OCV - Uploading OIRA files to Blackboard Grade Center

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Topic Overview

This file instructs users how to take the exam scores which have been downloaded from MySlice and import them into the Blackboard Grade Center. In some cases, instructors may have the files emailed to them from OIRA (Office of Institutional Research and Assessment). The data files that you receive need to have the scores for the exam compiled into one .csv file using Excel so that you can import the scores into the appropriate course in Blackboard. This process assumes you are creating a new column in the Grade Center and not trying to upload to an already existing column.


  1. Log into myslice.syr.edu.

  2. Open OIRA files.

  3. Locate the data (.csv) file with Exam Scores and download them.

    1. File name will be similar to: HPM-321_SMITH_Blackbord file_rawscores_a012345
      (course ID, your last name, Blackboard file_rawscores_a012345)


      Excel CSV File Example
      Excel CSV File Example

  4. Log into Blackboard (blackboard.syr.edu) and access the course you want to import scores into

  5. In the Control Panel, click Grade Center > Full Grade Center

  6. From the Work Offline drop-down arrows, click on Upload

  7. Choose file; click on Browse My Computer to locate the saved .csv file

  8. Locate file on local drive, and select

  9. Make sure you Delimiter Type is Select Comma

  10. Click Submit

  11. The Upload Grades Confirmation page will tell you that you are about to add a new column, identify the name of that column and begin to list the scores which will be imported. You will not see the entire list of scores, in many cases.

  12. Successful upload – green bar. You may receive a list of usernames that were invalid and thus no score was imported. This does not mean the import was unsuccessful but rather that some usernames were not found in the Grade Center. There could be a few reasons for this case. It simply means that someone who took the exam and was included in the reported scores is not in this course.

  13. To see the imported data, scroll to farthest right of grade center to view new column with OIRA Exam Score data. Look over the column of data. Pay particular attention to any cell that does not have any score imported. This most likely means that there is a user in the grade center that did not take the exam or that they took the exam but were not reported on Blackboard .csv file for some reason.

Please Note

In the case where you have more than 1 version of the same exam, there will be more than one data file. You need to:
a) Locate all the files with exam scores for the blackboard course you want to import to.
b) Create new master spreadsheet file.
     a. The column headings should be Username and Score (see first screenshot; you can rename the column in Blackboard).
c) Copy & paste all usernames & scores to master spreadsheet
d) Save as .csv (comma-separated value)

Sources and Relevant Links

Final Grades from Blackboard to MySlice


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