship placement coordinators Nicole Cost, Lisa Liparulo and Kevin McNeill guided the students through the semester as most transitioned from on-site work to remote.

“I was devastated for the seniors when the pandemic hit, especially because I know personally how invaluable the Capstone experience is,” said Cost, a 2008 graduate of the program. “As their final presentations revealed, our students are adaptable and resilient. We are immensely proud of their efforts, finishing strong academically, and staying as positive as possible throughout a really difficult experience.”

Rhett Kahny ’20, Hashtag Sports:

“The COVID-19 pandemic presented Sport Management seniors with the opportunity to take on a Capstone experience unlike any other. At Hashtag Sports, we transitioned from our flagship in-person conference to a virtual ‘Hashtag Sports LIVE.’ I ran the Community Spotlight web series aimed at incubating virtual networking. This presented me with the opportunity to work with the creative director of Russell Wilson’s production company, West2East Empire. This led to a strong professional relationship and I was able to pitch Wilson as a potential speaker at Hashtag Sports LIVE.”

Ricki Sperry ’20, Syracuse University Athletics’ Compliance Department:

“The biggest takeaway I learned from this scenario is adaptability. I went from working eight hours a day in the office, to moving back home and trying to work from there. It was difficult to pick up my life and move home while realizing I would not be returning to Syracuse University to finish my senior year, as well as not having the graduation ceremony that all seniors worked so hard for. It is hard to stay positive in a world where the future of sports is uncertain.”

Kyle Walker ’20, WarnerMedia:

“It is safe to say that the Spring semester, and the Capstone experience as a whole, did not go according to plan. Although it was extremely beneficial and gave me an invaluable experience, the COVID-19 pandemic turned my Capstone and WarnerMedia operations upside down. Working from home forced everyone to navigate new challenges. As our sports properties announced the postponement or cancellation of the remainder of their seasons, we adapted to the abnormality in the sport industry as best as we could.”

Kinsey Davis-Corr ’20, Hitz & Branding / Vanderbilt Athletics Department:

“One of the biggest takeaways I learned while operating during a pandemic is you must have the ability to adapt to any circumstance. I found new ways to increase the abilities and ventures of projects. If you can reconstruct ideas to continue to make them viable, you will be able to handle any situation.”

Noah Diorio ’20, C.S.M. Sport and Entertainment:

“I learned the importance of crisis management and how to stay active in times of uncertainty. My department continued working remotely after many of our properties had their seasons canceled. We stayed diligent and searched for new business opportunities. I learned that when a crisis occurs, continue to work hard and look forward, as it’s easier to keep a positive mindset and stay on track.”

John Ruggiero ’20, X.F.L.:

“I am beyond grateful that I was able to complete my senior Capstone with the X.F.L. All in one semester, I was thrown right into the middle of a start-up company, helped launch a sports league and then witnessed its closing in a pandemic. Despite its end, I know I made connections and friends for life from this organization. “

Jake Kleban ’20, Athletes First Partners:

“I was in the middle of my Capstone with Athletes First Partners (A1P), a sales and marketing agency in New York City, when COVID-19 kicked us out of the office quickly in March 2020. A1P conducted virtual calls to keep everyone connected. Our main business is our partnership with the N.B.A. Players Association, and despite the suspension of the N.B.A. season, we were able to execute new deals and adjust to this new way of working.”


Congratulations to the Class of 2020.

On May 10, 2020, Syracuse University held a virtual conferral of degrees for its Class of 2020. Due to COVID-19, the planned on-campus Commencement, as well as all College-specific Convocations and award ceremonies, were canceled.

The Department of Sport Management congratulates 99 Sport Management undergraduates, 13 Sport Analytics undergraduates, and 11 Sport Venue and Event Management master’s graduates who received their degrees as part of the Class of 2020.

The 2020 department Marshals were Brandon Pollack (undergraduate) and Kyla Robinson (graduate). Connor Monzo (S.P.M.), Brandon Pollack (S.P.M.) and Nick Riccardi (S.A.L.) were named Falk College Scholars.

Twenty-four Sport Management/Sport Analytics students in the Class of 2020 graduated with honors with a G.P.A. of 3.4 or higher. Fifteen students graduated Magna Cum Laude (G.P.A. of 3.6 or higher) and 10 graduated Summa Cum Laude (G.P.A. of 3.8 or higher).

The following members of the Class of 2020 graduated with double majors: Ethan Alpern (sport analytics/public relations); Gareth Jobling (sport analytics/economics); Cameron Johnson (sport analytics/psychology); Kyle Liotta (sport analytics/economics); Nicholas Schloop (sport analytics/economics); and Declan Wright (sport management/ economics).

The Department of Sport Management traditionally celebrates its graduates during Commencement Weekend in May by holding an award ceremony and reception for seniors and their families, as well as faculty and staff. Due to COVID-19, this ceremony was not held. Here is a list of the senior awards:

  • Director’s Award – Connor Monzo

  • Academic Excellence Award – Carolin Bader

  • Academic Excellence Award – Jillian Barry

  • Matt Brodsky Philanthropic Award – Owen Herrington

  • Sport Management VIP Award – Austin Towns

  • Professional Engagement Award – Kelsey Smith

  • Jason Morales Perseverance in Sport and Life Award – Abel Mickey Watson

  • Director’s Award for Academic Promise – Niklas Schmidt

  • Kate Veley Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility Award – Thomas Adams

  • Graduate Student Award – Hallie Caruthers

  • Sport Analytics Academic Excellence Award – Dylan Blechner

  • Sport Analytics Research Excellence Award - Nick Riccardi

  • Sport Analytics Director’s Award for Academic Promise – Joseph Sabel

  • Sport Analytics Sport Analytics VIP Award - Kyle Liotta

Twenty-three students received the Director’s Academic Achievement Award Clock for earning a G.P.A. of 3.4 or higher for each of their consecutive semesters at Syracuse University: Thomas Adams, Carolin Bader, Jillian Barry, Dylan Blechner, Hunter Bruckner, Matthew Bustillo, Youngchae Cho, Matthew Defusco, Luca DiNapoli, Sydney Gauzza, Andrea Ghanian, Daniel Goetz, Joshua Hentschel, Patrick Hopkins, Gareth Jobling, Connor Monzo, Aaron Morrow, Matthew Pignatella, Brandon Pollack, Nick Riccardi, Jacob Rogovin, Austin Towns, and Alexandra Trager.

Eight students were named Berlin Sport Analytics Scholars for the Class of 2020: Dylan Blechner, Daniel Goetz, Gareth Jobling, Kyle Liotta, Stephen McClain, Nick Riccardi, Joseph Sabel and Nicholas Schloop. For more on the Sport Analytics program, see pages 20-24.

Also, the M.S. in Sport Venue and Event Management program concluded its eighth year.

Visit Sport Management’s online resources.

Be sure to check out our website for department information, program news, club meeting dates and activities, and other special events.

Also, be sure to follow Sport Management on Twitter @SUSportMgmt, and “like” us on Facebook at S.U. Falk College Department of Sport Management.

Welcome Class of 2024 undergraduates.

Sport Analytics:

Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Iowa, Jamaica, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Montana, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Singapore, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin.

Sport Management:

British Columbia Canada, California, China, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Mexico, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ontario Canada, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, United Arab Emirates, Virginia, Washington.

Congratulations to the following students for achieving an overall cumulative G.P.A. of 3.4 or higher, as of the end of the 2019-2020 academic year.

Sport Management:

Class of 2020.

Thomas Adams, Peter Appel, Carolin Bader, Jillian Barry, Andrew Blutig, Hunter Bruckner, Matthew Bustillo, Joseph Carello, Youngchae Cho, Carlos Christian Rey, Matthew Defusco, Andrew Derda, Luca Di Napoli, Noah Diorio, Nicholas Felicetti, Sydney Gauzza, Daniel Geraci, Andrea Ghanian, Patrick Hopkins, Sarah Incerpi, Rhett Kahny, Connor Monzo, Aaron Morrow, Adam Newman, Jordan Novak, Alexandra Olnowich, Francis Petrillo, Matthew Pignatella, Brandon Pollack, Hunter Pomerantz, Leah Riccolo, Kristen Rogers, Jacob Rogovin, Justin Saxe, Nikki Scala, Emma Schambers, Shanthi Sepe-Chepuru, Kelsey Smith, Ricki Sperry, Alexandra Trager, Matthew Voytko Glazer, Kyle Walker, Bailey Ware, Declan Wright.

Class of 2021.

Victor Allaham, Ryan Beaury, Jacob Berger, Andrew Bush, Matthew Diemand, Oliver Glavin, Margaret Haggerty, Ryan Harteveldt, Jianghui Hu, Caroline Johnson, Emani Jones, Max Josef, Ruth Kaiser, Jonah Kane, Josephine Kiesel, Seth Kourpas, Griffin Laine, Nicolas Lemaire, Guozheng Li, Henry Little, Jordan Lucero, Kaitlynn Miller, Jonathan Offit, Marc Orlin, Jenna Parker, Lucas Prestamo, Jack Rothstein, Simone Saputo, Dylan Schwartz, Kristen Siermachesky, Jayson Staiger, Zijian Wang.

Class of 2022.

Luke Adelstein, Finnian Bendana, Nathan Besold, Christian Buonadonna, Charles Burns, Xiaoxiao Chen, Yau Tak Chow, Devan Dachisen, Matthew Davis, Ryan Dilts, Caitlin Donoghue, Rachel Duke, Ava Eckhoff, Katherine Eliou, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Jakob Fox, Anna Genter, Luca Giacobbe, Connor Howard, Hannah Kuo, Peri Lamkin, John Lichtenstein, Zichen Lu, Joao Murray, Danielle Parr, Jared Pastore, Shehreyar Piracha, Noah Radic, Harrison Rayhill, Emily Rubinshteyn, Bryan Schwab, Kira Sebastianelli, Emery Swanson, Jenna Tivnan, Jonah Wheeler.

Class of 2023.

Michael Altschul, Kailey Brenner, Dylan Canell, Conor Chesterman, Alexander Chillemi, Ethan Cohen, Maeva Collatos, Samuel Crampton, Stephanie Deangelis, Juliana DiCenso, Dara Doft, Kevin Donoghue, Rahul Dua, Zachary Erber, Jake Fienberg, Joshua Friedman, Alex Guo, Logan Haden Harris, Jesse Hirtenstein, Morgan Huseby, Nyah Jones, Melanie Kelly, Andrew Leconte, Jae Hyoung Lee, Yueyang Li, Joshua Linder, Juliano Macera, Margaret Monzo, Michael Morrone, Chloe Moss, Emerson Murphy, Zhishan Ni, Christopher Onorato, Benjamin Paglia, Zachary Paskal, Faith Porter, Brianne Quinlan, Killian Quirk, Andrew Schiffer, Maxwell Schobel, Megan Sheehan, Bolun Sun, Blake Taub, Eitan Taub, Anna Theodosopoulos, Connor Toomey, Noah Wagner, Cooper Walner, Yichen Zhang.

Sport Analytics:

Class of 2020.

Ethan Alpern, Dylan Blechner, William Friedeman, Daniel Goetz, Gareth Jobling, Cameron Johnson, Kyle Liotta, Stephen McClain, Nick Riccardi, Joseph Sabel, Nicholas Schloop.

Class of 2021.

Zachary Anhalt, Jonathan Bosch, Joseph Deaton, Jack Dolitsky, James McCrary Hyman, Zachary Koeppel, Colin Krantz, Samuel Marteka, Dylan McGee, Brendan McKeown, Cameron Mitchell, Colby Olson, Alejandro Pesantez, Harrison Platt, Kushal Shah, Davis Showell.

Class of 2022.

Samual Ayers, Evan Baum, Bailie Brown, Joe Chen, Joshua Danzig, Steven Dimaria, Drew Disanto, Brian Drew, Dante Giugliano, Justin Harrington, Sean Kenney, Joseph Pickering, Dean Preston, Hughston Preston, Dominic Samangy, Cooper Shawver, Christopher Thomas, Andrew Todd, Ward Walton, Brandon Wunderlich, David Zukowski.

Class of 2023.

Benjamin Allen, Ian Archer, James Beck, Jackson Beers, Daniel Beim, Mitchell Bereznay, Alexander Borelli, Daniel Brockett, Elijah Buto, Xinliang Chen, Kylie Dedrick, Philip Frank, Benjamin Gansenberg, Sam Gellman, Matthew Gennaro, Corey Goldman, Shane Halpin, Colin Hardy, Jackson Hecker, Gabriel Herz, Liam Hogan, Kevin Ivers, Christopher Jones, Preston Klaus, Graham Kotchick, Jared Lavigueur, Nathaniel Mahoney, Mackenzie Mangos, Connor Meissner, Eli Miller, Austin Murphy, Jacob Murrer, Daniel Nagle, Michael O’Connor, Zachary Palfey, Matthew Penn, Seth Quinn, Ruben Sanchez Sara, Chase Seibold, Brenden Slomka, Ryan Song, Quinn Spangler, Matthew Tan, Benjamin Wachtel, Seth Warner, Daniel Wiederhorn.

Senior Capstone Experience.

Among the most valuable attributes of the Department of Sport Management is its connection with the sport industry, which impacts students in numerous ways, including the Senior Capstone experience. As a part of their degree requirements, Sport Management students must complete a 12-credit Capstone providing an opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience in the sports industry before graduation.

Since the Capstone is the culmination of one’s academic experience, the planning process begins during a student’s freshman year. The process concludes with the full-semester experience with a specific sport entity or organization as local as Central New York to across the United States and around the world.

A Capstone requires students to work with a sport-related organization for a minimum of 540 hours over the course of one semester, gaining experience in areas such as sales, marketing, finance, analytics, event management, collegiate athletics, communications, law, community relations, and more.

Listed below are Sport Management students and the organizations where they completed their senior Capstone in 2019- 2020. We are grateful to our growing list of Capstone partners, who continue to provide tremendous learning opportunities for our students.

This all happens under the leadership of Sport Management internship placement coordinators Nicole Cost, Lisa Liparulo and Kevin McNeill.

Fall 2019:

Thomas Adams, New York Yankees; Caitlin Alessi, New England Revolution; Jesse Altmeyer, C.S.M.; William Amon, Madison Square Garden; Courtney Anderson, Garden of Dreams (M.S.G.); Tyler Anes, Hurricane Junior Golf Tour; Michael Bennett, Priority Sports and Entertainment; Andrew Blutig, Excel Sports Management; Matthew Bustillo, Major League Baseball; Justin Butterman, Talent Resources Sports; Joseph Carello, Syracuse University Athletics; Carlos Christian Rey, Excel Sports Management; Nicholas Cohen, Philadelphia Eagles; Caroline Davis, Pittsburgh Penguins; Matthew Defusco, N.B.C. Sports Philadelphia; Andrew Derda, C.S.M.; Ryan Gargiulo, Syracuse University Women’s Basketball; Andrea Ghanian, Madison Square Garden; Drew Hurley, Syracuse University Athletics - Facilities; Sarah Incerpi, Legends - Rose Bowl; Justin Jedwab, Radegen Sports Management; Justin Katz, Hurricane Junior Golf Tour; Nicole Kittay, Baltimore Orioles; Zachary Kushell, New York Jets; Adam Newman, Excel Sports Management; Jacob Patalino, Excel Sports Management; Francis Petrillo, Madison Square Garden; Matthew Pignatella, D.K.C.; Brandon Pollack, Wasserman; Alexis Richer, Special Olympics New York; Kristen Rogers, Tulane University Football; Alexander Rosenbaum, Nashville Predators; Jake Rosone, Talent Resources; Kai Ruskin, Sporting K.C.; Justin Saxe, Excel Sports Management; Emma Schambers, T.D. Garden; Niklas Alexander Schmidt, V.F.L. Wolfsburg; Zachariah Smookler G.M.R.; Austin Towns, Point 3; Alexandra Trager, Syracuse University Athletics - Marketing; Montana Tyrus, B.S.E. Global - Long Island Nets; Evan Weinberg, C.S.M.; Declan Wright, Vayner Sports.

Spring 2020:

Peter Appel, New York Yankees; Brad Aretsky, Fairleigh Dickinson Athletics; Hunter Bruckner, Washington Redskins; Youngchae Cho, Le Moyne Athletics; Nolan Cooney, Syracuse University Athletics - Sales and Marketing; Justin Davis, Fayetteville-Manlius High School Athletics Department; Kinsey Davis-Corr, Hitz & Branding / Vanderbilt Athletics; Luca Di Napoli, Spartan Race; Noah Diorio, C.S.M.; Nicholas Felicetti, Talent Resources; Sydney Gauzza, Syracuse University Athletics - Communications; Daniel Geraci, Syracuse University Athletics – Marketing; Matthew Glazer, Syracuse University Athletics - Marketing; Nathan Glazer, D.K.C.; Rhett Kahny, Hashtag Sports; Jacob Kleban, Athletes First Partners; Matthew Linico, POINT 3; Connor Monzo, New York Yankees; Aaron Morrow, Excel Sports Management; Jordan Novak, Hurricane Junior Golf Tour; Jonathan Ochstein, WarnerMedia; Cameron Reece, Syracuse University – Women’s Basketball; Leah Riccolo, Rubicon Talent; Jacob Rogovin, C.S.M.; John Ruggiero, X.F.L.; Nikolas Santana, New York Red Bulls; Nikki Scala, Thuzio; Max Schneider, G.S.E. Worldwide; Shanthi Sepe-Chepuru, Pensacola Blue Wahoos; Jun Song, Syracuse F.C.; Ricki Sperry, Syracuse University Athletics - Compliance; Stephen Steiger, Syracuse University Athletics - Ticket Sales; Alex Teperman, The Montag Group; Jordan Tyler, Syracuse Crunch; Kyle Walker, WarnerMedia; Bailey Ware, Syracuse Mets; Tristan Wendel, United Soccer League; Colin Williams, C.S.M.

Summer 2020:

Justin Bash, POINT 3; Jillian Berry Rookie Road; Langshen Chen, Shenzhen New Century Basketball Club; Fanning Hearon, POINT 3; Melissa Kerner, Major League Lacrosse; Ethan Kimme,l U.S.O.C. Los Angeles Committee 2028; Alec Minick, The Stadium at Syracuse University; Hunter Pomerantz, Madison Square Garden; Maxwell Santos, SponsorUnited; William Shim, Purl Collective and Talent Resources; Ty’Reek Sizer, Rochester King.


Senior sees all aspects of industry with C.S.M.

By Andrew Derda, S.P.M.’20

During the Fall 2019 semester, I completed my Senior Capstone with C.S.M. Sport & Entertainment, a global integrated marketing agency headquartered in London and with offices around the world, including New York City, where I was based.

The experience provided an amazing opportunity to delve into different aspects of sports and entertainment industries, including sponsorships, event management and gaming.

I was one of two interns in Brand Partnerships responsible for fostering relationships between clients and potential brand partners. A majority of my work focused on managing personal outreach for brands on behalf of C.S.M. clients, such as U.S. Club Soccer, a division of the U.S. Soccer Federation, Harley Davidson and Bit Fry Game Studios. I was responsible for bi-weekly outreach to specific contacts for each of the brands, as well as following up and tracking brand conversations utilizing Salesforce.

I volunteered to work on a project for Chelsea F.C., as the soccer club planned its tour of the United States. I used my study abroad experience in London to contribute a unique perspective on how to grow the club’s brand in the United States.

I managed a weekly newsletter sent to C.S.M. employees worldwide, and was responsible for ensuring that a team of interns submitted weekly articles and news briefs.

Since graduating from Syracuse University in May 2020, I have been interviewing with sports marketing agencies and often find myself referencing my C.S.M. Capstone experiences.


On the pitch with Sporting Kansas City.


By Kai Ruskin, S.P.M.’20


During the Fall 2019 semester, I completed my senior Capstone with Sporting Kansas City, a Major League Soccer franchise in Kansas City, Missouri.


As an intern in the Corporate Partnerships Department, I worked on sales and activations to prospect new partners for the club, as well as manage and execute existing partnership agreements.


I learned and experienced so much during my time with Sporting K.C., such as leading projects in partnership recaps, partner briefs, and managing asset inventory. I took detailed notes on our conference calls with A.T.&T., as well as in-person meetings with John Deere. Outside of the office, I attended and worked multiple activation events with A.T.&T., including meet and greets with players, and a watch party for the final game of the season.


Gamedays were the most exciting aspect of my Capstone experience. Sporting K.C. has established a passionate and loyal fanbase that makes every game a memorable experience for the team as well as the fans. Interacting with fans in an authentic and unfiltered sports environment is something I will never forget.


Since graduating from Syracuse University in December 2019, I have maintained my Kansas City connections and hope to use this experience to land a corporate partnerships role with a professional sports team or organization.


Long Island Nets Capstone leads to job.


By Montana Tyrus, S.P.M.’20


During the Fall 2019 semester, I completed my Senior Capstone with Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment (B.S.E.) Global as a team marketing intern for the Long Island Nets, the G-League affiliate of the Brooklyn Nets based in Uniondale, New York.


I experienced the inner-workings of a sports organization and now understand how marketing works with various departments.   I helped manage and update the team’s social media accounts, worked the set-up and implementation of community events, and assisted with grassroots marketing efforts, among other tasks.


