What is VALT?
Valt is a platform that makes it simple to capture, manage, stream, observe and search for audio/video content. SOE utilizes this platform for Counseling students to record, store and share video online while being HIPAA compliant. IVS (Intelligent Video Solutions) is the vendor of the VALT and BEAM applications.
How to access VALT?
First, a request needs to be submitted to soehelp@syr.edu from a faculty member with students (or any new users) that need to be added to the VALT system with NetID(s) and which user group they are in. Once IT puts the new users in the proper access groups, the user should login to VALT to establish their account. The website for VALT is https://soe-valt.syr.edu and uses your SU NetID and password to log in.
Where can I find more information on how to use VALT?
The company behind VALT, IVS (Intelligent Video Solutions), has many videos and helpful guides on the software that can be found here: https://ipivs.info/wiki/index.php/VALT_Manual
How Can I upload my own videos to VALT?
From the link (QR Code) above for the VALT manual, follow the Review link and then the Upload link for the steps on how to upload your own video to VALT: https://ipivs.info/wiki/index.php/VALT_6_Review#Upload Your video file must be under 16GB and be one of the following filetypes: .mp4 .asf .mov .qt .mkv .avi
What is BEAM?
BEAM is an iOS application that has been set up on 5 iPad carts. These iPads can be used to record video, live view, and upload to the VALT website while on campus.
How do I login to BEAM?
If you’ve never logged into the VALT website, https://soe-valt.syr.edu, do that first to ensure your account is created. On the BEAM iPads use your SU email address and the first 4 digits of your SUID # to log in. There is info on how to use BEAM to record at:https://ipivs.info/wiki/index.php/IVS_BEAM_Recording
NOTE: When you are done recording in BEAM and your video has been sync’d you must logout. Do NOT click “Change Server” or it will lock up the iPad and you’ll need to report to soehelp@syr.edu .