History Honor Society (PAT)

Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Alpha Theta is the international honor society for students of history. Founded at the University of Arkansas in 1921, the organization has since grown to more than 740 chapters in fifty states. Since its inception, the number of initiates has risen above 200,000. Phi Alpha Theta encourages its members to learn and practice the methods of the historian. To that end, student members often choose to participate in regional conferences where they present papers and discuss ideas.

Syracuse University’s Phi Alpha Theta chapter advisor is Professor Aaron Luedtke. Professor Luedtke can be reached by email at akluedtk@syr.edu 


To become a member of Phi Alpha Theta undergraduate students must complete at least 12 semester hours in History (4 courses) with a GPA of at least 3.1 in History and have a GPA of 3.0 or better overall. A maximum of 3 credit hours of online, transfer, AP or IB credits can be applied to the membership requirement. Membership is not limited to History majors.

To learn more about Phi Alpha Theta and/or to secure an application form, please visit the National website

Students should bring the completed application form, along with a $50 check made out to Syracuse University, to the Department of History, 145 Eggers Hall, by March 1, 2023.