I worked several events, including media day, local player tryouts, youth basketball clinics, and community events. My favorite part of this Capstone experience was working game days and seeing how all the moving parts, from sales to marketing to sponsorship, came together to create a memorable experience for fans. Even though game days were long, working with incredible staff on Long Island made it memorable!


This internship with the Nets allowed me to go beyond classroom learning and teach me valuable hands-on experience in the sports industry. It helped me connect and network with industry professionals that I’ve stayed in contact with following my capstone. 

Since graduating from Syracuse University in May 2020, I’m proud to say I have returned to B.S.E. Global as an account executive for the Long Island Nets.


Events aplenty during Rose Bowl Capstone.


By Sarah Incerpi, S.P.M.’20


During the Fall 2019 semester, I completed my Senior Capstone in Pasadena, California, with Legends at Rose Bowl Stadium. More specifically, I interned in the Rose Bowl Premium Seating Department as a marketing and sales intern.


I had the privilege of working many events, including a United States Women’s National soccer team’s victory tour match, a Rolling Stones concert, the entire 2019-2020 U.C.L.A. football season, and the 2020 Rose Bowl Game. With each event, I was exposed to event preparation and experienced what it took to successfully execute events of this magnitude. I coordinated with many departments, communicated event details with clients, and aimed to make each event an unforgettable experience for all that attended.


As the internship progressed, I took on more of a marketing role and was responsible for building the communications and marketing calendar while coordinating with the marketing manager. I completed numerous marketing pieces, social media content, and splash pages as well as email newsletters and event invitations.


My Capstone with Rose Bowl Premium Seating was an incredible journey filled with valuable experiences, life lessons, and unforgettable memories. I can confidently say I learned many skills that I will take with me as I begin my career in the sport industry. I am excited to apply my real-world experiences along with my passion for the world of sports to my career.


S.P.M.Club raises $57,021 at 15th Charity Auction.


The Sport Management Club at Syracuse University raised $57,021 for Make-A-Wish Central New York as a result of its 15th Annual Charity Sports Auction. During the S.U. men’s basketball game on Nov. 16, 2019 at the Carrier Dome, supporters placed bids on more than 500 items, including sports memorabilia, electronics, jewelry, gift baskets, trips, and tickets to sporting events.


The S.P.M.Club is a student-run organization in the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics’ Sport Management Department. Since its founding in 2005, the club has raised $524,000 for local charities. Previous beneficiaries of the club’s annual charity auction have included Meals on Wheels, Boys & Girls Clubs, Golisano Children’s Hospital at Upstate, the Ronald McDonald House Charities of C.N.Y., the Central New York S.P.C.A., the Upstate Cancer Center, Special Olympics New York, Food Bank of C.N.Y., the Salvation Army, Rescue Mission Alliance, American Diabetes Association, and McMahon/ Ryan Child Advocacy Center.


“Once again, the outstanding Syracuse University Sport Management students have exceeded our expectations,” said Diane Kuppermann, president and C.E.O. of Make-A-Wish Central New York. “Their energy, effort and passion for our mission was evident throughout the process. Their professionalism and drive resulted in this extraordinary gift that will benefit local kids battling critical illness. Their contributions to the most vulnerable in our community will have lasting impact.”


Make-A-Wish serves 15 counties around Central New York, granting wishes and helping strengthen and empower children battling critical illnesses.


“Our Sport Management Club was founded on the principles of teaching our membership the value of civic engagement, community service, and social responsibility through sports,” said Michael Veley, Rhonda S. Falk endowed professor and director of Sport Management, who also serves as the organization’s faculty advisor. “The countless hours of dedication by these students to ensure that the charity auction would make wishes come true for local children and their families, is extremely gratifying. Collectively, we are honored to support our community.”


The Sport Management Club meets weekly during the academic year. For more information, contact S.P.M.Club president Sam Marteka ( For more information about the annual Charity Auction, visit Twitter @SPMAuction as well as

Photos with captions in this section include: Syracuse University’s Sport Management Club presented a check for $57,021 to representatives from Make-A-Wish Central New York on Feb. 11, 2020, at the Carrier Dome. Shown here are Make-AWish C.N.Y. Director of Corporate Philanthropy Kate Veley, Auction Co-Chair Caroline Johnson ’21, S.P.M.Club President Sam Marteka ’21, and Make-A-Wish C.N.Y. President and C.E.O. Diane Kuppermann.


S.P.M. students share experiences with refugees.


A cornerstone of the Sport Management program at Syracuse University is teaching students about social responsibility and community service. During the Spring 2020 semester, five Sport Management students spent an evening discussing their classes, career goals, internship experiences, and skills necessary to succeed in the sport industry, among other topics, with a group of Syracuse City high school students from Refugee and Immigrant Self-Empowerment (RISE). RISE is a local non-profit that focuses on advocating and promoting self-sufficiency through employment, education, social support, and economic independence for members of the refugee and immigrant communicates in Onondaga County. Devan Dachisen, Caroline Johnson, Megan Monzo, João Murray and Niklas Schmidt – students hailing from New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Brazil and Germany – came together to share their stories, advice, and even teach each other communicative phrases from their home countries. The S.U. students also learned how to say “Hello” in some of the RISE members’ first language.


A letter from the S.P.M. Club president.


By Sam Marteka, S.P.M. ’21, S.P.M. Club President


As a member of the first-ever freshman class of Sport Analytics majors at Syracuse University in Fall 2017, I knew I wanted to dive right in and get involved with everything I could from day one. An activity that appealed to me right away was the Sport Management Club. I had already started to meet fellow Sport Management and Sport Analytics students in my dorm and was eager to join the Club. Looking back, it was one of the best decisions I have made so far in my college career.


The Sport Management Club, under the guidance of Professor Michael Veley and phenomenal student leaders, has provided countless students, regardless of major, invaluable experiential learning opportunities that expand our professional, academic, and social skillsets. I have had the honor to lead this club, and all of its high-achieving members and officers, for almost two years now, and have never been more proud to be the president of such a special organization.


While our trademark event for the last 15 years has been the Charity Sports Auction, the Sport Management Club at Syracuse University prides itself on serving the community. Club members put in an amazing 305 community service hours in Fall 2019 at places such as Make-A-Wish Central New York, Meals on Wheels Syracuse, Ronald McDonald House, OttoTHON, and 3fifteen.


We welcomed guest speakers in person and via Skype/Zoom from a variety of organizations such as S.U. Athletics, Learfield-I.M.G., N.B.A., Phoenix Suns, and Fenway Sports Management, among others. We also held professional development events throughout the year, helping students navigate applications, internships, cover letters, and resumes.


In Fall 2019, we held the campus’ first-ever charity “Super Smash Brothers E-Gaming Tournament” in the new Barnes Center Esports Room.


I am honored to lead a fine group of students who devote their time outside of class to the Sport Management Club every week. The future is extremely bright for the S.P.M. Club as well as the S.P.M.a nd S.A.L. programs here at Syracuse and I am grateful for the opportunities this club provides all of us.

Photos with captions in this section include:  S.P.M. Club members Nyah Jones, Alex Guo, Megan Monzo, Connor Monzo, Sam Marteka, Caroline Johnson, Brianne Quinlan and Connor Howard (from left) volunteered at the 2019 Sugarman Law Firm Wish Ball at the Oncenter, to benefit Make-A-Wish Central New York.  In Fall 2019, the Sport Management Club held a charity “Super Smash Brothers E-Gaming Tournament” in S.U.’s Barnes Center Esports Room.

Connect with S.U. Sport Management.

Department of Sport Management, Syracuse University, 402 MacNaughton Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244 - 315.443.9881 or 315.443.2630, (fax) 315.443.9716.

Michael Veley, Director and Chair,

Kathryn Tunkel, Administrative Assistant to Michael Veley,

Margie Chetney, Administrative Assistant,

Gina Pauline, Undergraduate Program Director,

Jeff Pauline, Graduate Program Director,

Rodney Paul, Analytics Program Director,

David Salanger, Assistant Dean, Advancement, Falk College,

Website, Facebook: S.U. Falk College Department of Sport Management, Twitter: @SUSportMgmt, LinkedIn.

Students receive assistance from scholarship funds.

Sport Management students are eligible to apply for annual scholarships to assist with the financial aspects of completing summer internships or senior Capstones.

Jennifer Corn Carter Fund:

The Jennifer Corn Carter Senior Capstone Award for Sport Management supports students in the department during their senior Capstone experiences. For the 2019-20 academic year, four students were honored with this award: Jesse Altmeyer, who interned with C.S.M. in Fall 2019; Nicole Kittay, who interned with the Baltimore Orioles in Fall 2019; Declan Wright, who interned with Vayner Sports in Fall 2019; and Nikki Scala, who interned with Thuzio in Spring 2020. Each received $500 to $1000.

Jennifer Corn Carter is a graduate of Syracuse University, with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work. She was honored with the Falk College’s 2010 Alumna of the Year Award for her on-going support of our students and Syracuse University. Her vision and support created the Jennifer Corn Carter Resource and Career Center in Falk College.

Student Learning Fund:

Nineteen Sport Management seniors were awarded scholarships from the Sport Management Student Learning Fund during the 2019-20 academic year. Each received $500 to $1000.

In Summer 2020, Melissa Kerner received the scholarship while interning with the Major League Lacrosse League.

In Spring 2020, nine students earned the scholarships: Luca Di- Napoli (Spartan Race), Matthew Glazer (Syracuse University Athletics - Marketing), Nathan Glazer (D.K.C.), Sydney Gauzza (Syracuse University Athletics - Communications), Rhett Kahny (Hashtag Sports), Jacob Kleban (Athletes First Partners), Aaron Morrow (Excel Sports Management), Alex Teperman (The Montag Group), and Kyle Walker (Turner Sports).

In Fall 2019, nine students earned the scholarships: Michael Taylor Bennett (Priority Sports), Matthew DeFusco (N.B.C. Sports Philadelphia), Andrew Derda (C.S.M.), Ryan Gargiulo (Syracuse University Women’s Basketball), Adam Newman (Excel Sports Management), Brandon Pollack (Wasserman), Justin Saxe (Excel Sports Management), Austin Towns (Point 3) and Montana Tyrus (B.S.E. Global).

Undergraduate Summer Internship Fund:

The Sport Management Summer Internship Fund provides support to undergraduate students pursuing unpaid summer internships, enabling them to gain industry experience.

Four students were awarded scholarships for their 2020 summer internships: Niko Armstrong (The Basketball Tournament), David Chow (Soccer Shots), Margaret Haggerty (Pittsburgh Penguins), and Jordan Lucero (Drone Racing League).

For more information about the funds, contact Sport Management internship coordinator Kevin McNeill at 315-443-1546 or

Sport Professionals of Color Club seeks new members.

The Sport Management Sport Professionals of Color Club wrapped up its sixth year in 2019-20, as an organization to connect students who identify as people of color with sport professionals from across the industry.

The organization was formed during the 2014-15 academic year with the purpose of helping to guide young professionals in their pursuit of success and career establishment in the industry. The club strives to improve members’ professional skills, host speakers, foster networking growth, and take part in experiential learning opportunities.

The club is always looking for new members to take part in its activities and meetings. Past events include an N.F.L. Draft watch party, co-hosting a panel discussion on women in sports titled “Competing to Win” as well as hosting a Madison Square Garden internship panel. The club has welcomed guest speakers Arnold Malloy of the Syracuse Chiefs, Kevin Cooper of the Houston Texans, Davina Sutton of E.S.P.N., social media entrepreneur Eamonn Donlyn, and E.S.P.N. Information Specialist Francisco Ramos.

Meetings are open to all Syracuse University students. Call the Department of Sport Management at 315-443-9881 for more information.

Students gain sport industry insights, make alumni connections in new esports course.

By Lisa Maresca, Syracuse University News

Several years ago, playing video games was something mostly done in basements after school to blow off steam. But these days it’s big business, netting million-dollar paychecks for gamers who win the League of Legends World Championships and incorporating big-name sports organizations, including the National Basketball Association (N.B.A.) and Major League Baseball.

Esports—electronic sports or gaming— often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individuals or teams. For years, David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management Rick Burton has discussed how esports is an emerging and high growth field with vast professional opportunities. Syracuse University recognized the industry’s growing popularity and importance when it opened a designated esports gaming room in the Barnes Center at The Arch. Professional esports players know the economic benefits that can be earned from gaming, but average everyday players are also recognizing the advantages, including social connectivity, mood enhancement, happiness and skill acquisition.

Last year, while discussing the importance of esports in another class, Burton came up with the idea for a new esports course. S.P.M. 300 Esports Management isn’t Syracuse University’s first class covering this type of subject matter—the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications offers Esports and Media—but the new course is the first esports offering in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics.

For his innovative new course, Burton put together a list of guest speakers to enhance learning for the 23 students enrolled in the class. The roster featured representatives from Riot Games (the makers of League of Legends), esports professors from other institutions, the play-by- play announcer for the N.B.A. 2K League (a basketball sports simulation video game), Syracuse University Board of Trustee member Jimmy Kuhn ’70, G’72 and his son Jake from Misfits Gaming Group (a professional esports team), and Chris Henderson S.P.M. ’18, the coordinator of marketing partnerships for the N.B.A. 2K League. Every student had the opportunity to interact with and present to these guest speakers and “clients”— much as they would when discussing a job opportunity or in the workplace.

“I wanted to touch on the breadth of the industry and talk about the people who play the sports professionally, the people on teams, the event organizers, the game creators, and the role of esports in our society today and in the sports industry in general,” says Burton.

The students in the class were divided into small groups—or “agencies”—and made presentations to many of the speakers. In their presentation to Syracuse alumnus Henderson, students shared their ideas on how the league can market to emerging fan bases.

“The students did a great job with their presentations,” says Henderson. “All six groups presented either an idea that the league is actively working on making happen or really engaging new ideas.”

Burton is optimistic that his Esports Management course will be offered again. “I think it’s been successful. The students seemed excited and committed,” says Burton.

Although he has a substantial background in sports marketing, including as the chief marketing officer for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee at the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, Burton’s career has focused on conventional rather than virtual sports. “I’m not really into playing esports,” he confesses. “I’m teaching something I feel needs to be taught and I have expertise in the sports industry. I needed to teach it because it is a relevant sector of the sports industry.”

Photos with caption in this section include:  Sport Management major Max Josef ’21 plays “N.B.A. 2K” at his house during the Spring 2020 semester while enrolled in the Falk College class S.P.M. 300 Esports Management.

Support Sport Management.

We continually strive to offer a variety of opportunities to support our Sport Management students. From scholarships and financial assistance to immersion programs and experiential field trips, along with inviting distinguished guest lectures to campus and hosting relevant symposiums, Falk College’s sport management education goes beyond the textbooks and the walls of our classrooms. David Salanger, Falk College assistant dean for advancement and external affairs, would welcome the opportunity to talk and/or meet with you to discuss program support and student learning opportunities. Please contact David at 315-443-8989 or

A.C.C. honors 8 S.P.M. student-athletes.

Eight Syracuse University Sport Management student-athletes were named on the Atlantic Coast Conference Honor Roll for the 2019-20 academic year. The Honor Roll is comprised of student-athletes who participated in a varsity-level sport and registered a grade point average of 3.0 or better for the full academic year.

The S.P.M.honorees are: Kailey Brenner, soccer; Nolan Cooney, football; Shaquille Grosvenor, football; Josie Kiesel, rowing; Alexandra Olnowich, ice hockey; Kristen Siermachesky, ice hockey; Jenna Tivnan, soccer; Connor Toomey, rowing.

Sales Club focuses on real-world experience.

During the 2019-20 academic year, the Sport Sales Club was busy increasing its membership, strengthening its partnership with Syracuse University Athletics, assisting with charity events and welcoming guest speakers from the sport industry.

Sales is often referred to as “the bread and butter of the sport industry.” To gain real-world experience, club members partnered with Syracuse University Athletics for a Night Sales Event, cold-calling prospects with the intent to sell tickets for S.U. football and men’s basketball games. The students helped generate $10,000 in new business revenue despite the semester being cut short due to COVID-19.

During the Fall 2019 semester, club members cold-called businesses near and far to solicit table sponsorships for the Department’s 15th Annual Charity Sports Auction benefiting Make-A-Wish Central New York.

The focus of the Spring 2020 semester was on bringing the first-ever sales combine to Syracuse University. In a collaboration with B.S.E. Global, the full-day event kicked off with panel discussions featuring Benjamin Neistat, manager of group sales, and Janaki Cash, manager of inside sales, of the Brooklyn Nets. After lunch, students returned for sales training followed by head-to-head, scenario-based competition in the format of a combine. The winner, Ian Benepe ’22, walked away with a signed Caris Levert jersey.

The club welcomed numerous guest speakers this past year, including Nick Szpur, New York Mets; Rachel Shor, New York Islanders; Steve McMahon, Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment; S.P.M.alumnus Sam Spector, Prudential Center; John Madden, New York Yankees; Foster Baker, Paycom; and S.P.M. alumnus Sandor Kopitz, Boston Red Sox.

New in 2019-20 was a mentorship program for club members. President Seth Kourpas asked three industry professionals to act as club mentors, or resources members could turn to for sales advice, industry insight, professional development tips, etc. The mentors were: Drew Fischer, manager of regional sales, Tailgate Guys; Benjamin Neistat, manager of group sales, B.S.E. Global; and Mark Bloom, senior manager of organizational business development, Cleveland Cavaliers.

The Sales Club was established in 2015 and serves as a medium for members to gain hands-on experience in the sport sales industry, as well as provide networking opportunities for students to earn jobs and internships.

Club officers for 2020-21 are Ian Benepe, president; Casey Millar, executive vice president; Sam Crampton, vice president of programming; Nick Costanzo, vice president of events; Alex Guo, vice president of membership; and Richie Clarke, vice president of administration.

The Sales Club meets weekly during the academic year. For more information, contact Benepe at or club advisor David Meluni at All Syracuse University students are welcome to attend.

Photos with caption in this section include: In February 2020, Sport Sales Club members hosted a sales combine with executives from B.S.E. Global.

S.P.M.hosts major leaguer, area coaches for State of Baseball event.

On November 11, 2019, Syracuse University’s Department of Sport Management hosted a panel discussion titled “The State of Business 2020.” Students heard from Arizona Diamondbacks outfielder Tim Locastro, 27, who is originally from nearby Auburn, New York. Locastro, who has been named the “fastest player in Major League Baseball,” is the only player to ever steal at least 20 bases in the Majors without being caught. Locastro headlined a panel of industry professionals, including:

  • New York Yankees Scout Marc DelPiano, who previously served as a special assistant to the general manager for the Pittsburgh Pirates from 2008-2015. He then became the vice president of player development for the Miami Marlins through September 2017. DelPiano also played two seasons of minor league baseball.

  • Cayuga Community College baseball coach T.J. Gamba, who is a former Miami Marlins minor league coach.

  • Ithaca College baseball coach David Valesente, who has also coached at Wells College and Saint Joseph’s University.

  • American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Famer and 41-year Ithaca College baseball coach George Valesente, who retired in 2019.

The panelists discussed the game as it evolves, from college to the minor leagues and ultimately the major leagues. They spoke about opportunities in professional baseball operations, scouting, front office administration, and analytics. Sport Management assistant teaching professor Dave Meluni organized the event and moderated the discussion.

“It was enlightening for our students to hear from a wide range of baseball professionals who are knowledgeable in all aspects of the game,” said Meluni, who teaches sport marketing, sales, sponsorship and promotion at Syracuse University. “With technology playing an ever-changing role in baseball, there are countless opportunities for our students to break into this industry.”

Photos with captions in this section include:  Panelists for Falk College’s State of Baseball event included (from left) Ithaca College baseball coach David Valesente, New York Yankees scout Marc DelPiano, Arizona Diamondbacks outfielder Tim Locastro, American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Famer George Valesente, and Cayuga Community College baseball coach TJ Gamba.

Active WISE members busy networking, volunteering.

Women in Sports and Events (WISE) is a nationally recognized group whose goal is to be a leading voice and resource for women who currently work in, or aspire to be a part of, the professional field of sports and events. In 2009, Syracuse University was voted in as the first collegiate chapter of WISE’s national organization, and since its inception on campus, has offered multiple professional development opportunities for membership.

Students in WISE are involved with numerous events and activities over the course of the academic year, including networking trips, fundraisers, interview workshops, professional development seminars, community service, and assisting with S.P.M. alumni events on campus.

In Fall 2019, the club organized a two-day trip to Pittsburgh to network and learn from industry professionals. The group met with executives from the Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Pirates, Pittsburgh Penguins, Diamond Kinetics, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and WISE Pitt. They toured Heinz Field, P.N.C. Park, and P.P.G. Paints Arena, and attended a Penguins N.H.L. game.

WISE members often volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House in Syracuse to cook and serve meals to families staying at the facility. The group also co-hosts workshops focusing on campus resources and resumes; partners with Witty Wicks, a homemade candle company, and Chipotle, to fundraise for future networking trips and events; and welcomes numerous guest speakers to campus or via Skype and Zoom.

“We all enjoy volunteering with WISE, to give back to the community we call home for four years,” said Devan Dachisen, vice president of programing and recruitment. “At S.U., we have so many incredible opportunities to grow in our careers, it only makes sense to give back to the community that we live in.”

