Add Summative Text and Voice Comments to Student Turnitin Assignments
Topic Overview
When viewing a student's paper in GradeMark, you can leave overall text and/or voice comments to give students more substantive feedback that is clear, engaging, and easy to understand.
Open the Turnitin assignment
Open the student's submitted assignment
Click the Pencil and Paper Icon
Type summative text comments in the Text Comment box if desired.
To add a voice comment, click the blue circle in the Voice Comment menu.
If prompted, click the Allow and Close to access your camera and microphone
Recording will begin
You can leave a comment of up to three minutes in length. If you need to pause the recording, click the Pause button. You can then un-pause and continue your recording by clicking the blue circle again.
When you're done, click the stop button, which is in the shape of a square
You can playback what you've just recorded by clicking the play button, which is in the shape of a triangle
If you'd like to re-record your comment, discard the current recording by clicking the trash can icon and re-record
If you're happy with your recording, click the save button
Sources and Relevant Links
Video- Add Voice Comments
Retrieving Student Turnitin Assignment