Updating Faculty CVs
- From the Sitefinity Dashboard go to Content > People
- Find the person you want to edit. You can sort by "Full Name" or you can use the "Search..." box at the top of the page. Click on the person's name to open and edit the listing.
- Click on the CV link on the left-side of the page. This will scroll the page to that specific section. Click the "+" icon in the CV section. If the CV has already been uploaded, you can search for it by entering your search term (typically last name) into the "Start typing..." search box.
If no CV exists then choose the "Upload a document" option. Click on the "Upload a document from your computer" button and locate the CV you want to upload.
Accessibility and File Names
Documents MUST be checked for accessibility before they are uploaded to the library. Please make sure the PDF name includes the faculty member's name and a date to indicate when it was last updated. Do not include any spaces or special characters (i.e. !@#$%^) in the file name.
- The file name you gave the CV will populate the "Title" field. Edit as needed for clarity. Enter the name of the person who checked the file being uploaded for accessibility and click "Use this document" to upload the file to Sitefinity.
- Before clicking the "Send for Approval" button please use the "Preview" link which is next to the name at the top of the window. If you need to make more updates before sending your update for approval, click "Save as Draft" and continue your updates.
Like Ektron, when you click "Send for Approval" a notification is sent to the Communications Team and they will review your changes and either publish the faculty listing or send you a notification that further changes will be required before the content is published. - Add a brief description of any changes you made to the page in the "Send for approval" window and click the final "Send for Approval" button.