In January 2020, partnering with Syracuse University women’s basketball, WISE co-hosted a “Professional Women of Syracuse” event at the Carrier Dome featuring panelists who shared their insights on working in athletics. Event attendees then watched S.U. take on Virginia Tech. Panelists included Jen Albanese, director of marketing, Syracuse University Athletics; Katie Berger, director of business operations and merchandise, Syracuse Mets; Megan Cahill, director of public relations and digital media, Syracuse Crunch; and Andrea Marino, director of corporate partnerships, Syracuse Crunch.

During the Spring 2020 semester, group members also job-shadowed the front-office female leaders at the A.H.L.’s Syracuse Crunch.

“WISE provides a fantastic way for young women to hold leadership positions and create opportunities for members, such as hosting events or collaborating with other on-campus groups,” said WISE co-advisor Nicole Cost, who is also an internship placement coordinator in the Department of Sport Management. “These are great talking points when networking as well as on interviews, not to mention a solid way to learn skills for when they leave campus.”

Keep up with S.U.’s WISE Club on Social Media: Twitter: @WISE_SU; Instagram: WISE_ Cuse; and Facebook: Women in Sports and Events at Syracuse University.

The club officers for 2020 are Caroline Johnson, president; Devan Dachisen, vice president of programing and recruitment; Cailtin Donoghue and Chloe Moss, social media and communications co-chairs; and Megan Monzo, treasurer and fundraising chair.

WISE, which meets weekly during the academic year in Falk College, includes women from all majors on campus interested in pursuing careers in sports and events. For more information, email WISE co-advisors Nicole Cost ( or Lisa Liparulo (



Graduate Students.

Sport Venue and Event Management Master’s program graduates its eighth class.

The Department of Sport Management’s master’s program in Sport Venue and Event Management (S.V.E.M.) welcomed its eighth class of graduate students to campus in July 2019. The program comprises 36 credit hours of intensive classroom learning, skill development and experiential opportunities in settings like S.U.’s Carrier Dome.

The 2019-20 cohort included 12 students, with a diverse mix of educational backgrounds and from a variety of geographic locations. Students worked toward completing their practicum work in Summer 2020 and will continue in Fall 2020 with organization such as The Basketball Tournament, Seattle Storm, Florida Everblades, and Charlotte Hornets.

In addition to their classwork, graduate students took part in professional development seminars conducted by Falk College Career Services and Sport Management internship placement coordinators on networking, cover letters, resumes, strategic interviewing, salary negotiation, career guidance and using LinkedIn.

In the Spring 2020 semester, students worked with associate professor Dr. Gina Pauline in the advanced event management course to plan a charity golf event benefiting the Dr. Hadley J. Falk  Breast Health Center at Crouse Hospital in Syracuse. Due to COVID-19, the May 4 event at Drumlins Country Club was postponed.

Students in the first eight cohorts have immersed themselves in the program’s academic and experiential opportunities, and leveraged relationships to launch their careers in the industry. Graduates have secured positions at McFetridge Sports Center in Chicago, Dover Speedway, Brown University, Spectra Venue Management, Legends Hospitality, Spartan Race Inc., Country Music Hall of Fame, Syracuse University’s Carrier Dome, Syracuse University’s Barnes Center – Recreation Services, Met Life Stadium, Boston Celtics, Boise State University, Nike China, and Tulsa Sports Commission, among others.

The ninth S.V.E.M. graduate class began in July 2020. For more information about the graduate program, visit our Academic Program page. The S.V.E.M. curriculum is designed to provide graduate students with a set of courses focused on the management and operations of facilities and events in the realm of sports and entertainment. Additionally, the S.V.E.M. coursework contains theory-to-practice elements where students apply concepts learned in the classroom to actual industry settings in a hands-on manner.

Practicum list for Sport Venue and Event Management master’s program.

Fall 2019:

Lia Bruno, Washington Redskins.

Jiaxun Deng, Nike China.

Jinyi Hong, Nike China.

Alison Peters, Steve Furgal’s International Tennis Tours.

Juanfei XU, China Sport School Federation.

Yaohui Wei, Syracuse University Department of Recreation Services.

Spring 2020:

Jinyi Hong, Nike China.

Summer 2020:

Shaun Belbey, The Basketball Tournament.

Hallie Caruthers, Florida Everblades.

Whisper Fisher, Seattle Storm.

William Marshall, The Basketball Tournament.


Sport Analytics students waste no time putting Syracuse degree program on the map.

Sport analytics is a fast-growing segment of the sport industry, where many young, aspiring sport professionals are choosing to make a career. They’re data-driven—and they’re catching the eye of sports teams all over the world.

In fall 2016, Syracuse University’s sport analytics program welcomed its first official freshman class as the first undergraduate degree of its kind in the nation. The intensive program with coursework in economics, mathematics and computer programming has attracted students from around the world.

Since its launch, sport analytics at Syracuse has celebrated many successes. The program has established student-industry collaborations with EDGE10, X.F.L., Spotted, and Syracuse University Athletics. Students have secured professional job placements prior to graduation as well as internships with top sport industry organizations and major league teams. Students and faculty have published and presented research internationally and competed in prestigious industry and academic competitions, including SABR Diamond Dollars, M.I.T. Sloan Sports Analytics, A.C.C. Meeting of the Minds, Carnegie Mellon, and the Academy of Economics and Finance National Conference, among others. The program graduated four students in 2019 and 13 in 2020.

Here are some program highlights from 2019-2020:

  • Eight seniors were named Berlin Scholars for the class of 2020: Dylan Blechner, Daniel Goetz, Gareth Jobling, Kyle Liotta, Stephen McClain, Nick Riccardi, Joseph Sabel and Nicholas Schloop. Blechner, Goetz, Jobling, Riccardi, Sabel and Schloop all graduated from Syracuse University in three years and will continue their studies in S.U.’s School of Information Studies’ Applied Data Science master’s program in Fall 2020. The scholarship is named for Andrew Berlin, who donated $1 million to SU’s sport analytics program in 2018.

  • Blechner was named one of four Virtual Poster Display Winners for Undergraduates in the Spring 2020 Falk College Student Research Celebration. His research is titled “Sentiment Analysis and Video Assistance Referees in Professional Soccer” and focuses on analyzing the use of video assistant referees (V.A.R.) in terms of home/away biases, biases toward teams with higher-paid players, and fan perspectives on V.A.R. decisions. Also taking part in the research competition were sport analytics students Goetz, Jobling, Liotta, McClain, Riccardi, Sabel, Schloop, Ethan Alpern ’20, Fletcher Wilson ’20, Jared Lavigueur ’23, Elijah Buto ’23 and Seth Quinn ’23.

  • Blechner also won the Edward Nissan Undergraduate Papers Competition at the 2020 Academy of Economics and Finance National Conference in Atlanta for his V.A.R. research. He attended the conference with Sport Analytics program director Dr. Rodney Paul, as well as fellow analytics classmates Liotta, Sabel and Jacob Kahane ’20.

  • Blechner, Riccardi and Jon Bosch ’21 were awarded Fall 2019 Falk College Undergraduate Student SOURCE Grants for their research. Blechner received $3,000 for his V.A.R. research; Bosch received $3,630 for “Estimating (Four) Factor Values in the N.B.A.: A Seemingly Unrelated Regression Analysis;” and Riccardi received $3,000 for “Optimizing N.B.A. Roster Construction.” Dr. Paul served as the faculty mentor for Blechner and Riccardi while Sport Analytics professor Dr. Shane Sanders mentored Bosch.

  • The Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics presented Liotta with the Class of 2020 Outstanding Peer Advisor Award. This award is presented in recognition of effective advising qualities and practices, including strong interpersonal skills, availability to advisees, caring attitude, proactive behavior, and support of the peer advisor training program.

  • Sanders and assistant professor Dr. Justin Ehrlich presented their research at the Fall 2019 Carnegie Mellon Sports Analytics Conference’s (C.M.S.A.C.) Reproducible Research Competition in Pittsburgh. Their paper is titled “Wins Above Replacement and the M.L.B. M.V.P. Vote: A Natural Experiment.” Sport Analytics students Dax Speakman ’21, Alex Pesantez ’21, Bosch and McClain also attended the C.M.S.A.C. Conference. At the conference, Bosch won a best research poster award ($250). Also, Sanders and Ehrlich, along with Class of 2019 Sport Analytics graduate Justin Perline, collaborated on a project that won a Carnegie Mellon Sport Analytics Conference Reproducible Research Competition Finalist Award ($1,000).

  • Sanders and Ehrlich, along with Sport Analytics assistant professor Dr. Jeremy Losak and students Blechner, Bosch and Speakman, attended and presented their research at the Fall 2019 New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports at Harvard. 


  • Bosch and Speakman presented their N.B.A. research at the Fall 2019 Midwest Sports Analytics Meeting at Central College in Pella, Iowa. Bosch also presented “N.B.A. Lineup Analysis on Clustered Player Tendencies” with his collaborator, Sam Kalman, of Purdue University.

  • Blechner, Bosch, Goetz, Jobling, Liotta, McClain, Riccardi, Sabel, and Schloop along with Paul, Sanders and Sport Analytics academic advisor Francesco Riverso attended the M.I.T. Sloan Sport Analytics Conference in Boston in March 2020, where they heard presentations about current topics impacting the industry and interacted with executives. The students also benefitted from networking sessions and a career fair.

  • Sport Analytics students were asked by S.U.’s office of alumni relations to give a presentation to alumni before two S.U. football games in Fall 2019 and two S.U. men’s basketball games during the 2019-20 season.

  • Research by Sanders and Ehrlich was published in the highly-regarded Public Library of Science (P.L.O.S.) on “The Alliance Formation Puzzle in Contests with Capacity- Constraints: A Test using American Football Reception-Coverage Contest Data.” Also, their research on “Mortality risk factors among National Football League players: An analysis using player career data” was published by F1000Research.

  • Bosch and Kushal Shah ’22 gave presentations about the Sport Analytics program and its research to the Syracuse University Board of Trustees in Fall 2019.

  • During the 2019-20 academic year, Sport Analytics students assisted Syracuse University Athletics with various projects. Sam Marteka ’21 organized the students into groups. James Hyman ’21, Cooper Shawver ’22, Liam Hogan ’23, Sam Auerbach ’23 and Mitch Bereznay ’23 worked on a social media project examining the interaction and engagement of fans of sponsored content, different sport content, dates/times of posting, and more. Davis Showell ’21, Shane Halpin ’23, Brendan McKeown ’21, Joe Pickering ’22 and Evan Baum ’22 worked on a Ticketmaster project examining trends and purchase behavior of season ticket holders for football and men’s basketball. Michael O’ Connor ’23, Preston Klaus ’23, Zach Crowe ’22 and Chase Seibold ’23 worked on an account executive data project analyzing S.U. Athletics account executive performance data for ticket selling across multiple sports and creating new metrics for performance.

  • Hyman was accepted into the prestigious Carnegie Mellon Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Statistics. The 2020 experience was held online, where students took part in daily lectures and labs, learning about data visualization, clustering, regression models, principal component analysis, random forests and neural networks. The labs offered students virtual opportunities to practice what they have learned using sport data sets in R.

  • Sport Analytics students are using various statistical methods, including logistic regression, to understand which factors aid the Le Moyne College men’s soccer team in scoring more goals and allowing less goals. The group will also assist the team by breaking games into different splits, including home versus away, and in conference versus out of conference, to further discover tendencies in performance.

  • Losak and Marteka virtually presented their research on the impact of increased television exposure on college football attendance at the 2020 North American Association of Sports Economists Virtual Conference. Sanders presented his paper titled “Head Impact and Salary in the N.F.L.: Is there a Compensating Wage-Risk Premium” at the virtual event.

  • Sport Analytics students took part in Sports Info Solutions’ Summer 2020 Football Analytics Competition to raise money for the United Negro College Fund. As part of the competition, students were given access to proprietary play-by-play N.F.L. data.

  • In Fall 2020, the Sport Analytics program will offer a new online course titled “Introductory Qualitative Sport Psychology Analytics,” taught by Dafna Aaronson, an industry leader in sport psychology and people analytics. It will be the program’s first analytics course taught by a female.

  • A group of Sport Analytics students partnered on a project with S.P.M. Advisory Council member Nick Carparelli, who recently started as the Executive Director of the Football Bowl Association. The students created a bowl database for the F.B.A. and are working on analyzing the data to find what factors affect bowl attendance and T.V. ratings. 

  • Here’s a sampling of where Syracuse University Sport Analytics students interned in Summer 2020: Zachary Anhalt ’21, Idea- Quest; John Asel ’23, BaseballCloud; Ben Ayers ’22, Oklahoma City Thunder; Sean Kenney ’22, Parametric Technology Corporation; Preston Klaus ’21, Pivot Analysis; and Mackenzie Mangos ’23, Rochester Red Wings. The following students interned with SponsorUnited: Evan Baum ’22, Sam Gellman ’23, Quinn Spangler ’23, and Nathaniel Mahoney ’23.

  • As of May 2020, 40 students at Syracuse University are minoring in sport analytics.

  • Falk College will welcome 47 sport analytics freshmen to campus in Fall 2020.

Photos with captions in this section include: Among those attending the 2020 M.I.T. Sloan Sports Analytics Conference were Cooper Shawver, Joseph Sabel, Gareth Jobling, Nick Schloop, Dylan Blechner and Jon Bosch. In the back row is Sport Analytics professor Dr. Shane Sanders.  Kyle Liotta, Joseph Sabel, Dylan Blechner and Jacob Kahane attended the 2020 Academy of Economics and Finance National Conference in Atlanta.  Dr. Shane Sanders, Dax Speakman, Jon Bosch, Dylan Blechner, Dr. Jeremy Losak and Dr. Justin Ehrlich attended the New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports conference at Harvard.

Analytics Clubs abound for all interests.

In the classroom, Falk College Sport Analytics students take a deep dive into analyzing data in sport, while incorporating studies in arts and sciences with professional electives and liberal arts requirements. Outside of the classroom, students are encouraged to join organizations that fit their interests, educational goals and career aspirations. All student organizations meet weekly during the academic year. Visit the Sport Management Student Organizations page for more information.

Baseball Sabermetrics Club:

Sabermetrics is the study of advanced baseball statistics. This club conducts in-depth discussions about everything related to baseball, with members taking part in a fantasy baseball league and guest speakers brought in on a variety of topics throughout the year.

In Spring 2020, for the sixth straight year, Club members participated in the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR) Analytics’ Spring Diamond Dollars Case Competition. Due to Covid -19, the students did not travel in March 2020 to Phoenix, Arizona, but instead presented virtually from SU’s campus. The competition is for undergraduate and graduate students from universities across the country to compete against each other by researching and presenting on a baseball analytics topic.

Four S.U. teams competed in 2020, with two teams winning their respective divisions. Students on S.U.’s winning teams were: Steven DiMaria, Hughston Preston, Ben Ayers, Joey Deaton and Cameron Mitchell; as well as Joe Pickering, Sean Kenney, Brendan McKeown, Cooper Shawver and Drake Mills.

Their assignment was to analyze the factors that contribute to a starting pitcher’s effectiveness when navigating a lineup for the third time in a game. Teams made their presentations by using programs such as R, Excel, and Tableau. They virtually presented their analysis and recommendations to a panel of judges that included executives from Major League Baseball.

In Fall 2019, 20 SABR club members competed in the SABR Diamond Dollars Case Competition at N.Y.U. Students were given a topic and then given five days to collect data, create a model, and prepare a 30-minute presentation on the topic to be given in New York City in front of Major League Baseball executives. In 2019, teams were asked to project performances for Major League Baseball players Aaron Judge and Pete Alonso, or Luis Severino and Noah Syndergaard, over the next five seasons. Students also had to predict the likelihood that one player will outperform the other.

“We are very proud of the way our students compete at these events,” said club advisor Dr. Rodney Paul. “It’s a terrific way for them to showcase their research in front of industry professionals as well as gain experience outside of the classroom.”

The club hears from numerous guest speakers throughout the year via in-person visits or virtual presentations, including T.J. Barra, senior data quality analyst for Major League Baseball; Max Vogel-Freedman, analyst of player development and international scouting for the New York Mets; Justin Perline ’19, quantitative analyst for the Pittsburgh Pirates; Jim Callis of M.L.B. Pipeline; and Jesus Lantigua, coordinator of Dominican Republic scouting for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

With the help of gifts from Falk College donors Jeff and Andrea Lomasky and Andrew Berlin, Syracuse University sport analytics students are able to compete at these prestigious events. Officers for the 2020-2021 academic year are president Steven Di-Maria, vice president Brendan McKeown, director of research Hughston Preston, director of outreach Brianne Quinlan and fiscal agent Seth Warner. Contact DiMaria at

Basketball Analytics Club:

The Syracuse University Basketball Analytics Club concluded its fourth year in 2019-2020 with more than 40 members who strive to uncover fascinating statistical trends in basketball through research as well as maintaining a fun environment to discuss and debate all things basketball. As COVID-19 cut the Spring 2020 semester short, the club continued to meet via Zoom and collaboratively work remotely on projects.

The organization was assembled to conduct analysis on the N.B.A., N.C.A.A., and high school basketball and has expedited the process of recording large sums of data at an efficient pace. Club members are working on research such as “Does College Experience Affect N.B.A. Success?” and have created an N.B.A. player database used for data matching across public data websites. Find examples of the club’s research on Twitter @CuseAnalytics.

The club also attended “tailgate” events sponsored by the Syracuse University Alumni Association before S.U. men’s basketball games where students discussed their research with alumni, as well as stats for the players that season.

In Fall 2019, club members Dax Speakman ’21, Jon Bosch ’21 and Dylan Blechner ’20 attended the New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports at Harvard.

The club spoke (via Skype and Zoom) with N.B.A. analytics executives, including Calvin Floyd, Sacramento Kings operations analyst, Nick Fleder, Indiana Pacers data analyst, and David Sparks, Boston Celtics director of analytics.

Bosch served as club president for 2019-20. Officers for the 2020-2021 academic year are president Davis Showell, executive vice president James Hyman, vice president of marketing Jimmy Beck, director of social media Dominic Samangy, and senior project coordinators Bosch, Preston Klaus, Brendan McKeown and Alejandro Pesantez. Contact Showell at

Football Analytics Club:

The Football Analytics Club was established during the 2017-18 academic year and became an officially recognized Syracuse University student organization in Fall 2019.

The club started with four members, grew to 40 the next year, and then to more than 100 members in 2019-20. The club meets weekly discussing all things related to football, conducting research, competing in trivia contests, and welcoming guest speakers, among other activities.

In Fall 2019, the club attended a Buffalo Bills game, where members met with Syracuse University Sport Analytics alumnus Evan Weiss ’19, who was a football analytics intern with the Bills at that time. He gave students valuable career advice on how to break into the N.F.L. analytics world.

The Club has formed a close partnership with the X.F.L. since the new spring football league was founded. Club members collected data from N.F.L., A.A.F. and C.F.L. games that would later be used by a small group of club members to research potential changes to the game of football. This group worked with Sport Management alumnus Bryan Kilmeade ’18 to reach conclusions that the X.F.L. used to help formulate its rules.

Club members have worked on numerous research projects over the past few years, exploring topics such as “Do N.F.L. Players Perform Worse After Receiving a Large Free Agent Contract;” “Do N.F.L. Referees Display Bias Towards Certain Calls or Teams;” and “How Player Arrests Affect Team Winning Percentage in the N.F.L.”

Industry executives joined club meetings virtually, including Neil Hornsby, founder and C.E.O. of Pro Football Focus; Tucker Zeleny, director of sports analytics at the University of Nebraska; J.T. Busco, Syracuse University football assistant coach; and Ryan Smith, analyst and account manager at Pro Football Focus. Club officers for the 2020-21 academic year are president Zak Koeppel, vice president Cameron Mitchell, director of research Will Friedeman, director of operations Joe Pickering and treasurer Preston Klaus. Contact Koeppel at

Hockey Analytics Club:

The Hockey Analytics Club is a student-run organization that meets weekly to discuss trends and events in the world of hockey. The Club also conducts analytical research.

The club has worked with the Syracuse University women’s ice hockey team, the A.H.L.’s Syracuse Crunch, and the Tennity Adult League. Through these connections, several club members have secured hockey statistician internships.

The club uses analytics in research and discussions, but don’t be afraid if you don’t have an analytical background. The club is open to all S.U. students and recognizes that students from all academic backgrounds can positively contribute to its growth.

Officers for the 2020-2021 academic year are president Dante Giugliano and vice president Evan Baum. Contact Giugliano at

Soccer Analytics Club:

The Soccer Analytics Club, which was established during the 2018-19 academic year in the Department of Sport Management, meets weekly discussing all things related to soccer, including college and professionals teams, leagues and organizations.

In 2019-20, the club mainly focused on its research element, creating a model to predict outcomes of soccer games in the top five European Leagues and measured the success of the model against betting market odds. The club also continued its project of creating Real Plus Minus statistics for English Premier League players. Meetings feature guest speakers and industry executives.

Club members created visualizations about their research. Find examples on Twitter @CuseAnalytics.

