Mail Accounts for Student Organizations and Clubs

Can SE Technical Services create email accounts for use by recognized student organizations and clubs?

Technical Services can't create email accounts for student organizations and sports clubs but students have the ability to create an email address themselves! If a student organization finds it necessary to have an e-mail account affiliated with its corresponding web site, or just want an email address for general correspondence, they can create a group in SUMail (the student email system in the Office365 environment) and add organization members to it. Groups created in the Office365 environment will have an associated email address. For example, if you create a group in SUMail called sailingclub, it will have an email address of Emails sent to that address will be directed to all members of the SUMail group. To create a group, organizations can follow these steps:

  1. Have an officer in the student organization log into their SUMail account via a web browser.

  2. At the very bottom of the student's mail folders, there should be a Groups folder that when expanded shows a link that reads "New Group". Click that link.

  3. In the "New Group" dialog box, enter a name and description for the new group. Keep the Privacy setting set to "Private" so only organization or club members can see emails sent to the group.

  4. Click the "Create" button to create the group. The creator of the group can then

  • add other organization members

  • set owners of the group

  • invite others to join the group

  • specify whether someone outside the group can email it

  • control whether members receive all email communications to the group email.

For further details on these options, refer to the Microsoft article on Office 365 Groups.