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Share Blank Whiteboard 

Moderators and presenters can share a blank whiteboard from the Share Content panel

  1. Log into Blackboard 

  2. Create a Session or join a session, if one is already created

  3. If you want your participants to use the whiteboard, make sure you have selected the following:  Participants can: Draw on whiteboard and files, when you initially create the session 

Partipant whiteboard option
Partipant whiteboard option


3. Join Session 

4. Click the purple button - bottom right hand corner of the screen to expand panel


5. Click the square with the arrow icon, which is the Share Content feature 


6.  Click Share Blank Whiteboard 


7.  You are now sharing the whiteboard.  There are different options to scribe on the whiteboard. Clear, text, shapes, pencil, pointer and select


If you are recording the session 

8.  Turn on your microphone and your video (if you want visual) 


9. Click the button -  top left hand corner of the screen to start recording 



10.  Session is being recorded 


11. Click the button - top left hand corner of the screen to stop recording 



13. Click button - top right hand corner to stop sharing 



Share Application/Screen

Share your desktop or software application to teach students about a particular topic.  Whenever you move through the application or desktop, your students automatically follow along

Use Chrome™ or Firefox™ (version 52+) when sharing applications.  In Chrome you will need to add the browser desktop sharing extension to share applications in Collaborate sessions.   No desktop sharing extension is needed for FF 52+

Note: If you are sharing a powerpoint or keynote file and will record the session, it is best to use the Share File option, not the Share Application/Screen option

  1. Log into Blackboard 

  2. Join Session 

  3. Click the purple button -  bottom right hand corner of the screen 


4.  Click the square with the arrow icon, which is the Share Content feature 


5.  Click Share Application/Screen


7.  Share Just an Application.  Your computer will ask you which window/application you would like to share if you have more than 1 application open.  



8.  Select the window/application you want to share


9. Select Allow


If you are recording the session 

8.  Turn on your microphone and your video (if you want visual) 


9.   Click the button - top left hand corner of the screen to start recording.   Click the X button - bottom right hand corner to close panel




10.  Session is being recorded 



11. Minimize the web browser that is running your Collaborate Ultra Session and return to the screen that you are sharing.  Advance through your content. 

12. Click button - top left hand corner of the screen to stop recording 



11. Click button - top right hand corner to stop sharing and click purple button - bottom right hand corner to expand panel

Share Files

Upload GIF, JPEG and PNG images, PDF files, or Powerpoint™ presentations of 60 mb or lower to your session.  You can upload multiple presentations, but the total size allowed is 125 MB for any particular session.

Note: When users record a session and use share file, i.e. powerpoint file, there will be a 8 second delay of the file appearing when playing the recording

  1. Log into Blackboard 

  2. Join Session 

  3. Click the purple button - bottom right and corner of the screen 


4.  Click the square with arrow icon, which is the Share Content feature 


5.  Click Share Files 


6.  Click the plus sign to select a file or drag your file to the dotted box 


7.  Wait for your file to upload and convert 


8.  Click Share Now 


9.   Select a slide to navigate to.  The file is now being shared 


If you are recording the session 

10. Turn on your microphone and your video (if you want visual) 


11. Click the button - top left hand corner of the screen to start recording 


12.  Click Start Recording 


13.  Session is being recorded 


14. Click the button -  top left hand corner of the screen to stop recording 


15.  Click Stop recording 


16. Click button - top right hand corner to stop sharing 



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