Officers for the 2020-2021 academic year are president Kushal Shah, vice president Drew DiSanto, treasurer James Hyman and social media manager Dominic Samangy. Contact Shah at

Photos in this section with caption include:  In Fall 2019, the Football Analytics Club attended a Buffalo Bills game, where members met with Syracuse University Sport Analytics alumnus Evan Weiss ’19, who was a football analytics intern with the Bills at that time.  Joe Pickering, Sean Kenney, Brendan McKeown, Cooper Shawver and Drake Mills  were honored for their presentation at the Society of American Baseball Research Analytics’ Spring 2020 Diamond Dollars Case Competition.  In Fall 2019, Basketball Analytics Club members Dax Speakman ’21, Jon Bosch ’21 and Dylan Blechner ’20 attended the New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports at Harvard, along with Sport Analytics professor Dr. Shane Sanders and assistant professor Dr. Jeremy Losak.  Steven DiMaria, Hughston Preston, Ben Ayers, Joey Deaton and Cameron Mitchell were honored for their presentation at the Society of American Baseball Research Analytics’ Spring 2020 Diamond Dollars Case Competition.

Students work with EDGE10 to explore, manage data.

Syracuse University students enrolled in S.A.L. 213-Sport Data Analysis gained exposure to the player health and performance sides of sport analytics to uncover valuable, yet-to-be-discovered data insights. EDGE10, a leading provider of athlete management software, working with S.U. sport analytics professor Dr. Rodney Paul and sport analytics academic advisor Francesco Riverso, launched an on-going collaboration with Falk College.

“EDGE10 is a dream partner for our sport analytics degree,” Paul said. “The opportunity to work with real-life performance data on a scale that EDGE10 provides offers enormous advantages to our students. The feedback and interaction students will have with the experts will help them in attaining their career goals.”

In the process of engaging students with advanced statistical analysis skills to bring innovative solutions to existing real-world scenarios, the partnership with EDGE10 prepares students for internships and employment in this area of sport analytics.

During the fall 2019 semester, students in Paul’s S.A.L. 213 class worked in groups to access anonymized athlete performance and medical data samples provided by EDGE10. The company shared scenarios that detail the type of user in the athletic organization and what their goals are for the respective data sets. With a client roster that spans sport organizations in the English Premier League (E.P.L.), National Basketball Association (N.B.A.) and the National Football League (N.F.L.) among other entities in sports and additional market segments, EDGE10 is a leader in helping professional sports teams manage player performance data.

“Teams and sports organizations are continually seeking to create or unveil a competitive advantage with regard to enhancing athlete performance, no matter the sport,” said Michael Veley, director and chair of the Department of Sport Management. “Creating a partnership with EDGE10, a cutting-edge analytical pioneer in athlete welfare and performance, will provide endless opportunities for our faculty and students to become further engaged with improving athlete performance and recovery.”

Jason Riddell, EDGE10 senior sports scientist, said, “We are extremely excited to be partnering with the first program of its kind here in the United States at Syracuse University’s Falk College. The opportunity to work with sport analytics students at such an early, formative stage has benefitted EDGE10 immensely by allowing us to help shape and develop the skill sets that we find so valuable in today’s world of elite sport.”

The students in S.A.L. 213 ended the fall 2019 semester by presenting their research to EDGE10 executives, with some selected to continue an independent study in spring 2020.

High schoolers test drive analytics at summer academy.

Fifty-nine high school students spent three weeks in Summer 2020 enrolled in Syracuse University’s Berlin Sport Analytics Academy. The program, which was delivered virtually in two separate sessions from June 29 to July 17 and from July 20 to August 7, provided students the opportunity to explore data’s role in understanding and prioritizing information to maintain a competitive advantage in the sport industry.

The group consisted of students from the United States and Canada. They were shown how analytics are used in a variety of sports, and learned skills in various applications that are used in Sport Analytics courses at Syracuse University and in the sport industry, including R., Tableau, S.Q.L. and more.

Guest speakers were brought in via video conferencing to share their insights, discuss industry trends, research topics and provide information on career paths in sport analytics. Students were taught by S.U. Sport Analytics professors Dr. Shane Sanders, Dr. Justin Ehrlich and Dr. Jeremy Losak. In addition, students participated in small group projects led by Sport Management graduate Joshua Nightingale, who has spent numerous years working in the analytics industry, as well as current Sport Analytics majors Jon Bosch, Bailie Brown, Joey Deaton, Sam Marteka and Dylan McGee.

Senior thesis culminates academic careers.

As part of their degree requirements, Syracuse University Sport Analytics students complete a senior thesis to apply their skills, undertake a research project, and have a completed project to display to potential employers.

The thesis encompasses a two-semester research project into the sport (or sports) of the student’s choice. Topics focus on athletes, teams, businesses or a combination as it relates to the sport industry. The thesis centers on an original idea of which the students conduct background research, gather data, create models, run statistical relationships, visualize the relationships, and explain the results across a variety of formats.

Students work one-on-one with a professor in the program to perform analytical research and analysis.

“The senior thesis gives the students the opportunity to show off all they have learned in the program,” said Dr. Rodney Paul, sport analytics program director. “Their research will serve as a calling card of their skills and capabilities to the industry.”

Syracuse University Class of 2020 Sport Analytics thesis research topics:

Ethan Alpern: Evaluating the Impact of Salary Change on Player Performance in Major League Baseball.

Dylan Blechner: Sentiment Analysis and Video Assistance Referees (V.A.R.) in Professional Soccer.

Daniel Goetz: Predicting Success of Late Round M.L.B. Talent.

Gareth Jobling: The Feasibility of Adding an N.F.L. Team in London.

Kyle Liotta: Predicting the Success of Major League Soccer Expansion.

Stephen McClain: The Impact of Injuries on a Pitcher Returning to Play.

Nick Riccardi: Optimizing N.B.A. Roster Construction.

Joseph Sabel: Predicting City Likelihood for Expansion and Relocation in U.S. Sports.

Nicholas Schloop: Quantifying the Value of a NASCAR Crew Chief.

Fletcher Wilson: Finding the Factors Driving Television Ratings and Attendance in Sport.

Guest Speakers.

In Fall 2019, College benefactor David B. Falk ’72 guest-lectured in several Sport Management classes, including Research Methods taught by Dr. Mary Graham. Falk brought to campus that day his business partner Danielle Cantor, who is the only woman, among approximately 30 certified by the National Basketball Players Association, to solely represent an active player. Guest lectures from sport industry professionals are a regular occurrence in sport management and sport analytics classes at Syracuse University.

Here is just a sampling of guest lecturers in 2019-2020:

Alexandria Anneheim, manager of Inside Sales, Charlotte Hornets.

Dan Anyaegbunam, football operations, N.F.L.

Stephen Basden, ISlide.

Nate Bell, manager of new business development, Columbus Blue Jackets.

Katie Berger, director of business operations and merchandise, Syracuse Mets.

Tiffany Brec, campus project coordinator, Vera House.

Tracey Burkey, manager of global accounts, Helms Briscoe.

Megan Cahill, senior communications director, Syracuse Crunch.

Nick Carparelli, executive director, Football Bowl Association.

Todd Cross, vice president of ticket sales, Syracuse Crunch.

Glenna Croy, director of volunteer services, Rescue Mission Alliance.

Lauren Davis, event production manager and changeover supervisor, Syracuse.

Michael Duda, managing partner, Bullish Inc.

Rachel Duffy, director of trademark licensing, Syracuse University.

Sue Edson, executive senior associate athletic director, Syracuse University.

David B. Falk, chief executive officer/founder, F.A.M.E.

Patti Fallick, managing director of broadcast operations, U.S.T.A.

Matt Filippi, research and client services specialist in analytics, Ballengee Group.

Drew Fischer, manager of regional sales, Tailgate Guys.

Nick Fleder, basketball data analyst, Indiana Pacers.

Calvin Floyd, basketball operations analyst, Sacramento Kings.

Shawn Garrity, chief executive officer, Circle T.P.R.

Nina Gernatt, key account manager, PepsiCo.

David J. Halberstam, principal, Halby Group.

Joe Hart, president, South Bend Cubs.

Adam Harter, senior vice president, PepsiCo.

Sam Hochberg, Technology Sales Executive, Oracle.

Danielle Jeweler, executive vice president, F.A.M.E; N.B.A. agent.

Kim Keenan-Kirkpatrick, deputy athletics director, Syracuse University.

Scott Kevy, senior account executive, Momentum Worldwide.

Mike Lucero, global director, TwitchT.V.

John Madden, manager of inside sales, New York Yankees.

Andrea Marino, senior manager of corporate activation/marketing, Syracuse Crunch.

Tyler Nordquist, licensing manager, ISlide

Mario Oliveri, manager of inside sales, New York Yankees.

Ryan Olli, licensing and business development, N.F.L. Players Association.

Alex Pache, senior manager of business development, Amazon.

Deanna Pownall, senior director of partnership marketing, U.S.T.A.

Mark Pozin, director of communications, N.B.A.

Corey Raymond, marketing and fan engagement coordinator, Syracuse University.

Mary Reed, director of emergency services, Rescue Mission.

Kevin Rochlitz, senior vice president of corporate sales and business development, Baltimore Ravens.

Joe Rosen, legal counsel and certified player representative, ICON Sports.

Kate Ruben, chief of staff/director of brand Development, The Montag Group.

Dom Sabatino, senior manager of sales and business development, PepsiCo.

Jason Smorol, general manager, Syracuse Mets.

Sam Spector, manager of premium partnerships, Blitzer Sports & Entertainment.

Lynn Steenberg, president, Sports Physical Therapy of New York.

Eric Stensland, integrated marketing manager, Dunkin brand.

Pat Sullivan, president, Game Creek Video, LLC.

Frank Supovitz, N.F.L. author, former Super Bowl producer.

Nick Szpur, director of inside sales, New York Mets.

Micah Tannenbaum, associate digital manager, N.B.A.

Mark Trumbo, assistant athletics director, Syracuse University.

Adam Vogel, senior director training and development, Sports Business Solutions.

Sam Walker, Wall Street Journal management and leadership reporter/author.

Andrew P. Weinbach, professor of economics, Coastal Carolina University.

Joey Weinberg, junior data analyst of universal music group, Havas Media.

Kirby Weinhauer, ticket sales, Syracuse University.

Jill Weston, volunteer coordinator, Syracuse Rescue Mission.

Heather Widell, owner/president, Law Offices of Heather A. Widell.

Sydney Wysoczanski, lacrosse operations coordinator, Major League Lacrosse.

Virtual Speakers:

Greg Ackerman, digital marketing analyst, Arizona Diamondbacks.

Alec Arsht, manager of partnership development, San Diego Padres.

Kelly Balance, entertainment coordinator, Carolina Panthers.

T.J. Barra, senior data quality analyst, Major League Baseball.

Cody Barbuto, analyst, Kraft Analytics Group.

Kevin Belbey, agent, The Montag Group.

Nate Bell, manager of new business development, Columbus Blue Jackets.

Danielle Berman, founder and C.E.O., Tackle What’s Next.

Gary Bettman, commissioner, N.H.L.

Rachel Bubier, operations manager, Houston Astros Foundation.

Caitlin Burke, coordinator of hospitality and events, M.K.T.G.

Jim Callis, draft expert, M.L.B. Pipeline.

Candace Campbell Jackson, senior vice president and chief of staff, Syracuse University.

Caitlyn Cohn, corporate citizenship coordinator, E.S.P.N.

Scott Cole, play-by-play announcer, N.B.A. 2K League.

Drew Fischer, manager of regional sales, Tailgate Guys.

Adonal Foyle, former N.B.A. professional.

Bria Grant, senior manager, business intelligence, B.S.E. Global (Brooklyn Nets).

Mitchell Gross, brand partnerships, Front Office Sports.

Charma Harris, talent acquisition associate, C.N.A. Corporation.

Jenna Harmer, championship coordinator, United States Golf Association.

Chris Henderson, coordinator of marketing partnerships, N.B.A. 2K League.

David Higdon, global head of communications, Riot Games.

Sam Hochberg, technology sales executive, Oracle.

Nancy Hogshead-Makar, Olympic champion, civil rights lawyer, C.E.O. of Champion Women.

Neil Hornsby, founder and chief executive officer, Pro Football Focus.

Sandor Kopitz, sales academy manager, Boston Red Sox.

Michael LaPlaca, digital specialist, Cincinnati Bengals.

Raquel Marcelo, senior communications strategist, Riot Games.

Eileen May-West, program director, Wasatch Adaptive Sports.

Nate Medrano, manager of membership, Miami Dolphins.

Casey Miller, director of business development, Tagboard.

Sandy Montag, president and chief executive officer, The Montag Group.

Robert Murray, associate manager, Global Procurement, PepsiCo.

Christina Myers, marketing manager, Lehigh University.

Sharon Otterman, chief marketing officer, William Hill.

Justin Perline, quantitative analyst, Pittsburgh Pirates.

A.J. Poole, director of partnership sales and activation, Pittsburgh Steelers.

Jon Shepherd, Australia’s Leaders of Evolution.

Rachel Shor, manager of sales, New York Islanders.

David Sparks, director of basketball analytics, Boston Celtics.

Rob Stabenau, SRi manager, M.K.T.G.

Olivia Stasiuk, consumer insights strategist, Dallas Cowboys.

Lynn Steenberg, president and chief executive officer, Sports Physical Therapy of Central New York.

Travis Tygart, chief executive officer, United States Anti-Doping Agency.

Max Vogel-Freedman, Integration Analyst, player development and international scouting, New York Mets.

Pete Ward, chief operating officer, Indianapolis Colts.

Tyler Wasserman, salary cap analyst, National Basketball Association.

Tyler Young, senior director of business operations, Braze.

Faculty and Staff.

The 2019-20 academic year was productive for S.P.M. faculty and staff on campus, domestically, and internationally. From presenting research at conferences worldwide to mentoring students on campus and in the community, S.P.M. faculty and staff continue to bring new and important perspectives impacting today’s most critical issues in sport. Listed below is a small sampling of select accomplishments. We invite you to visit the Falk College and Department of Sport Management website regularly to stay current with S.P.M. news.

Rick Burton, David B. Falk endowed professor:

Burton published research on Mark Twain’s unique connection to baseball in Nine as well as co-authoring the coffee table book, “Forever Orange: The Story of Syracuse University” in honor of S.U.’s 150th anniversary. He serves as S.U.’s Faculty Athletic Representative to the N.C.A.A. and A.C.C. and is concurrently working on a number of new books and movie projects. He is a regular contributor of co-authored columns to Sports Business Journal.

Dennis Deninger, Professor of practice:

The former E.S.P.N. production executive and three-time Emmy Award winner teaches Sport Communications, Super Bowl and Society, and Sports, Media and Society courses. Deninger, who was the founding director of the Sports Communications graduate program at S.U.’s Newhouse School, is completing the manuscript for his second book, “The Game that Changed America,” about the impact the Super Bowl has had on American life.

Dr. Justin Ehrlich, Assistant professor:

Dr. Ehrlich finished his first year at Syracuse University teaching sport analytics classes as well as mentoring students on research projects. He presented his research at the Midwest Analytics Conference as well as saw his research published in journals such as JAMA Network Open, PLOS ONE, and F1000Research. Ehrlich, whose current research focuses on football concussions, has been granted access to player cause of death statistics from the National Death Index (part of the C.D.C.).

Dr. Mary Graham, Professor:

Dr. Graham was a 2019 CUSE Grant Recipient and a Falk College Sport and Human Development Institute Seed Grant Recipient for her co-authored research on “Managerial Diversity and Misconduct by Male Professional Athletes.” Dr. Graham also presented at the Labor and Employment Relations Association 2020 Meeting. She is in her final year of a Provost’s Faculty Fellowship, where she works with S.U.’s Faculty Senate to implement campus-wide shared competencies for undergraduate students.

Dr. Jeeyoon Kim, Assistant professor:

Dr. Kim was on research leave for the Fall 2019 semester in South Korea, where she was invited to speak at several universities and conferences. Kim received a Falk College Seed Grant and Sport Marketing Association’s Research Grant Award for her project on “Olympic Sponsorship in Small States; Strategies and Partnerships for Caribbean National Olympic Committees.” Kim also worked with the Korean Sport and Olympic Committee on a project for the 2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympics.

Dr. Jeremy Losak, Assistant professor:

Dr. Losak finished his first year at Syracuse University teaching sport analytics classes as well as co-advising the Sport Management Club and Baseball Statistics and Sabermetrics Club. He presented his research at the 2019 European Sports Economics Association International Conference in Spain, the Eastern Economic Association Meetings in Boston, and SABR Analytics Conference remotely. Losak is a 2016 Syracuse University Sport Management graduate, who completed his Ph.D. in economics at Clemson.

David Meluni, Assistant teaching professor:

Meluni spent four years as an adjunct professor in Sport Management before joining the faculty full time in 2018. He has 20 years of experience in the sport industry, including at Florida State Athletics, I.M.G. College (Syracuse Athletics), SIDEARM Sports, New York Collegiate Baseball League and Skoresheet. Meluni teaches sales, marketing, sponsorship and promotion courses at S.U., and also serves as the faculty advisor for the Sports Sales Club.

Dr. Rodney Paul, Professor, Analytics program director:

Dr. Paul presented his research at the 2019 European Sports Economics Association International Conference in Spain and the 2020 Academy of Economics and Finance Conference in Atlanta. Dr. Paul, a world renowned sports economist who has been quoted by media outlets around the world, serves as advisor of the Baseball Statistics and Sabermetrics Club, teaches Sport Analytics courses at S.U. and oversees senior thesis projects.

Dr. Gina Pauline, Associate professor, undergraduate program director:

Dr. Pauline, who has taught at S.U. since 2006, is conducting research on risk management, liability, and best practices of sporting events as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic. She works on S.P.M. curriculum, assessment planning, and is involved with S.U. Project Advance in the offering of sport management classes to high school students. In Spring 2020, Pauline was honored by S.U.’s Center for Disability Resources for supporting students with disabilities.

Dr. Jeff Pauline, Associate professor, graduate program director:

Dr. Pauline leads the Sport Venue and Event Management master’s program. His research was accepted for presentation at the 2019 Association of Applied Sport Psychologists (A.A.S.P.) national conference. He serves on the A.A.S.P. Continuing Education Committee and is also a member of A.A.S.P. and the S.U. Appeals Board. Dr. Pauline took students in S.P.M. 101 to the Syracuse Rescue Mission to serve meals and log volunteer hours.

Patrick Ryan, Associate teaching professor:

Ryan, who spent more than 30 years working in the technology industry before coming to S.U. in 2006, works closely with Falk College information technology staff to best outfit Falk College with the necessary equipment for the Milton Conrad Technology Center. He is also the advisor of the Sport Management Learning Community.

Dr. Shane Sanders, Professor:

Dr. Sanders, who has taught at Syracuse University since 2016, was promoted to full professor in 2020. He attended the New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports and the M.I.T. Sloan Sport Analytics Conference. Sanders was a 2019-2020 Falk College Sport and Human Development Institute Seed Grant Recipient for his research involving death rates and causes among former N.F.L. players.

Michael Veley, Director and chair, Rhonda S. Falk endowed professor:

Veley, who has worked at Syracuse University since 1995, is the founding director of the Sport Management program at S.U. He serves as vice president of the Syracuse Sports Corporation, is the public address announcer for S.U. football and basketball games, and the advisor of the Sport Management Club. Veley spent nearly two decades working as a Division I athletic administrator.

Dr. Patrick Walsh, Associate professor:

Dr. Walsh’s research was accepted for presentation at the 2019 Sport Marketing Association Conference in Chicago and the 2020 North American Society for Sport Management National Conference in San Diego. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Sport Management and the Journal of Global Sport Management, and is a co-author of a Sport Marketing textbook scheduled to be published in the spring of 2021.

Dr. John Wolohan, Professor:

Dr. Wolohan served as a panelist and invited guest at the 2019 International Forum on Sport at Quanzhou Normal University in China, as well as at the 2019 Play the Game Conference in Colorado Springs. Wolohan, who also teaches in S.U.’s College of Law, had his research about California’s Fair Pay for Play Act published in the journal LawinSport in Fall 2019.

Sport Management staff updates:

Margie Chetney finished her seventh year in Sport Management as an administrative assistant. She works closely with students and faculty, manages department calendars and events, serves as editor of the S.P.M. newsletter and website, and handles social media and news for the department.

Nicole Cost (S.P.M. class of 2008) finished her fourth year as an internship placement coordinator in Sport Management. She works with seniors on Capstone guidance, undergraduates on internships and advising, as well as being a liaison for alumni. She chairs the Emerging Leaders Council for young alumni and is the co-advisor of the Women in Sports and Events Club. Cost teaches H.S.H. 101, S.P.M. 201 and S.P.M. 455.

Lisa Liparulo finished her second year as an internship placement coordinator in Sport Management. She guides S.P.M. seniors through the Capstone process, as well as works with undergraduate and graduate students on advising and internships. She is the co-advisor of the Women in Sports and Events Club and teaches S.P.M. 201 and S.P.M. 455.

Kevin McNeill joined the department as an internship placement coordinator in February 2019 after spending 12 years at Le Moyne College as associate athletics director for marketing. He works with S.P.M. seniors on Capstone guidance, as well as undergraduates on internships and advising. He also teaches S.P.M. 201 and S.P.M. 455.

