Use Smart Views to Organize Grade Center Sections

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Topic Overview

Smart Views allow you to organize your Grade Center in a wide variety of ways. For example, here's an easy way to view only those students assigned to a given section.

Create Smart View for Course Sections

You can create a Smart View of the Grade Center for each section that contains only the students in that section.

  1. Under Course Management go to Control Panel > Grade Center > Full Grade Center.
    Grade Center Menu, Select Full Grade Cetner
  2. In the Grade Center pane select Manage > Smart Views.
    Manage Menu, Select Smart View
  3. In the Smart View pane select Create Smart View.
    Create Smart View
  4. Name the Smart View for the section you will be selecting. (Description is optional).
  5. If you check the favorite box then a link to this subset in the grade center will appear in the control panel under the Grade Center link for quick access.
  6. Select User for Type of View.
  7. Select Users by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking each student in the section.
    Create Smart View Options
  8. Click Submit to create the Smart View
  9. Once you've created Smart Views for each section, your TAs can filter their view of the Grade Center by selecting the appropriate Smart View from the Filter feature which will allow you to change the users current view to the smart view of choice (desired section).


Filtering Grade Center Based on Smart View

Sources and Relevant Links

Video- Creating Smart Views

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