OCV - Blackboard Notifications
What Are Notifications?
On your activity stream's Notification Settings panel, you can choose which notifications you receive about activity in all your Original and Ultra courses:
Activity stream: Choose which activities appear on your Stream page.
Email: If you want to receive email notifications, add an email address to your profile page. Then, choose how often and which activities you want to receive notifications for.
SMS: If you want to receive SMS text messages on your mobile phone, add a phone number to your profile page. Then, choose how often and which activities you want to receive notifications for.
Push notifications: Messages pop up on your mobile device if you have the Blackboard app for students installed. You can select which notifications are sent to your device.
Choose how and when you get notifications
You can choose the types of notifications you receive and how they're delivered to you.
On your Activity Stream page, select the Stream Settings icon to open the Notification Settings panel. You can also access these settings from your profile page.
Stream notifications
You can control which activity appears in your stream. Select the Stream Notification Settings tab to open the panel.
Notifications for due dates, grades, and feedback always appear in your stream.
Choose which notifications you receive about activity in all your Original and Ultra courses:
Institution announcements
Course announcements
Graded items due
Graded item due soon
Graded item past due
New content
Assessment added
Content added
Grades posted
New discussion
My grades and activity
No recent activity
Grade low or at risk
Grade dropped
Low course activity
Grade increased
Course activity in top 10%
Grade in top 10%
New calendar event
New course or organization
Blog activity
Blog entry posted
Blog entry edited
Journal activity
Journal entry posted
Journal entry edited
Wiki activity
Wiki page created
Wiki page edited
Wiki comment posted
You can choose to receive all or some notifications of a certain type. A checkmark appears when you select all notifications. A dash appears when you select some notifications.
Email notifications
Select the Email Notification Settings tab to open the panel.
If you haven't added an email address to your profile page, you won't see any options in the Email Notification Settings tab.
Choose how often you want to receive emails for activities in all your Original and Ultra courses:
Email me right away: Receive individual notifications for each activity you choose from the list.
Email me once a day: All notifications are collected and sent once a day at a time set by your institution.
In the Notify me by email about these activities list, choose which notifications you want to receive:
New gradable items
New messages
New discussion messages
New content added
New and upcoming due dates
Past due items
New courses available
Push notifications
If you have the Blackboard mobile app installed, you can receive push notifications on your mobile device. You can manage which push notifications are sent in these ways:
Blackboard on the web: Log in to Blackboard on a web browser and navigate to your Activity Stream. Select the Stream Settings icon. From the Notification Settings panel, select the Push Notification Settings tab.
Blackboard app: In the app's main menu, tap Settings. Manage push notifications in the app.
Choose which push notifications you want to receive for activity in all your Original and Ultra courses:
New content
Discussion posts and replies by your instructor
Discussion replies in a thread you authored
New grades and feedback
Due dates for these content types only
Manual grade columns
Additional due date reminders - you can set up more reminders for a specific number of days prior to due dates
Due date push notifications always appear one day before the due date and can't be turned off like other push notification types.
When an instructor changes a due date, a new Test Due push notification is generated. The push notification doesn't state that it's a changed due date.
Sources and Relevant Links
OCV - Edit Notification Settings