Francesco Riverso finished his fifth year in the department, and second full year as the academic advisor for Sport Analytics. He advises Sport Analytics majors, connecting them to industry internships and working to develop partnerships to benefit the program. He assists in the coordination of S.U.’s Berlin Sport Analytics Symposium and the Berlin Sport Analytics Academy, as well as teaches H.S.H. 101 and S.P.M. 201.

Kathryn Tunkel, who celebrated her 27th year at Syracuse University in 2020, is the administrative assistant to S.P.M. director Michael Veley. She works closely with students and faculty, handles all S.P.M. course scheduling, classroom assignments, Intra-University Transfer and S.P.M. minor applications, and student enrollment.

Advisory Council.


Brandon Steiner served as founder and chairman of Steiner Sports Marketing and Memorabilia for more than 30 years. Steiner launched two new companies, The Steiner Agency and CollectibleXchange, in 2019. He’s the author of three books, and received Syracuse University’s highest alumni honor, The Arents Award, in October 2015.

Chair Emeritus:

David Falk is the founder and C.E.O. of Falk Associates Management Enterprises (FAME). Considered to be the most influential player agent the N.B.A. has ever seen, Falk was listed among the “100 Most Powerful People in Sport” for 12 straight years. A gift from Rhonda S. Falk ’74 and David B. Falk ’72 in 2011 established the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics.


Ronald Bernard has over 40 years experience in the entertainment, sports, and media industries in both senior operating and financial capacities. He is president of L.W.B. Consulting, a media/ sports consulting advisory to private equity firms looking to make investments in the sports/entertainment industry.

Russ Brandon is a sports executive, best known for his tenure in the front office and as president of the Buffalo Bills and the Buffalo Sabres.

Nicholas Carparelli Jr. is the executive director of the Football Bowl Association. He previously worked as a senior director at Under Armour, as the senior associate commissioner at the Big East Conference as well as with the New England Patriots and at the University of Notre Dame. He received his Master’s degree from S.U.

Howard Deneroff, an S.U. graduate, is the executive vice president and executive producer of Westwood One’s sports programming, where he is responsible for the coordination of all on-air and production elements for live national radio play-byplay broadcasts of the N.F.L.; College Football and N.C.A.A. Championship properties; the Olympics; the Masters; the P.G.A. Championship; and the Triple Crown of Horse Racing.

Kelly Downing is a marketing veteran with more than 20 years experience working with sports teams, international sporting events, athletes, agencies, and consumer brands. She previously served as the chief operating officer of State6. The S.U. graduate began her career with the New England Patriots and New England Revolution.

Michael Duda is the cofounder and managing partner of Bullish Inc., a marketing and consumer investment-driven company whose portfolio has included Under Armour, Nike, Pelton, Casper, Harry’s, and Warby Parker. Duda has spent 25 years in the world of Madison Avenue, overseeing multiple Super Bowl campaigns, sport company launches and partnerships.

Patti Fallick is the managing director of broadcast operations at the United States Tennis Association (U.S.T.A.), where she oversees the broadcast department for both the U.S. Open and U.S.T.A. properties. Prior to the U.S.T.A., she was a member of the original team for M.L.B. Network’s record-setting launch in 2009. The S.U. graduate has won seven Emmy Awards.

Shawn Garrity is the founder and chief executive officer for Circle T.P.R., a guest experience production agency founded in 2013 in Las Vegas. Garrity has worked with many global brands including M.G.M., Warner Brothers, the N.B.A., M.L.B., E.S.P.N., Orange Bowl Committee, Adobe and N.B.C. Garrity was a scholarship athlete at S.U., playing football from 1982-86.

Mark Geddis is president and C.E.O. of Geddis Holdings and managing partner of Super Fan Sports Fundraising. Prior to that, he was the founder and C.E.O. of Collegiate Images and was also director of marketing communications for the Florida Marlins.

Charma Harris, a 2013 graduate of S.U.’s Sport Management program, is a Talent Acquisition Coordinator at C.N.A., a non-profit research and analysis organization based in Arlington, Virginia. She worked for five years at the P.G.A. Tour as a Tournament Services Coordinator and Manager at the W.G.C.-Cadillac Championship in Miami, Florida.

Pam Hollander is vice president of consumer marketing at Allstate, where she leads the corporation’s Sponsorship Marketing and Promotions group as well as Multicultural Marketing and Local/Agent Marketing. She joined Allstate in 2000 and has been in the marketing, communications and public relations industry for more than 25 years.

Cliff Kaplan is chairman of Equity Sports Partners (E.S.P.), a boutique sports marketing and media company based in New York City. Previous to founding E.S.P., Kaplan, an S.U. graduate, served as president and C.E.O. of Van Wagner Sports and Entertainment. He has been an industry leader for more than 25 years.

David Kleinhandler, an S.U. graduate, is president and founder of New Venture Financial Wellness and has been an entrepreneur for more than 30 years. His other projects include Dynasty Financial Partners and Foundations, including a partnership with Carmelo Anthony’s “Courts for Kids.”

Rob Konrad, an S.U. graduate, is the chairman of Alterna Financial, a Floridabased private investment management firm. Konrad began his career in the financial services industry during his career in the N.F.L. and served as a long-time team representative for the National Football League Players Association.

Christopher Lencheski is the chief executive officer at Winning Streak Sports. Prior to this role, he worked with M.P. & Silva, Phoenicia Sport and Entertainment, and served as chairman of the board of managers and chief executive officer for I.R.G. Sports + Entertainment. He has worked in the global sports and entertainment landscape for more than 25 years.

David Levy, an S.U. graduate, spent the last 30 years working in television. He served as president of Turner, the T.V. unit that houses C.N.N., T.N.T., T.B.S. and Cartoon Network, among other assets and is now owned by A.T.&T., before leaving in 2019. He led the company’s advertising sales, affiliate sales, and sports units.

Deidra Maddock, an S.U. graduate, is vice president of sports marketing at E.S.P.N. She oversees fan and brand marketing efforts across a variety of professional league content, E.S.P.N.-owned events and fantasy sports efforts. She has contributed to numerous rights renewal and acquisition efforts.

Sandy Montag is president and C.E.O. of The Montag Group, a talent management, consulting, content development and media strategy company focused in the world of sports, entertainment and lifestyle. Additionally, Montag spent 30 years at I.M.G., and also developed and launched Ari Fleischer Sports Communications.

Laurie Orlando is senior vice president for talent strategy at C.B.S. News. The S.U. graduate oversees recruiting, development, and planning for on-air talent. Prior to joining C.B.S. News, Orlando served as senior vice president for talent development and planning at E.S.P.N.

Michael J. Patent is the co-founder and managing director of Culture Group, a pan-Asian entertainment marketing agency founded in 2016. The entertainment and brand marketing executive has a 15-year history of developing brand partnerships and strategies in the U.S. and Asia. Patent previously served as senior vice president with A.E.G. Global Partnerships in Shanghai.

Kevin Rochlitz is the senior vice president of corporate sales and business development for the N.F.L.’s Baltimore Ravens. He previously worked for Mandalay Sports and Entertainment, and as an assistant athletic director at the University of Miami.

Jeffrey Rubin is the founder and C.E.O. of Sidearm Sports (a Learfield I.M.G. College company), which provides digital engagement platforms to the largest brands in college athletics. Rubin also serves as an associate professor of practice at Syracuse University’s iSchool.

Ben C. Sutton Jr. (emeriti) is chairman of Teall Capital, a private equity company. Sutton was previously chairman and C.E.O. of I.M.G. College, which he founded as I.S.P. Sports in 1992 and built into a nearly billion dollar enterprise. Sutton is a member of the Sports Business Journal Hall of Fame.

Kathrine Switzer (emeriti) is one of running’s most iconic figures: her gender barrier breaking run in the 1967 Boston Marathon launched the women’s running revolution. The S.U. graduate is an Emmy-award winning T.V. commentator, author, speaker and founder of “261 Fearless,” a global non-profit to empower women through running.

Mike Tirico, a broadcaster for N.B.C. Sports, has handled a variety of assignments for E.S.P.N., E.S.P.N. Radio and A.B.C. Sports since 1991, establishing himself as one of the most recognizable faces in the industry. In 1987, he was the first recipient of the Bob Costas Scholarship, given to a broadcast journalism student at Syracuse University.

Tiffer Valente, a 2012 graduate of S.U.’s Sport Management program, is chief operating officer at Beat The Bomb in Brooklyn. Previously, he spent five years working for I.M.G. College, with roles in sales strategy and operations, as well as partnership marketing. Prior to I.M.G., he acted as a consultant for Tough Mudder in event safety and operations.

John Wildhack has served as Syracuse University’s Director of Athletics since August 2016. Previously he worked as executive vice president of programming and production for E.S.P.N. The S.U. graduate oversaw all of E.S.P.N.’s production efforts, as well as programming acquisitions, rights holder relationship management, and scheduling.

Roland Williams, an S.U. graduate, is president and chief executive officer of All Pro Catalyst, a consulting firm providing program and staff development services to school districts, municipalities and non-profits. Williams, a Super Bowl champion, is also a motivational speaker, author and social entrepreneur.

Michael Wohl (emeriti) is a partner in Coral Rock Development Group. Previously, the S.U. graduate served as president of Pinnacle Housing Group, which focuses on the development of quality, affordable housing in South Florida.


To our Sport Management, Sport Analytics, and Sport Venue and Event Management alumni, Our program is special, but you already know that — you paved the way. When we talk to prospective students about career paths and college experiences, we’re telling your stories. As I sit here writing this from my “home office” in Summer 2020, I think about an email from a recent graduate saying she had six calls with alumni in one week. SIX! Please don’t stop sharing your stories. We appreciate your incredible support.

It’s so important to stay connected with us. The best place to stay up to date with news and events is our website.

Be sure to also follow Sport Management on Twitter @SUSportMgmt, and “like” us on Facebook at S.U. Falk College Department of Sport Management.

To post a job or view job postings, join the Falk College Alumni Page on LinkedIn.

If the employment information on the following pages is inaccurate, please email your updates to to be sure Syracuse University has your current information on file.

If you want to get involved but aren’t sure how, email me at or call 315-443-7418. We love to hear from you!

Thank you again for being the strong, committed alumni base that we count on to help us succeed in educating future sport industry leaders.

—Nicole (Imbrogno) Cost, S.P.M.’08, internship placement coordinator.

Sport Analytics.

Class of 2019:

Barbuto, Cody, United Auto Supply, Data Analyst.

Dalton, William, TrackMan, Data Operations.

Garrett IV, Charles, Long Island Net/N.Y. Liberty, Analytics Coordinator.

Hentschel, Joshua, S.M.A.R.T., Data Analyst.

Perline, Justin, Pittsburgh Pirates, Quantitative Analyst.

Class of 2020:

Alpern, Ethan -  School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Applied Data Science Master’s Program.

Blechner, Dylan - School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Applied Data Science Master’s Program.

Goetz, Daniel - School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Applied Data Science Master’s Program.

Jobling, Gareth - School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Applied Data Science Master’s Program

Liotta, Kyle - Dan Klores Communications, Data Scientist/School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Applied Data Science Master’s Program.

Riccardi, Nick - School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Applied Data Science Master’s Program.

Sabel, Joseph - School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Applied Data Science Master’s Program.

Schloop, Nicholas - School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Applied Data Science Master’s Program.

Sport Management.

Class of 2008:

Akeson, Jason - Woodside Club, Operations Manager.

Bissett, Stephanie - The Wheeler School, Teacher/Coach.

Blanchette, Jason - Boston College, Associate Director of Sports Marketing and Fan Engagement.

Blumstein, Austin - New York Mets, Ticket Operations.

Borst, Lauren - Wayfair, Technology Experience Manager.

Burns, Alyson - EXOS, Health Fitness Specialist.

Campbell, Lindsey - The DeBerry Group, Public Relations Manager.

Cost, Nicole - Syracuse University, Sport Management Internship Placement Coordinator.

Fernandez, Emmanuel - ACE Programs for the Homeless, Job Developer.

Fischer, Lauren - Elementary App, Educational Consultant.

Friedman, Julie - N.B.A., Senior Manager, Hospitality, Busines Operations, and Global Partnerships.

Goodman, Brian - Deluxe Corporation, Social Media Specialist.

Guha, Saurab - Lazard Asset Management, Investment Banking Associate.

Hager-Johnson, Alana - L.R.X.D., Account Director.

Harrington, Kelly - Droga5, Account Director.

Hight, Jonathan - Hearts & Science L.L.C., Associate Director of Video Investment.

Lawicki, Amy - Arrow Electronics Inc., Senior Event Manager.

McFate, Ian - ARAMARK Corporation, Director of Growth.

Miller, Casey - Tagboard, Director of Business Development.

Peetoom, Bradley - Lhoist North America of Canada Inc., Sales and Logistics Manager.

Petrino, Jeffery - WarnerMedia, Director, Ignite Sports.

Ross, Michael - National Football League, Area Scout.

Shur, Steven - Giordano Halleran & Ciesla P.C., Attorney.

Silverman, Jacob - University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Athletic Director.

Stanmyre, Jackie - Community Psychiatric Institute, Mental Health and Addictions Counselor.

Suskind, Alexander - Entertainment Weekly, Senior Editor.

Van Pelt, Matthew - Ellis Medicine, Director of Planning and Business Development.

Widell, Heather - Law Offices of Heather A. Widell, Owner and President.

Wynn, Robert - Northfield Consulting Group L.L.C., Business Manager.

Class of 2009:

Arrighi, Emily - E.S.P.N. Inc., On-Air Specialist, Motion Graphics.

Babienco, Isabella - Viant Technology L.L.C., Key Account Advisor, Client Services.

Bain, Daniel - Charlotte Bobcats, Manager.

Belsky, Brian - The Bozzuto Group, Leasing Manager.

Cavicchia, Robert - Inaria International, Account Manager.

Dubensky, Lena - The Right Step, Inc., Development Director.

Flynn, Thomas - American Express, Director, Global Experiential Marketing.

Freiberg, Jina - Public Welfare Foundation, Grants Manager.

Galvin, John - D.W. Clark Inc., Business Development Associate.

Gay, Matthew - Detroit Tigers Inc., Corporate Partnerships Sales Manager.

Higgins, John-Christopher - The LiRo Group, Associate Project Manager.

Intrater, Evan - Lyft, Engineering Leadership Hiring.

Jody, Ryan - Google Inc., Video Specialist/Upfronts Team.

Jordan, Shawn - Central Florida Sports Commission, Manager of Business Development and Events.

Juhas, Michael - Digital Remedy, Exective Vice President, Client Services.

Kermond, Patrick - Burnham Boat Slings, Production Manager.

Lampasi, Richard - Mile High Sports Radio, Producer.

Langlais, Gary - C.S.C. ServiceWorks, Corporate Counsel.

Lehane, Daniel - Nissan Motor Company Ltd., Area General Manager.

Levenson, Samantha - FanDuel, Senior Director, Talent Acquisition.

Lipschutz, Jeffrey - Partners Group, Regional Head, Senior Legal Counsel.

Maljovec, Jorden - Law Office of Jorden Rosen Maljovec, Attorney.

Meltzer, Martin - D.L.A. Piper, Project Manager.

Mountford, Thornton - SeatGeek, Manager, Revenue Operations.

Orsenigo, E. - Palisades Fuel, Service Dispatcher.

Payne, Brett - Snap-On Inc., Account Manager.

Perry, Matthew - SailPoint, Inside Sales Manager.

Robinson, Lori - Baylor University, Learning Specialist.

Rutchik, Marc - Vox Media Inc., Senior Account Director.

Selig, Tiffany - Selig Enterprises Company Inc., Chief Operating Officer.

Sternbach, Adam - Strategies for Wealth, Agency Control Officer.

Stolzenberg, Jeffrey - GreenBanana S.E.O., Web and Search Engine Optimization Project Manager.

Szklany, Greg - American Dairy Association, North East Public Relations Specialist.

Thomas, Delante - Cleveland Municipal Court, Law Clerk and Mediator.

Van Hoff, Ashley - McDermott Will & Emery, Attorney.

Vandenabeele, Evan - U.B.S. A.G., Authorized Officer.

Yakubovich, Jason - M.J.J. Brilliant Jewelers Inc., Director of Operations.

Class of 2010:

Abramo, Alexander - Denman Properties at Compass, Buyer Specialist.

Abramson, Andrew - Riviera Partners, Partner.

Alken, Mark - C.B.S. Sports, Archivist.

Bassewitz, Michael - Paragon Marketing Group L.L.C., Senior Account Coordinator.

Bleaken, Alyssa - Cornell University, Account Representative.

Brantman, Ashley - Intersport, Vice President/Group Account Director.

Brewster, Thomas - Boston Bruins and T.D. Garden, Communications Manager.

Chernes, Zachary - Publicis Worldwide, Account Supervisor.

Choi, John - E.S.P.N. Inc., Statistics Associate.

Cohn, Andrew - Deloitte, Brand Manager.

Creasea, Stacie - Self-Employed, Sport and Entertainment Consultant.

Leach, Chrissy - Boston Celtics, Senior Group Sales Manager.

Daniels, Rachel - Houston Astros, Operations Manager.

Dei, Edwin - Concise Media Design, Event Technician.

DiTrani, Michael - PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P., Experienced Associate.

Elken, Erik - ABC Inc., Evening Anchor.

Ferris, Trevor - Uline, Continuous Improvement Analyst.

Flohr, T. Willem - Assembly, Supervisor of Integrated Communications.

Frias, Gregory - U.S.T.A. Foundation, Manager Programs and Services.

Gorsky, Jason - MongoDB Inc., Lead Technical Recruiter.

Grodd, Matthew - Day Lumber Company, Manager.

Guzinski, Steven - SJGSports L.L.C., Fitness Coach.

Jacobi, Joseph - Bed Bath & Beyond Inc., Payroll Processor.

Kallet, Bradley - Spartan Race, Senior Managing Editor.

Langlais, Nicole - Big Noise Music Group, Director, Brand Partnerships and Marketing.

Lemon, Cooper - Anomaly, Senior Social Media Strategist.

Levy, Joshua - William Morris Endeavor, Entertainment L.L.C., Non-Scripted TV/Broadcast Agent.

Lewis, Joshua - Storelli Sports, Marketing Director.

Mahaffy, Brandon - DraftKings, Senior Project Manager.

May-West, Eileen - Wasatch Adaptive Sports, Program Director.

McIsaac, David - Good Sports Inc., Community Partnerships Manager.

Meyer, Joseph - Bon Secours Mercy Health, Senior Financial Analyst.

Miksitz, Alyson - Zurich North America, Associate Underwriter.

Morrissey, Calvin - New York Post, Programmatic Account Executive.

Onuaku, Arinze - Professional Basketball Player.

Park, Andrew - Bell & Company, Financial Manager.

Persoff, Joseph - Baker & Hostetler L.L.P., Associate Attorney.

Piken, Jonathan - Prudential Financial, Process Management Specialist.

Posser, Erick - Guggenheim Partners L.L.C., Senior Associate.

Prinsell, Jonathan - Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Director, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics.

Reynolds, Matthew - Boston Celtics, Special Assistant to the Head Coach.

Saxena, Aneesh - Wayfair, Senior Manager.

Siegal-Eisman, Zachary - Seven Artist Management, Junior Manager.

Sotiropulos, Christopher - Las Vegas Raiders, Senior Director, Stadium Development and Operations.

Spicer-Lloyd, Ashley - The West Side Tennis Club, Head Tennis Professional.

Staton, Samuel - Northern California Golf Association, Director of Events and Travel.

Stone, Kevin - Boston Bruins, Ticket Sales Manager.

Taylor, Gordon - Implus, Product Line Manager.

Watson, Matthew - Glover Young Hammack Walton and Simmons P.L.L.C., Associate Attorney.

Weinman, Spencer - QuickFrame, Chief Revenue Officer.

Weintraub, Peter - Esagoff Law Group, Legal Assistant.

Wilkinson, Sharifa - Seasoned Events, Senior Venue Operations Manager.

Wood, Samuel - Puck Agency L.L.C., Certified P.H.P.A. Agent and Executive Assistant.

Young, Tyler - Braze, Inc., Senior Director of Operational Excellence.

Class  of 2011:

Aponte, Adriel - Robert Half, Vice President, Software and Applications.

Bailey, Antwon - St. John’s College High School, Educator.

Baldassarre, Adam - S.M.E. Entertainment Group L.L.C., Vice President of Business Development.

Barca, Brendan - Brendan Barca Solutions, Business/Career Coach.

Bennett, Andrew - Arizona Coyotes, New Business Development Executive.

Bernstein, Matthew - G.R. Properties U.S.A. Inc., Assistant Project Manager.

Bourque, Basil - Marqeta, Inc., A.M.L. Compliance Lead.

Burks, Arielle - RYCARS Construction, L.L.C., Marketing and P.R. Manager.

Cooper, Jordan - Justworks Inc., Account Executive.

Cravitz, Zachary - Florida Panthers, Marketing Coordinator.

DePoint, Devin - CaterTrax, Product Manager.

Diamond, Andrew - Sirius X.M., Manager, Sports Partnerships and Marketing.

Fair, Shantel - Stevens Cooperative School, Associate Teacher.

Granato, Richard - New York Yankees, Ticket Operations Representative.

Heinen, Devon - Microsoft, Content Writer/Editor.

Hoang, Thuong - Publicis Media, Financial Planning and Analysis Manager.

Hucal, Julian - E.Y., Senior Consultant.

Kanter, Maxx - G2 Worldwide, Account Associate.

Kramer, Matthew - C.G.I. Communications Inc., Sales Associate.

Kuflik, Elana - New York City Department of Education, Special Education Teacher.

LaMay, Erin - Olympic Regional Development Authority, Grade 7 Laborer.

Letterii, Marie - SUNY Orange, Associate Director of Admissions.

Levitt, Max - Leveling the Playing Field, Founder/Executive Director.

Lewin, Alexander - Reuters, Senior Manger.

Magnante, Daniel - Feigco Entertainment, Coordinator.

Meyer, Brian - 160over90, Senior Account Manager.

Meyerkopf, Samuel - NextStep Basketball Scouting, Scout.

Pak, Wilson - Elite Tournaments, Assistant Director of Operations.

Paul, Matthew - Salmanson Capital L.L.C., Vice President.

Porillo, Meghan - Signature Consultants, National Account Manager.

Reagan, Katie - G&G Outfitters Inc., Director of Accounts.

Condon, Ashley - University of Massachusetts Lowell, Director of Athletic Communications.

Ruhland, Saralynn - Buffalo Sabres, Account Services Representative.

Salvan, Morgan - 360i L.L.C., Senior Manager/Influencer Marketing.

Schenker, Michael - The Montag Group, Vice President of Consulting.

Schoem, Jordan - New York Ragers, President/Owner.

Serra, Gabriel - Yibbly Labs Inc., Chief Visionary.

Sharkey, Brian - Indeed, Inc., Account Manager.

Shreve, Michael - M.D.S. & Associates, Sales Associates.

Stahler, Jonathan - Stahler Sports & Entertainment Law, P.A., President.

Stark, Hali - Major League Baseball, Director, New Media and Content Marketing.

Stein, Jamie - Wasserman Media Group, Agent.

Carroll, Sarah - Small Shindigs, Company Owner.

Thomas, Lavoisier - E.S.P.N., Account Services Representative.

Thomas, Akeem - The Walt Disney Company, Technology and Telecom Account Executive.

Thomas, Angelica - My/Mo Mochi, Director of Marketing.

Werner, Zachary - Electromed Inc., Clinical Area Manager.

Woltz, Brett - Roar Digital, Partnerships Manager.

Yeremian, Zachary - Sapient Corporation, Senior Associate Marketing Strategy and Analysis.

Class of 2012:

Adamczyk, Elliot - Acadia Realty Trust, Regional Property Manager.

Anthony, David - University of Tennessee Chattanooga, Assistant Director Athletic Compliance.

Berman, Danielle - Tackle What’s Next, Founder and Chief Executive Officer.

Coe, Jonathan - Southern California Golf Association, Assistant Director of Communications.

Costello, Sarah - Tampa Bay Lightning, Lightning Foundation and Community Events Manager.

Czysz, Danielle - DraftKings, Manager, Events and Experiences.

McDonald, Margaret - Dude Perfect, Senior Operations Manager.

Davidson, Bryan - Authentic Brands Group, Counsel, Business and Legal Affairs.

Dos Santos, Afonso - P.S.A.V. Inc., Senior Sales Manager.

Edwards, Jennifer - Kroenke Sports & Entertainment, Account Manager.

Fanelli, Joseph - The Lagasse Group, Assistant Superintendent.

Geant, James - New York Road Runners, Senior Manager, Business Development and Strategic Partnerships.

Glosser, Douglas - Montlick and Associates, Attorney.

Hall, Kevin - The 212 Group, Account Manager.

Handler, Eric - Madison Square Garden, Senior Manager, Pricing and Inventory.

Hochberg, Samuel - Oracle, Sales Executive.

Holden, Sarah - Fleet Feet Inc., Human Resources Manager.

Irvin, Zuri - Blue Duck Media, Producer.

Josephs, Jordan - SingerLewak L.L.P., Director.

Bongrazio, Caitlin - The Walt Disney Company, Recreation Guest Experience Manager.

King, William - Cleveland Indians, Inside Sales Representative.

Langevin, Alison - Boston Celtics, Senior Manager, Corporate Partnerships.

Lazare, Zachary - Madison Square Garden, Director of Account Management.

Lomasky, Marc - Lowenstein Sandler L.L.P., Attorney.

London, Stephen -, Writer.

Marks, Alyssa - National Basketball Association, Director, N.B.A. 2K League.

McLaughlin, Garrett - U.S.A. Football / Bates College, Assistant Football Coach.

Naylor, Andrew - Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc., Assistant Store Manager.

Nightingale, Joshua - M.R.M., Senior Data Analyst.

Norowski, Benjamin - New York Red Bulls, Youth Soccer Supervisor.

Odell, Justin - Mindshare, Account Manager.

Prisco, Anthony - BeerBoard, Draft Beer Optimization Associate.

Proctor, Brian - Special Care Systems, Sales Executive.

Punda, Katherine - Boston Celtics, Senior Account Executive.

Reilly, Jennifer - Hello! Destination Management, Account Executive.

Resavy, Nicholas - Northeast Elite Basketball, Head Coach.

Reuben, Jeffrey - I.S.M., Senior Manager, Sport Partnerships and Activations.

Ricco, Richard - N.B.C. Sports Group, Technical Logistics Assistant.

Rollins, Brandon - Aquarius Sports and Entertainment, Director, Client Services.

Ruff, Brett - Buffalo Sabres, Coordinator of Hockey Administration.

Salmon, Jamal - Paramount Pictures Corporation, Senior Vice President, Research and Analytics.

Shimrat, Alexander - PromoShop Inc., Sales Manager.

Sohl, Rudolph - Murray Guari Trial Attorneys, Associate Attorney.

Tischler, Michael - Comcast Corporation, Facilities Project Manager.

Valente, Christopher - Beat The Bomb, Chief Operating Officer.

Class of 2013:

Abrams, Jesse - New Jersey Devils, Senior Manager, Marketing Partnerships.

Alexander, George - Jared the Galleria of Jewelry, Jewelry Specialist.

Altavilla, Drew - Louisiana State University, Event Management Coordinator.

Arrospide, Andrew - Alfalfa, Co-Founder.

Belanger, Erica - A.S.I.C.S. Digital, Integrated Marketing Communications Manager.

Berkowitz, Jacob - Monumental Sports & Entertainment, Event Manager.

Boepple, Ryan - University of Colorado School of Law, Law Student.

Botwinick, Michael - C.N.A. Insurance, Lawyer, Liability Claims Representative.

Brest, Eric - Catalyst Sports, Player Representative.

Bruce, Rebecca - J.P. Morgan Chase & Company, Sports and Entertainment Marketing.

Bunting, Ryan - Pulse Creative, Vice President of Development.

Ciferri, Marley - The Chef Agency, Chief Recruiting Officer.

Cohen, Benjamin - Janney Montgomery Scott, Vice President, Dealer Sales.

Cohen, Matthew - Riddle & Bloom, Account Supervisor.

Cohen, Daniel - K.S.H.B. Kansas City, Reporter.

D’Ambra, Drake - SignalPath, Client Engagement Manager.

Davidson, Philip - Queensboro F.C., Vice President of Sales.

Faske, Derek - Flex Marketing Group, Sales and Marketing Manager.

Geisenheimer, Steven - M.L.B. Advanced Media, Digital Media Analyst.

Harris, Charma - C.N.A. Financial Corporation, Talent Acquisition Associate.

Higger, Eric - Bernstein Private Wealth Management, Private Client Senior Associate.

Jacobino, Jonathan - Golf Digest, C.R.M. Marketing Manager.

Kearney, Jameson - National Football League, Ad Solutions.

Kwasnowski, Elizabeth - National Football League, Manager, Sponsorship and Partnership Relations.

Lecce, Michael - Radegen Sports Management, Director of Client Marketing and Business Development.

Lennon, Michael - Allstate Sprinkler Corp., Sales Team lead.

Linowes, Rayna - Spartan Race Inc., Production Procurement Manager.

Lyons, Davis - Van Wagner Sports & Entertainment L.L.C., New Stadium Sales Consultant.

McWhirter, Iain - M.K.T.G., Account Director.

Millan, Joshua - Whistle, Director of Content Partnerships.

Nelson, Dylan - J.P. Morgan Chase & Company, Associate.

Noel, Taylor - Bain & Company, Executive Assistant.

Olivero, Antonio - The Wall Street Journal, Sports Reporter.

Pache, Alexander - Amazon, Senior Manager, Business Development.

Pannucci, Elizabeth - Princeton University, Manager of Intercollegiate Programming.

Plaut, Jonathan - DVSport, Inc., Replay Manager.

Ray, John - Siete Family Foods, Business Intelligence Manager.

Rudy, Aaron - Dartmouth College, Assistant Athletics Director for Marketing.

Ruiz, Carlos - M.L.B. Advanced Media, Senior Digital Producer.

Bruno, Nicole - Jaguar Land Rover, Retail Marketing Senior Specialist.

Samost, Matthew - Vinik Sports Group, Vice President of New Ventures.

Silberman, Andrew - CyberArk Software Inc., Senior Products Marketing Manager.

Solomon, Ian - Barstool Sports, Senior Associate, Partnership Marketing.

Spodek, Chad - City Lumber Inc., Financial Account Manager.

Stabenau, Robert - M.K.T.G., S.Ri. Senior Manager.

Voelker, Alvaro - BODYARMOR, Multicultural Marketing Manager.

Wallace, Logan - Head-Royce School, Associate Teacher.

Wasserman, Tyler - National Basketball Association, Salary Cap Analyst.

Wilburn, Clayton - Auth0, Account Development Representative.

Youle, Catherine - Primary Wave Alliance, Marketing Operations Associate.

Class of 2014:

Ackah, Richard - Walt Disney Television, Senior Multimedia Sales Planner.

Andre, Matthew - Universal Tennis, College Program Manager.

Ashe, Matthew - Octagon, Account Manager.

Ayres, Alexandra - United States Olympic Committee, Partner Marketing Coordinator.

Bailey, Stephen - Syracuse Media Group, Sports Reporter.

Baylor, Curtis - Bswift, Health Concierge.

Beck, Andrew - Lehigh Valley IronPigs, Manager, Corporate Partnerships.

Bernstein, Zoe - Noun Agency, Director, Accounts and Strategy.

Blewis, Brian - N.B.C. Sports Washington, Manager, Content Planning.

Boory, Alexander - Philadelphia Flyers, Sales Associate.

Brooks, Beau - Power Home Remodeling, Marketing Consultant.

Corasaniti, Peter - Syracuse University, Director of Men’s Basketball Operations.

DiDonato, Andrew - SportsEngine, Customer Service Team Lead.

Dragona, Anthony - National Basketball Association, Global Events.

Feldman, Paige - Creative Artists Agency, Executive.

Greenfield, Brett - Hartford Athletic, Sponsorship Sales Manager.

Haggerty, Kylee - Casper, Retail Events Programming Manager.

Hart, Nolan - Berstein Private Wealth Management, Financial Advisor.

Hewitt, Cory - National Grid U.S.A., Associate.

Hill, Devin - Barnicle Brothers Inc., Producer.

Jacobson, Max - Home Team Sports, Account Executive.

Jordan, Jasmine - Jordan Brand/Charlotte Hornets, Basketball Operations.

Kelley, Robert - All Fill Inc., Regional Sales Manager.

Kim, Sunghwan - E.S.L. Turtle Entertainment, Junior Account Executive.

Kozar, Steven - C.S.M. Sport & Entertainment, Account Director.

Lee, Mari - M Resort Spa Casino, Sports Partnership Manager.

Lerner, Charles - T.A.O. Group, T.A.O. Cares Engagement Coordinator.

Lewis, Marcel - I.B.M. Corporation, Commercial Account Executive.

Lyons, Courtney - New York Road Runners, Coordinator, N.Y.R.R. Run for the Future.

Maher, Bennigan - Olympia Sports, Store Manager.

Mankowski, Meg - Scout Sports and Entertainment, Senior Manager, Experiential.

Matschiner, Thomas - Major League Soccer, Manager, Brand Alliances.

McAlmont, Sydney - Policygenius Inc., Case Management Associate.

McLean, Amanda - New York Yankees, Community Relations Coordinator.

Morel, Javier - Quantcast, Technical Account Specialist.

Muratev, Chad - 72andSunny, Senior Communications Strategist.

Murray, Robert - PepsiCo, Global Procurement.

Pagano, Matthew - Net Natives, Account Manager.

Peterson, Eric - Goldman Sachs, Experienced Hire Recruiter.

Philipson, Jeremy - FanDuel Inc., Software Engineer.

Rathbun, Stephen - The Rockport Company, Senior Manager, Sales and Marketing.

Rosenblum, Brandon -, Account Executive.

Rubach, Gabrielle - Relevent, Account Coordinator.

Sagarin, Andrew - Berkshire South Regional Community Center, Grants and Development Manager.

Schotz, Zachary - BODYARMOR, Social Media Manager.

Smith, Jordan - Gow Media, Account Manager.

Southard, Tyler - Sportsfield Specialties, Inc., Northeast Customer Service Representative.

Sperino, David - United Rentals, Inside Sales.

Steverson, Jennifer - N.B.C. Universal Media L.L.C., Manager, Agency Partnerships.

Stransky, Jan - Accenture, Senior Client Sales and Support Analyst.

Sugiura, Daisuke - Wasserman, Senior Manager, Operations and Player Relations.

Tavernier, Alex - Genius Sports Media, Senior Business Development Manager.

Tessler, Ryan - Joe Hand Promotions Inc., Senior Account Executive.

Wentzell, Jack - A.S.M. Global at Allegiant Stadium, Operations Manager.

Wilson, John - The Athletic Bridge, Founder and Chief Executive Officer.

Class of 2015:

Agresto, Kevin - Greenlight Financial Technology, C.R.M. Marketing Manager.

Albright, Zachary - J.P. Morgan Chase & Company, Associate, Data and Analytics.

Allam, Mohamed-Yusef - A.D.P. Monroe Township, District Manager.

Amantia, Nico - Scout Sports and Entertainment, Senior Account Executive.

Baren, Shaan - LourdMurray, Associate Wealth Manager.

Barrie, Fergus - Sports Direct, Football Account Director.

Bass, Scott - J. Bass And Son Inc., Director/Sales.

Baumer, Meghan - SIDEARM Sports, Support Specialist.

Beck, Michael - Roadster Inc., Manager.

Brown, Jocelyn - Privy, Account Executive.

Burke, Regina - Varian Medical Systems, Executive Assistant, Government.

Affairs - Butler, Brianna, Penn Medicine Department of Radiology, Administrative Coordinator.

Bynum, Keara - The Madison Square Garden Company, Operations Coordinator, Corporate Hospitality.

Carr, Kelly - Sidley Austin L.L.P., Associate Attorney.

D’Accordo, Michael - Deutsche Bank, Structured Lending Associate.

Del Guercio, Brooke - Major League Baseball, Senior Coordinator, Client Services.

DiDonato, James - C.S.M. Sport & Entertainment, Manager, Account Leadership.

Eidelman, Alec - United Parcel Service Inc., Package Supervisor.

Eklund, Haley - M.K.T.G., Manager, Sponsorship Strategy and Activation.

Embry, Claire - Lippe Taylor, Manager, Analytics.

Evans, Ryan - Eagle Rock Advisors L.L.C., Senior Analyst.

Fernandez, Emmanuel - ACE Programs for the Homeless, Job Developer.

Filippi, Matthew - Ballengee Group, Manager, Analytics.

Frederick, Conor - Bitly, Senior Enterprise Account Executive.

Gonzalez, Diana - Success Academy Charter Schools, Lead Teacher.

Gorman, Daniel - United Solutions, L.L.C., Project Manager.

Greenway, Chelsea - ZogSports, Sales Manager.

Gregory, Brittany - Teach For America, Teacher.

Harmer, Jenna - United States Golf Association, Championship Coordinator.

Hill, Kevin - The Aspire Group, University of Maryland, Manager, Service and Retention.

Kaseman, Mackenzie - ‘47, Associate Account Manager.

Kevy, Scott - Momentum Worldwide, Senior Account Executive.

Kopitz, Sandor - Sandor Kopitz, Manager, Sales Academy.

Korolev, Kristina - E.L.M. Developments, Project Coordinator.

LaCombe, Alexis - National Women’s Hockey League, Professional Hockey Player.

Laifer, Harrison - National Basketball Association, Associate Manager, Merchandising Partnerships.

Levy, Brett - SportsGrid, Video Coordinator.

Liemer, Colby - Scout Sports and Entertainment, Senior Account Executive.

Lloyd, Tatum - M.O.C.D.C., Data Analyst Consultant.

Ludwig, Max - Rosenberg and Steinmetz, Law Clerk Associate.

Mastin, Jonathan - Disney Cruise Line, Sales and Service Agent.

Mindock, Stephanie - Loyola University Maryland / M.A.S.N., Executive Producer.

Mischel, Zachary - Apollo Jets, In-House Counsel.

Nassar, Albert - Merrill Lynch, Financial Advisor.

Peters, Derek - National Basketball Association, League Operations Assistant.

Caporizzo, Carly - Phoenix Marketing International, Director of Sample Operations.

Rechler, Benjamin - S.P.M. Soccer, Players’ Agent.

Rose, Matthew - C.S.M. Sport & Entertainment, Manager, Creative Strategy.

Ruben, Kate - The Montag Group, Chief of Staff and Director of Brand Development.

Shapiro, Robert - OUTFRONT Media, Account Executive.

Skwiersky, David - K.P.M.G. U.S., Financial Services Internship.

Stevenson, Austin - Explore Solutions, Digital Brand Development Manager.

Strong, Hanna - MaxWay Performance, Social Media Marketing Coordinator/Coach.

Szczygiel, Erica - New York Islanders, Sales Account Manager.

Thweatt, Kyle - Vermont Department of Labor, Communications and Outreach Coordinator.

Walker, Bryson - Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Account Executive.

Wickham, Kathryn - Syracuse University, Recreation Services Supervisor.

Wildhack, Sean - P.G.A. Tour, Tournament Business and Sponsor Relations Coordinator.

Wilkinson, Brian - Neodent U.S.A., Territory Manager.

Winter, Max - New York City Police Department, Agency Attorney.

Wood, Alyssa -M.K.T.G., Senior Manager of Sponsorship Strategies and Activation.

Zombek, Ethan - Lone Peak Realty, Assistant Property Manager.

Class of 2016:

Bengis, Julie- Smile Train, Manager, Team EMPOWER.

Biggins, Elijah - Genius, Integrated Marketing Strategist.

Billitier, Hailey - fuboT.V., Manager, Content Strategy and Acquisitions.

Bocianski, Jakob - Ogilvy, Account Executive.

Brenner, Jayson - Kindred Group, Associate Product Manager.

Brody, Megan - Viacom C.B.S., Programmatic Account Service Representative.

Campeas, Emily - Yelp, Training Specialist.

Cantwell-Papale, Gabriella - Philadelphia 76ers, Game Presentation Manager.

Carlon, Timothy - Diligent Corporation, Client Development Representative.

Chan, Michael - TaylorMade Golf Company, Experiential Lead.

Cummings, Martin - Active International, Digital Media Coordinator.

Curran, Jake - Apple Inc., Specialist.

Daniels, Jessica - Make-A-Wish International, Wish Journey Coordinator.

Doskow, Sydney - Overtime, Account Manager.

Emerich, Jason - Wheeling University, Recruiting Coordinator/Offensive Line Coach.

Eo, Brian - E.Y., Assurance Staff.

Feinman, Daniel -, Senior Business Development Consultant.

Fine, Jenny - Turner Sports, Marketing Coordinator.

Freedman, Benjamin - Beyond Sport, Development Manager.

Friedell, Samuel - Heroic Sports, President/Founder.

Garofalo, Jeffrey - Marmion Academy, Basketball Coach.

Gomolka, Jacob - Austin Spurs, Game Operations Coordinator.

Greenwald, Ryan - Sam Berman Charitable Foundation Inc., Director.

Gutman, Michael - Yext, Account Executive.

Hamill, Robert - I.M.G. College, Partner Services Coordinator.

Hascoe, Harrison - New York Empire Tennis, Facility Operations/Events Coordinator.

Hirschberg, Dean - Multipet International, Marketing, Sales, and Product Development.

Howard-Orr, Alexis - Tropical Foods L.L.C., Accounting Coordinator.

Howe-Lubowich, Hannah - UNICEF, Associate, Sports and Integrated Marketing Partnerships.

Johnson, Blake - Atlanta Hawks, Senior Coordinator, Community Basketball Programs.

Karslioglu, Peri - Disney, Marketing Strategy Manager, National Geographic.

Katz, Brett - Xandr, Senior Sales Planning Analyst.

Koeppel, Max - Koeppel Rosen L.L.C., Associate.

Langdon, Cady - National Football League, Health and Safety Initiatives Coordinator.

Leist, Matthew - Loyalty Above All, Vice President.

Losak, Jeremy - Syracuse University, Assistant Professor of Sport Analytics.

Luther, Adam - Van Wagner Sports & Entertainment, Account Executive.

Lynn, Cameron - Army Historical Foundation, Marketing Manager and Program Outreach Specialist.

Maizlish, Evan - Box, Senior Commercial Account Executive.

Major, Brendan - Eaton Crouse-Hinds, Customer Service Representative.

Marra, Christopher - Prometheus Group, Team Lead, Business Development.

McCrea, C’Ara - E.Y., Campus Ambassador.

Mendelson, Jordan - Berry Industrial Group Inc., Executive Assistant to the President.

Mongiello, Drew - Northwell Health, Clinical Practice Plan Representative.

Moriarty, Jeremiah - The Steiner Agency, Account Manager.

Oh, Chang Hwan - Korea Men’s National Basketball Team, Interpreter.

Petkevich, Kathryn - San Francisco Giants, Event Manager.

Polsky, Jake - Sullivan Papain Block McGrath, Coffinas & Cannavo Legal Intern.

Regan, Sky - Los Angeles Clippers, Group Sales Associate.

Rodriguez-Ema, Rafael - PREPA, Executive Office Systems Administrator.

Rosenwald, Benjamin - B.S.E. Global, Senior Research Analyst.

Rothstein, Adam - Mindshare Entertainment, Associate.

Sadat-Tehrani, Tara - C.B.R.E., Client Services Coordinator.

Salerno, Salvatore - Blue Signal Search, Executive Recruiter.

Schneider, Jonathan - M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment, Senior Account Executive.

Shahar, David - Scale Management, Talent Coordinator.

Shaw, Jared - Wynn Las Vegas, Event Promoter.

Sherfey, Samuel - Baltimore T-Shirt Company, Sales and Operations Manager.

Siegel, Sophie - OneTeam Partners, Content Coordinator.

Sparks, Jacquelyn - C.S.M. Sport & Entertainment, Senior Account Coordinator.

Spector, Samuel -Prudential Center, Manager of Premium Partnerships.

Tabak, Max - ButterflyM.X., Sales Director.

Tillotson, Jordan - The Hoop Group, Vice President of Operations and Administration.

Troia, Meghan - Wunderman Thompson, Associate Project Manager.

Rafferty, Hannah - Event Strategy Group, Event Manager.

White, Marcus - N.B.C. Sports, Writer and Web Producer.

Wisen, Micah - Blackhawk Network, Client Success.

Young, Sean - DePuy Synthes Companies, Sales Consultant.

Class of 2017:

Avigdor, Harrison - National Basketball Association, Coordinator, USA Basketball.

Bishop, Angus - Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Partnership, Coordinator, Global Partnerships.

Brennan, Christina - CelebExperts, Vice President of New Business Development.

Carter, Alexander - Wilker Realty, Realtor.

Ciferri, Peter - Binghamton University, Assistant Lacrosse Coach.

Conetta, Colby - C.B.S. Sports Network, Ticker Operator.

del Sol, Emma - Hillel International, Philanthropic Partnerships Associate.

Diaz, Mateo - Verizon, Legal Intern.

Ellman, Matthew - N.B.C. Universal, Digital Sales Planner.

Feola, Joseph - A.E.G., C.R.M. Analyst.

Friedman, Samuel -, Business Development Consultant.

Grassadonia, Meghan - Excel Sports Management, Marketing Manager.

Greenstein, Emily - Reprise Digital, Specialist, Paid Social.

Grossman, Alexander - Hofstra University, Graduate Student.

Grotenstein, Joshua - OwnBackup, Account Executive.

Hamilton, Nicolette - Point Place Casino, Promotions Coordinator.

Horwitz, Benjamin - William and Smith Colleges, Mens’ Basketball Assistant Coach.

Hoyle, Madeline - WorldMark Depoe Bay, Guest Services Associate.

Jenner, Isabelle - WarnerMedia Ad Sales, Marketing Coordinator.

Kassoff, Jared - KeyBanc Capital Markets, Assistant Vice President.

LaRosa, Lee - Elton John AIDS Foundation, Development Coordinator.

Larsen, Erika - The IRONMAN Group, Race Director.

Lattimore, Zachary - Professional Athletes, Personal Assistant.

Linabury, Samuel - Prolific 1, Business Development Associate.

Luna, Marcos - The Marketing Arm, Production Coordinator.

Maizes, Jeffrey - N.B.C. Sports Group, Digital Sponsorship Integration Specialist.

Marinelli, Ian - The Madison Square Garden Company, Account Executive.

Marsh, Jonathan - Rapid7, Cybersecurity Solutions Provider.

McDonald, Zachary - Indianapolis Indians, Community Relations Coordinator.

McGrory, Reid - Keurig Dr. Pepper, Consumer Engagement Associate Manager.

McHale, Casey - A.T.&T., Sales Consultant.

Miller, Mallory - Fencers Club, Program Director.

Milliken, Pierce - Hughes Marino, Associate Vice President.

Mitchell, Matthew - Planet Fitness, General Manager.

Mizruchi, Mikayla - American Lung Association, Administrative Assistant.

Montferret, Nicholas - Air Force Academic Athletics, Assistant Director of Marketing.

O’Brien, Daniel - UMass Amherst, Director of Football Operations.

Parauda, Nicholas - Atlanta Hawks, Basketball Operations Assistant.

Pongetti, Rebecca - Under Armour Inc., Senior Professional, Brand Marketing.

Ranieri, Francesca - National Hockey League, Executive Assistant of Content.

Reese, Kevin - Momentum Worldwide, Account Executive.

Rice, Jordan - San Diego Gulls, Digital Marketing Coordinator.

Robinson, Brian - Excel Sports Management, Senior Coordinator, Brand Marketing.

Romansky, Matthew - Optimum Sports, Assistant Negotiator.

Rosenhaus, Talia - B.S.E. Global, Coordinator, Global Partnerships and Events Strategy.

Rotondo, Michael - B.S.E. Gobal, Manager of Premium Ticket Operations.

Scanlan, Daniel - Kindred Partners, Partner.

Schwartzman, Joshua - M.K.T.G., Sponsorship Strategy and Activation.

Serra, Paige - MacWilliams Law P.C., Student Associate.

Sewerin, Oskar Emil Anders - Generation Pep, Event Manager.

Shea, Alexander - Radegen Sports, Senior Manager, Client Marketing.

Shelmidine, Marcus - Syracuse University Athletics, Women’s Basketball Video Coordinator.

Sirota, Samuel - S.L. Green Realty Corp., Associate Underwriter.

Trust, Bradley - Hofstra University, Assistant Film Coordinator.

Tumminia, Sara - Van Wagner Sports and Entertainment, Production Coordinator.

Twomey, Nicholas - C.S.M. Sports & Entertainment, Account Manager.

Van Ermen, John - William Hill, SportsBook Supervisor.

Vest, Jason - New York Islanders, Account Manager.

Voorheis, Patrick - Cambridge Public Schools, Instructional Aide.

Weinberg, Joseph - Havas Media Group, Junior Data Analyst.

Weisman, Samantha - Momentum Worldwide, Account Executive.

Weiss, Simon - Townsquare Interactive, Digital Marketing Specialist.

Class of 2018:

Allen, David - Squar Milner, Business Development.

Banks, Jessica - Creative Artists Agency, Brand Consulting Assistant.

Beach, Cobie - Waste Harmonics, Customer Service Representative.

Beyer, Leah - Live Nation Entertainment, Sponsorship Coordinator.

Birns, Jeremy - R.D.E. Advisors, Inc., Office Leasing Associate.

Bongiorno, Joseph - New York Yankees, Season Tickets Coordinator.

Borza, Timothy - D.S.J. Global, Consultant.

Breitenmoser, Jan - F.C. Wil 1900 Switzerland, Sporting Coordinator.

Bremer, Keith - Tennessee Titans, Fan Services Assistant.

Broderick, Christopher - New Jersey Devils, Ticket Operations Coordinator.

Carlon, Kelsey - Lehigh Valley IronPigs, Manager of Group Sales.

Castro, Destiny - New York City Football Club, Ticket Sales Coordinator.

Chun, Seung Han - K.C.C. Corporation Korea, Sales.

Cook, Alexandra - The IRONMAN Group, Senior Athlete Services Coordinator.

Custis, Jamal - National Footbal League, Professional Football Player.

DeGuzman, Christian - Freelance, Baseball Play-by-Play Broadcaster.

DiPaola, Nicklaus - Legends Global Sales, Premium Sales Consultant.

Essaghof, Joy - Legends, Business Development Analyst.

Fishbein, Daniel - N.M.Pi., Senior Partnership Sales Associate.

Fleischer, Carly - Kicks By Carly, Founder.

Friedman, Matthew - The Madison Square Garden, Company Coordinator, New Business Development.

Gardner, Sarah - N.B.A., Production Trainee.

Gorman, William - DICK’S Sporting Goods Fulfillment Center, Group Leader.

Harlow, Justin - Urban Sports Hall of Fame of Syracuse, Business Operations.

Henderson, Christopher - National Basketball Association 2K League, Coordinator, Marketing Partnerships.

Jaffin, David - Grit Player Services, L.L.C., Co-Founder.

Jordan, Lawrence - Google, Enterprise Business Development.

Kent, Jeffrey - Vermont Lake Monsters, Director of Marketing and In-Game Entertainment.

Kim, Jaeseung - United States Army Reserve, Officer.

Kropp, Benjamin - The Aspire Group Inc., New Business Consultant.

Lagerweij, Elise - Utrecht University, Law Student.

Leiher, Sydney - U.S. Department of Education, Management and Program Analyst.

Lynch, William - Cynet Security, Sales Development Representative.

Marciello, Stephen - Sports Info Solutions, Senior Video Scout.

Massino, Kellan - Penn Interactive, Player Experience Specialist.

Mayer, Alexandra - William Morris Endeavor, Non Scripted Sports TV Assistant.

Mejia, Anthony - Four Athletics, Senior Project Line Manager.

Minor, Oliver - CloudLex, Inc., Cloud Solutions Consultant.

Monihan, John - Digital Remedy, Account Manager.

Morano, Caroline - Thuzio, Event Manager.

Myers, Christina - Lehigh University Athletics, Marketing Manager.

Neal, Emily - GoExpedi, Procurement Intern.

Neumann, Matthew - DraftKings, Customer Experience Associate.

Newsome, Elijah - M.K.T.G., Coordinator.

O’Connor, Kyle - Convene, Account Coordinator.

O’Connor, Daniel - Premier Partnerships, Senior Analyst.

Pappalardo, James - C.I.T., Marketing Specialist.

Pasternak, Richard - N.B.A., Game Reviewer.

Penta, Tyler - Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, International Legal Assistant.

Peters, Christopher - M.S.G., Account Executive.

Polanco, Deanna - Monami Entertainment, Executive Assistant.

Potolski, Matthew - N.B.C. Sports Group, Junior Publicist.

Prescott-Moore, Da’Sha - Georgia Tech Athletics, Hospitality Intern.

Prisco, Matthew - White Ops, Business Development Analyst.

Ritholz, Julian - Authentic Brands Group, Manager of Business Development.

Robinson, Matthew - Futures Sport + Entertainment, Junior Analyst.

Ross, Gabriel - 360Learning Engagement Platform, Digital Learning and Sales Enablement Advisor.

Rossetti, Benjamin - N.B.C. Universal, Digital Sales Planner.

Rousso, Eli - MSG, Group Sales and Service.

Rubenstein, Benjamin - Snackpass, Business Operations and Expansion Manager.

Rubin, Paulina - C.S.M. Sport & Entertainment, Account Coordinator.

Ryback, Austin - Long Island Nets, Account Coordinator.

Schuster, Jake - The Hotaling Group, Insurance Specialist.

Shaiman, Benjamin - The Strategic Agency, Account Executive.

Smith, Jason - Fairfax County Public Schools, Instructional Assistant.

Spyropoulos, Eric - Kroenke Sports & Entertainment, Digital Media Coordinator.

Telesford, Morgan - St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School, Development and Communications Associate.

Van Loon, Matthew - Digital Remedy, Media Buyer.

VanRaamsdonk, Robert - New York Islanders, Account Executive.

Wang, Wei - Wasserman, Talent and Marketing Executive.

Weiss, Erik - DraftKings, Senior Customer Experience Associate.

Wood, Alex - TeamWork Online, Director, Marketing and Product Management.

Wysoczanski, Sydney - Major League Lacrosse, Mid-Atlantic Operations Manager.

Yablonski, Corey - Otis Elevator Company, Account Manager.

Class of 2019:

Alechammas, Zachary - Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide Inc., Client Finance Analyst.

Arnold, Nikolai - Lycoming College, Assistant Basketball Coach.

Austin, William - starpower, Account Coordinator.

Banner, Jonathan - N.F.L. Films, Production Assistant.

Basile, Nicholas - New York Yankees, Junior Sales Associate.

Becker, Evan - L.A. Kings, Inside Sales Representative.

Belbey, Shaun - Shaun Belby Basketball, N.B.A. Skills Coach.

Bennett, Jonathan - Siegel Sports & Entertainment, Intern.

Bieber, Alec - CollectibleXchange, Marketing Manager.

Birdsall, Samuel - SportsFan, Analytics and Sales Associate.

Bisson, Rebecca - New York Mets, Account Executive.

Burke, Caitlin - M.K.T.G., Coordinator, Hospitality and Events.

Carlson, Nicholas - Horizon Media, Inc., Assistant Brand Strategist.

Cavalier, Michael - The Topps Company, Associate Content Producer.

Cornelius, Aaron - POINT 3 Basketball, Assistant Operations Manager.

Critchlow, Timothy - I.M.G., Production Assistant.

Daly, Brigid - Anheuser-Busch, Senior Specialist, Influencer Marketing.

D’Aversa, Lucas - New York Yankees, Sales Associate, Group Inside Sales.

De La Fuente, Anthony - C.S.M. Sport & Entertainment, Consulting Coordinator.

DeLabruere, Jonathan - NASCAR, Account Executive.

Domic, Drina Adriana - N.B.A., Associate Manager, Team Strategy and Analytics.

Duerr, Hannah - U.S. Soccer Federation, Referee Operations Coordinator.

Eckenrod, Marc - Super Fan Sports Fundraising L.L.C., Business Strategist.

Feinberg, Michael - E.S.P.N., Programming Coordinator.

Gargiulo, Ryan - Syracuse University, Women’s Basketball Video Assistant.

Godnick, Andrew - N.B.A.P.A., Administrative Assistant.

Gold, Nicholas - U.S.A. Swimming, Sport Development Intern.

Goldberger, James - Romano Law P.L.L.C., Legal Extern.

Greenberg, Seth - Learfield I.M.G. College, Sales Analyst.

Gwiazdowski, Matthew - FXSpotStream, Client Services and Support.

Hamilton, Daniel - University of South Florida, Assistant Director of Communications.

Herrington, Owen - Syracuse Crunch, Account Executive.

Israel, Adam - New York Mets, Ticket Services Representative.

Israel, Erel - Guidepoint, Associate.

Jenanyan, Samuel - starpower, Account Coordinator.

Kaczorowski, Jack - MuteSix, Sales Development Representative.

Katz, Joshua - Baltimore Ravens, Business Analyst.

Khalil, Daniel - Cascade Maverik Lacrosse, Event and Promotions Intern.

Krumbine, Erica - New York Yankees, Coordinator, Yankee Stadium Events.

Kurasz, Taitum - Tucson Roadrunners, Coordinator, Corporate Service.

Kuruc, Michael - King’s College, Director of Hockey Operations.

Lavelle, Olivia - Cleveland Indians, Coordinator, Digital Products.

Li, Xinyu - Future Arena, Business Development.

Lovece, Matteo - iHeartMedia, Account Coordinator.

Lowenthal, Nick - U.S. House of Representatives, Congressional Intern.

Maish, Stefan - AxGen, Business Development Intern.

Marsans, Hugo - Culture Group, Partnerships Manager.

McLoughlin, Marielle - Mississippi State, Football Operations Assistant.

Meyer, Andrew - Baltimore Ravens, Community Relations.

Miles, Nathan - IXIS, Data Analyst.

Miller, Alex - S.B.G. Funding, Account Executive.

Narracci, Jake - E.S.P.N., Sports Data Analyst I.

Natowitz, Austin - Major League Baseball, Designer.

Newman, Alexander - Viacom C.B.S., Client Service Representative.

Onwualu, Chukwudubem - Deutsch, Assistant Account Executive.

Pessar, Ayal - Roar Digital, Partnerships Coordinator.

Placey, Madeline - E.S.P.N., Marketing Coordinator.

Quigley, Andrew - Talent Resources, Brand Relations Manager.

Redett, Quinton - Charlotte Hornets, Inside Sales Consultant.

Rubin, Micah - U.N.C. School of Law, J.D. Candidate.

Ruiz, Javier - Home Team Sports, Client Service Coordinator.

Sawyer, Phillip - Atlanta Hawks, Membership Associate.

Schwartz, Jack - Optimum Sports, Assistant Account Executive.

Selig, Sean - Loyola University Chicago, Video Coordinator Women’s Basketball.

Senif, Kurtis - HomeAdvisor, Inside Sales Representative.

Shaw, Perez - PowerSpike, Campaign Associate.

Stanley, Sara - Stewart Law Group, Marketing Assistant.

Steele, Cameron - Monumental Sports & Entertainment, Account Executive, Inside Sales.

Stoeckling, Fabian - Eichgarten Immobilien AG, Project Manager.

Tabak, Aaron - Segal Law Firm, Legal Intern.

Torres, Alicia - C.S.M. Sport & Entertainment, Account Coordinator.

Towns, Austin - Cleveland Cavaliers, Account Coordinator.

Vaughn, Sterling - N.E.P.C., Investment Operations Associate.

Warner, Kristen - M.K.T.G., Sponsorship and Activation Trainee.

Whitman, Griffin - L.F.G. Sports, Founder and C.E.O.

Williamson, Bradley - Van Wagner Sports & Entertainment, Account Executive.

Yoo, Ethan - Thomas Safran & Associates, Assistant.

Zacchilli, Nicholas - Corporate Brokers, Case Manager.

Zimmermann, Daniel - Verse Gaming, Founder and C.E.O.

Class of 2020:

Adams, Thomas - Atlanta Hawks, Inside Sales Associate.

Appel, Peter - New York Yankees, Junior Sales Associate.

Aretsky, Brad - Brooklyn Law School, Law Student.

Blutig, Andrew - Capelli Sport, Customer Service Assistant.

Davis, Caroline - Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University, Graduate Student.

Davis-Corr, Kinsey - Hitz & Branding, Assistant Manager.

DeFusco, Matthew - Red Bull, Musketeer Scout.

Diorio, Noah - Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, Graduate Student.

Felicetti, Nicholas - Mobile Programming, Technology Growth Specialist.

Hurley, Drew - Syracuse University Sport Venue and Event Management, Graduate Student.

Kleban, Jacob - Athletes First Partners, Global Marketing Intern.

Monzo, Connor - New York Yankees, Inside Sales Associate.

Olnowich, Alexandra - A.C.C. Network, Content Creator.

Pignatella, Matthew - StarStock, Card Operations Specialist.

Riccolo, Leah - Rubicon Talent, Coordinator of Talent Marketing.

Richer, Alexis - Hofstra Law School, Law Student.

Rogers, Kristen - Widener University Delaware Law, Law Student.

Saxe, Justin - Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, Graduate Student.

Schmidt, Niklas Alexander - F.H. Kufstein Tirol Austria, Graduate Student.

Sepe-Chepuru, Shanthi - Beloit Snappers Baseball, Media Relations.

Tyrus, Montana - Long Island Nets, Account Executive.

Weinberg, Evan - William Hill, Retention Marketing Coordinator.

Wright, Declan - C.N.A. Insurance, Underwriter Trainee.

Sport Venue and Event Management.

Class of 2013:

Becton, Sidonie - Shulman Rogers Gandal Pordy & Ecker P.A., Summer Associate.

Byron, Monica - Kenny Leigh & Associates, Receptionist.

Carlson, Melissa - Atlanta Braves, Senior Sales Coordinator.

Firestone, Evan - State Street Corporation Wealth Management Services, Associate 2.

Higgins, Maureen - Levy Restaurants, General Manager of Suites.

Hills, Katherine - Syracuse University, Office Coordinator.

Manecio, Matthew - New York Health & Racquet Club, Manager.

Ricco, Richard - National Broadcasting Company Inc., Technical Logistics Assistant.

Rudy, Kathleen - University of Virginia, Director of Promotions for Athletics.

Upmalis, Jordan - American Kennel Club, Digital Content Editor.

Class of 2014:

Bayanker, Chari - The Topps Company, App Producer.

D’Arcy, Danielle - The Madison Square Garden Company, Guest Services Operator.

Fiorini, Emily - Spartan Race, Inc., Festival Manager.

Huang, Yuxuan - A.K.Q.A., Associate Account Director.

Jackson, Taylor - Research Now, Account Development Manager.

Lever, Sierra - Columbia Records, Associate Marketing Director.

Perlo, Elissa - D.H.M.C. Dermatology, Medical Assistant.

Rising, Julie - Boise State University, Athletic Game Operations Manager.

Class of 2015:

Bracken, Emily - Lincoln Healthcare Leadership, Conference Manager.

Brown, Justin - Boston Celtics, Senior Inside Sales Representative.

Bryant, Jordan - Canvas Worldwide, Senior Analyst.

Davidson, Hannah - WorldClaim, Administrative Assistant.

Davis, Lauren - Syracuse University, Events Production Manager.

Denick, Kristen - Syracuse Crunch Hockey Club, Crunch Foundation & Retention Manager.

Dumas, Emily - Washington Nationals, Manager, Inside Sales.

Gao, Fei - China University of Political Science and Law, Associate Professor.

Lublin, Jason - University of Connecticut, Facilities Assistant.

Sloan, Victoria - Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority, Visitor Information Center Coordination.

Sun, Wendong - Sparks Marketing Group Inc., Account Manager.

Class of 2016:

Hines, Keith - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Marketing Project Manager.

Johnson, Riley - Hillsdale College, Assistant Coach.

Liu, Mingtao - Hangzhou Dragon Sport Center, Assistant Facilities Manager.

McCaslin, Carolyn - N.C.M. Associates, Client Services and Meeting Coordinator.

Peters, Jordan - Boilermaker Road Race, Sponsor and Marketing Specialist.

Pils, Elizabeth - New York State Department of Labor, Senior Employment Security Clerk.

Rudy, Aaron - Dartmouth College, Assistant Athletics Director for Marketing.

Tartaro, Daniela - Le Moyne College, Adjunct Professor, Sports Marketing.

Class of 2017:

Banno, Sean - Brown University, Coordinator, Facilities and Operations.

Chulock, Rachel - Special Olympics Massachusetts, Events and Schools Coordinator.

Johnson, Kelly - Syracuse University, Associate Director of Recovery Services.

Nakata, Kensuke - Amuse, Inc., Manager of Sports Business.

Sena, Candace - Buffalo Bills L.L.C., Business Development Coordinator.

Sun, Shen - China Sports Administrative Center, Program Assistant.

Zhang, Kaili - S.E.C.A. Worldwide, Project Manager.

Class of 2018:

Barrie, Fergus - SportsDirect, Football Account Director.

Burke, Brett - Gwinnett Stripers, Concessions Manager.

Chen, Peng Han - I.M.G. Academy and W.T.A. Operation, Residential Mentor.

LaRoussa, Jessica - Allegiant Stadium, Assistant Manager, Corporate Events.

Marks, Brendan - Apex Systems, Account Manager.

Martuscello, Kevin - A.S.M., Technical Events Manager.

Olson, Arek - Lehigh University Athletics, Assistant Director, Facilities and Events.

Vergara, Anna - Legends A.T.&T. Stadium, Assistant.

Zorn, Anna - A.S.M. Global, Operations Manager.

Zuo, Chengji - Chinese Badminton Association, Foreign Affairs Assistant.

Class of 2019:

Bruno, Lia - Ironman, Athletes Service Coordinator.

Douglass, Baylee - Lyda Fire, Associate Project Manager.

DuVal, Marisa - Syracuse University Athletics, Operations and Game Manager Assistant.

Peters, Allison - International Tennis Tour, Event Manager.

Wei, Yaohui - Syracuse University Recreation Services, Sports Club Coordinator.

Williams, Janelle - A.V.P. Volleyball Tour, Partnership Activation Coordinator.

Emerging Leaders Council to support next generation of industry leaders through mentorship and networking.

Current and future students in Falk College’s Department of Sport Management will be the true beneficiaries of the newly-formed Emerging Leaders Council (E.L.C.). This core group of 31 influential Syracuse University alumni is committed to supporting the next generation of sport professionals with the tools necessary to be successful leaders and practitioners.

In partnership with sport management faculty and staff, as well as other Falk College and campus partners, the E.L.C. will participate on the department’s strategic areas of interest to support students as well as alumni, including alumni relations and mentorship, professional and career development, events, curriculum, and fundraising.

The Emerging Leaders Council will assist with Capstone, practicum and internship placements and other professional opportunities while serving as ambassadors and advocates for sport management programs in their workplaces and communities. Council members will be involved with classroom lectures and assignments in S.P.M. 201—Professional Development in Sport Management and participate in regional networking events.

“We always strive to make a life-long connection with our students—not only while completing their undergraduate or graduate degree—but once they become alumni,” said Michael Veley, Rhonda S. Falk endowed professor, department chair and founding director. “Engagement is one of the cornerstones of our success, and it is terrific to witness the current wisdom and leadership of our senior-level Advisory Council being passed on to the new generation of leaders in our E.L.C..”

E.L.C. charter members:

Daniel Anyaegbunam, football operations and administration, National Football League.

Harrison Avigdor, U.S.A. Basketball analyst, National Basketball Association.

Danielle Berman, founder and C.E.O., Tackle What’s Next.

Elijah Biggins, integrated marketing strategist, Genius.

Nicole (Imbrogno) Cost, sport management internship placement coordinator, Syracuse University.

P.J. Davidson, vice president of sales, Queensboro F.C.

Jim Geant, senior manager, business development and strategic partnerships, New York Road Runners.

Jenna Harmer, championship coordinator, United States Golf Association.

Charma Harris, talent acquisition associate, C.N.A.

Harrison Laifer, associate manager, merchandising partnerships, National Basketball Association.

Jeremy Losak, assistant professor, sport analytics, Syracuse University.

Hugo Marsans, business development and partnership manager, Culture Group.

Ian McFate, director of growth, sports and entertainment, Aramark.

Ari Moskowitz, partnerships and business development.

Ben Norowski, youth soccer sales supervisor, New York Red Bulls.

Jeff Petrino, director, Turner Ignite Sports, WarnerMedia.

Jeremy Philipson, front end engineer, FanDuel.

Kevin Reese, account executive, Momentum Worldwide.

Lori Robinson, learning specialist, Baylor University Athletics.

Kate Ruben, chief of staff and director, brand development, The Montag Group.

Benjamin Rubenstein, business operations manager, Snackpass.

Carlos Ruiz, senior digital producer, Major League Baseball.

Hanna Sanford, community outreach specialist.

Steven Shur, attorney, Giordano, Halleran and Ciesla.

Jake Silverman, associate athletics director, University of Pennsylvania.

Jonathan Stahler, sports and entertainment attorney.

Bradley Trust, assistant film coordinator, Hofstra University.

Tiffer Valente, chief operating officer, Beat the Bomb.

Tyler Wasserman, salary cap analyst, N.B.A.

Alex Wood, project manager, TeamWork Online.

Alyssa Wood, senior manager of sponsorship strategies and activation, M.K.T.G.

S.V.E.M. graduate strives to Americanize college sports in Japan.

By J. Brady McCollough, Los Angeles Times.

As one of the leaders behind a nascent movement to Americanize the athletic culture at Japanese universities, Syracuse University graduate Kensuke Nakata (M.S. ’17) draws inspiration from his early days as a college sports fan.

At first, he fell for the colors.

In his native Osaka, Japan, he never saw anyone wear clothing featuring the branding of their favorite university. But as an undergraduate student in the United States at the State University of New York College at Cortland, Nakata noticed students wearing their Red Dragons apparel, showing off their spirit for the school’s N.C.A.A. Division III athletic programs. Because of the close proximity, students also sported the orange of Syracuse University, where Nakata continued his studies as a graduate student in the Sport Venue and Event Management program in S.U.’s David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics.

During his freshman year in 2007, Nakata began attending Cortland games and watching Syracuse on T.V. He started to wear the gear, too. “It was a weird feeling,” Nakata says. “In Japan, it’s like people feel it’s embarrassing to wear a school’s name on your T-shirt.”

As a sophomore, Nakata signed up for a bus trip to attend a Syracuse-Georgetown men’s basketball game at the Carrier Dome. He took in one of college basketball’s most heated rivalries with 30,000 others decked out in orange, blue and white.

“No words,” he says wistfully, more than a decade later.

Today, Nakata heads a research project driven by the Tokyo-based Dome Corporation, Japan’s official licensee of Under Armour. The company wants to flood a potential new market for its product by outfitting college sports teams in the same way Nike and Adidas made their push in the 1980s when N.C.A.A. games skyrocketed in popularity with increased television exposure.

While Nakata, 33, acknowledges that money is a factor in Dome’s interest in the American college sports model crossing the Pacific, his passion for the pageantry remains wondrous and innocent.

In 2016, Nakata joined Shinzo Yamada, a senior associate athletic director at the University of Tsukuba and a former X.F.L. and N.F.L. Europe player, to start the research project with Temple (P.A.) University’s sport management program. Why would a country would take on this peculiar American tradition? Of course there is the opportunity to make the equivalent of many U.S. millions by capitalizing on the built-in loyalties of college students and alums is enticing, sure, but there is a perceived intrinsic value, too.

Certainly, patience will be required. Nakata plans to continue working toward the dream he conjured at SUNY Cortland and pursued at Syracuse as a graduate student who interned in the school’s athletic department: to bring a special part of the American college experience home. He imagines a day when Tsukuba and other schools have their own mascot and fight song.

Read more online.

Photos with captions in this section include: Kensuke Nakata received his master’s degree in Sport Venue and Event Management from Syracuse University’s Falk College in 2017. Courtesy of the Los Angeles Times.

Event becoming a tradition for alumni and students.

As part of its ongoing commitment to enhancing students’ professional growth and networking opportunities, Sport Management hosted the third annual “S.P.M. Alumni in #SportsBiz” event on October 18, 2019 in Falk College. More than 30 alumni and 150 sport management, sport analytics, and sport venue and event management students attended the event.

“It’s impressive and humbling to see the amount of alumni that look forward to coming back to campus to engage with current and prospective students annually,” said Sport Management Internship Placement Coordinator Nicole Cost ’08, who organized the event. “I’ve always found the Sport Management program to be more than just an academic department; it’s a family. Faculty and staff are dedicated to the success of our students, while alumni want to give back to ensure that the program continues to thrive.”

The 2019 event kicked off with a luncheon for alumni with Sport Management Director Michael Veley and department faculty and staff before S.P.M. Advisory Council member and marketing industry veteran Kelly Downing opened the afternoon program as the keynote speaker.

“It was an honor to deliver the keynote speech for my alma mater,” said Downing (B.S. ’98, M.S. ’99). “I enjoy every opportunity to be on campus and connect with students. I hope students were able to connect with elements of my speech and apply some to their academic and professional careers.”

A panel of S.P.M. alumni – Casey Miller ’08, Ari Moskowitz ’18, Danielle Berman ’12 and Jeff Petrino ’08 - discussed their current roles in emerging areas of the industry, from drone racing to starting a non-profit and the digital age of sport. Alumni and students then moved into classrooms to take part in panel sessions covering topics such as transitioning from Capstone to career and navigating the changing landscape of the industry. The day concluded with a networking session for alumni and students.

Meet Caroline Morano, S.P.M. ’18, event manager, Thuzio.

For my Senior Capstone Experience, I was fortunate to land a dream opportunity at Thuzio, a private event startup that caters to a business-oriented membership crowd. It was this organization that taught me invaluable lessons for the industry, provided an in-depth and hands-on internship experience, and heavily prepared me for the future I wanted in the sport industry.

The opportunity to work full-time at Thuzio after my Capstone was unfortunately not an option at the time, so I secured a similar position at another company. Within a few months, I was looking for new opportunities and fortunate to re-connect with Thuzio’s director of operations, who was seeking event-day assistance. I was eager to lend a hand! After my third event, they offered me a position in sales, with the promise of transitioning into event operations.

Fast forward two years and I am now the event manager at Thuzio in New York City responsible for planning, producing and executing more than 100 corporate events each year across 10 U.S. cities featuring world-renowned athletes. The role heavily includes managing events across each market and overseeing venues, vendors and partner activations to meet Thuzio’s premium hospitality standards. As the industry is turning virtual, we are able to pivot the in-person events to virtual talent appearances and interactive experiences.

My advice for students and graduates is to keep your network up to date. I can recite the top lessons learned at Syracuse, but the one that always resonated was the importance of creating and maintaining your network. When you meet an industry professional, be sure to ask for their contact information and then check in with them. You never know who you may run into later in your career. Relationships are vital to this industry. I would not be in the position I am today if I had not maintained my relationships and connections at Thuzio. Relationship building never stops.

Meet Elijah Biggins, S.P.M. ’16, integrated marketing strategist, Genius.

Coming into Syracuse University, I knew I had a passion for sports but was not sure where that passion would take me in terms of a career. From sports agent to broadcaster, I thought of numerous jobs that could turn into a lucrative career.

It wasn’t until Spring 2015 when I participated in the Los Angeles Immersion trip, that I found my passion for marketing and creating ideas that allow brands to reach new and existing audiences in unique ways. Whether for a team, league, brand or media publisher, I knew marketing was the lane I wanted to excel in.

My first job out of college was as a sales assistant. I learned about the media landscape, the relationships between publisher, agency and client, and advanced my technical skills. I knew it was not the exact career I wanted, yet the experience I gained and the opportunities I created led me into my first job in the lane I wanted, as an integrated marketing strategist at Bleacher Report. I created and executed marketing campaigns for some of the world’s biggest brands and most talked-about athletes in the United States.

Since Bleacher Report covers sports from a cultural perspective, I was able to tap into my other passion points of music, entertainment and community. These passions would extend into my personal life and challenge me to become a mentor, serve on university panels and overall become more than my job title.

In February 2020, I left Bleacher Report to take my current position at Genius, an online media company. I’m still growing in my lane, but allowing myself to explore and learn more about my passion for music.

My advice to students is this: You don’t have to have it all figured out! Be sure to capitalize on every opportunity presented to you. Even the smallest internships can give you the experience and build the connections that will last you a lifetime.

Meet Julie Rising, S.V.E.M. ’14, athletic game operations manager, Boise State Athletics.

After finishing my undergraduate degree in Sociology at Syracuse University in 2011, I started my career coaching hockey at the North American Hockey Academy in Vermont. When I reflected on my time working at the Carrier Dome, it inspired me to return to Syracuse to pursue a master’s degree in Sport Venue and Event Management.

While earning my graduate degree, I continued working at the Carrier Dome as well as interned in S.U.’s Athletic Department. After graduating from the S.V.E.M. master’s program in May 2014, I moved to Boston to work for Harvard University Athletics, where I oversaw varsity sporting events, N.C.A.A. post games, and worked the first “College Gameday” held at Harvard Stadium.

A desire to move West led me to apply for a job at Boise State University Athletics in 2015. I didn’t know anyone in Idaho, but saw an opportunity to grow and learn from an innovative and fast-growing department. I started as a facilities and events coordinator. Two promotions later, I’m now the athletic game operations manager that coordinates and oversees athletic events. I’ve had the opportunity to work as a game manager of varsity sports, the N.C.A.A. Men’s Basketball Tournament, Garth Brooks concerts, and a professional soccer match, among other events.

My advice to students and graduates is to not be afraid to take new opportunities or move to a new location for a job. Living in Boise, Idaho, was never on my radar but I love it here! Don’t take job rejections personally. Instead, learn from the interviewing experience. Seek out experiences that enrich your skills as much as they enrich your resume. Although COVID-19 is a scary time for the world of sports, those who are able to adapt to the rapidly-changing workforce will be the most successful.

Alumni step up to mentor students.

The second annual Sport Management Students and Professionals Meet Week, or S.P.M. Week, was held January 6-10, 2020, giving current students the opportunity to learn more about careers in sport with the help of alumni who hosted them at their workplaces. Seventeen alumni and 18 students participated in the job-shadowing experience.

Sport Analytics senior Gareth Jobling ’20 spent three days job-shadowing at TeamWork Online in Cleveland, Ohio, and one day with the Cleveland Indians.

“I learned much more than I hoped for in both experiences and was able to demonstrate how analytics could be helpful to both organizations,” Jobling said. “TeamWork Online offered me a part-time remote internship for the spring that I was eager to accept.”

Alumni hosts introduced the students to their industry and organization, providing an opportunity for the students to observe their daily responsibilities and ask questions. S.P.M. Week is designed to be flexible, so each shadowing experience fits the interests of the student and their alumni host.

“I had the incredible opportunity to shadow Christina Myers at Lehigh University Athletics,” said Devan Dachisen ’22. “I really enjoyed seeing the day-to-day operations of their marketing department and working with her at a women’s basketball game.”

P.J. Davidson ’13, who at the time was the assistant manager of group sales for the New York Yankees, stressed the importance of giving students opportunities outside of a general internship, Capstone or everyday classes. Davidson is now vice president of sales at Queensboro Football Club.

“It gives students a glimpse into the professional world and if a specific role is something they would be interested in pursuing without having to make a larger commitment,” Davidson said. “It is also a great chance for the organization to recruit from the program and mentor current students.”

S.U. event organizer Lisa Liparulo, a Sport Management internship placement coordinator, gave alumni the liberty to create the day’s agenda. Students gained first-hand industry insight, as well as networked with professionals throughout the day.

“I am thrilled with the number of alumni who agreed to host our students over winter break,” Liparulo said. “We are grateful so many alums want to stay connected to our program by mentoring our students.”

Photos in this section with captions include:  Three Sport Management students job-shadowed Syracuse University alumni at M.K.T.G. in New York City in January 2020. Shown here are S.U. alumna Michelle Bevilacqua, S.P.M. alumna Alyssa Wood ’15, student Noah Wagner ’23, student Jenna Parker ’21, student Caroline Johnson ’21, and S.P.M. alumna Caitlin Burke ’19.  Sport Management sophomore Devan Dachisen ’22 shadowed S.P.M. alumna Christina Myers ’18 at Lehigh University Athletics. Sport Analytics senior Gareth Jobling ’20 spent three days job-shadowing at TeamWork Online in Cleveland, Ohio, and one day with the Cleveland Indians. He is with TeamWork Online president Buffy Filippell.

Calling all alumni!

If you’d like to participate in our next job-shadowing program, held during Winter Break, January 4-8, 2021, email Lisa Liparulo at with your contact information, location, and employer.

Student, Host Site, Alumni:

Andrew Blutig, The Montag Group, Kate Ruben ’15.

Alexander Chillemi, Prudential Center, Sam Spector ’16.

Devan Dachisen, Lehigh University Athletics, Christina Myers ’18.

Karis Fenton, Loyola University Maryland, Stephanie Ann Mindock ’15.

Connor Howard, New York Yankees, P.J. Davidson ’13.

Gareth Jobling, Cleveland Indians, Olivia Lavelle ’19.

Gareth Jobling, TeamWork Online, Alex Wood ’18.

Caroline Johnson, M.K.T.G., Caitlin Burke ’19 and Alyssa Wood ’15.

Max Josef, Lime, Ben Rubenstein ’18.

Melissa Kerner, Precision Events Group, Jim Zissler ’01.

Ethan Letwat, New York Yankees, P.J. Davidson ’13.

Jordan Lucero, The Austen Everett Foundation, Hanna Sanford ’16.

Jenna Parker, M.K.T.G., Caitlin Burke ’19 and Alyssa Wood ’15.

Danielle Parr, Soldier Field, Anna Zorn ’18.

Matthew Pignatella, FanDuel, Jeremy Philipson ’14.

Xin Ren, Westwood One, Howard Deneroff ’89.

Andrew Schiffer, Atlanta Hawks/State Farm Arena, Jack Wentzell ’14.

Blake Taub, B.S.E. Global, Ben Rosenwald ’16.

Noah Wagner, M.K.T.G., Caitlin Burke ’19 and Alyssa Wood ’15.

Statement of Commitment, Department of Sport Management.

The Department of Sport Management at Syracuse University stands in solidarity with our communities who are voicing their anguish, anger, and deep frustration with acts of violence and hatred, and with systems that oppress and devalue Black lives. We unequivocally condemn these and all acts targeting any group, whether on our campus or in our society.

Systemic and institutionalized racism such as the callous killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbrey, Elijah McClain and countless others must end. Enough is enough. We reject racism, bigotry and hate. We have watched the division across the country with sadness and pain as we work to process the disrespect, abuse, and murder of Black and Brown people by police. We pledge our sincere commitment and responsibility to help impact positive change through the Black Lives Matter movement.

Systemic racism exists in our society. We acknowledge that collectively we have much work to do in this regard, in our academic programs. The #NotAgainS.U. movement has raised public consciousness and exposed shortcomings of our overall campus culture. We invite creative and open-minded people to help us be agents of positive change.

Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion continues with focus on important areas of awareness, training, and education. We are actively engaged with Falk College and Syracuse University in these efforts to ensure that human rights are secure for Black people, persons of color, and other underrepresented populations. This embodies the Falk College mantra of teaching social responsibility and social justice and our department mission of using sports as a platform for social change.

We will encourage open, honest dialog both inside the classroom and one-on-one, including those related to racism, privilege and allyship. We are committed to working toward the substantive changes that embody social justice, equity, and inclusion. We are committed to working toward creating a campus community where we all feel welcomed and valued.

By intently listening, we believe open dialog and critical thinking will help to re-shape our department, college, and University culture.

We know other marginalized groups also experience racism, discrimination, and exclusion. Please be assured the Department of Sport Management will continue its commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion for all marginalized and underrepresented groups.

We hope to ensure everyone sees themselves represented and included within the Department of Sport Management. This is a journey and we are committed to listening, learning, and implementing the work needed to move forward together.

Syracuse University
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
Department of Sport Management
402 MacNaughton Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244