Syracuse University recently established an organizational account in Google Apps that will be managed by the Information Technology and Services (ITS) department. This organizational account will provide SU’s students, faculty and staff with a wide array of Google cloud-based services and allows new tools for collaboration, teaching and learning.
Email Services
Email services will not be part of SU's Google Apps service. Students will continue to use SUmail for email, and faculty/staff will continue to use SU's Exchange environment.
Your SU Google Apps Account
Your SU email address ( identifies you as a member of the SU community and will be the name of your individual account within the SU's Google Apps service. This email address cannot be used as the name of other Google accounts, including any personal accounts. Your Google Apps password will be unique to Google Apps; the netid password that you use for MySlice, Blackboard, etc., will not be synchronized with Google Apps (this capability may be added later, but it will not be available when the service first goes live).
Pre-existing Google Apps Accounts
Accounts in Google Apps that have an email address that ends in will be moved into the University's new organizational account on January 10, 2012. Because we don’t have confirmation that this account actually belongs to you or anyone else associated with Syracuse University, and it is possible that someone other than you set up the account without your knowledge or consent, we are going to need to verify ownership of the account by January 31, 2012. If you want to ensure preservation of your content, or keep it in an account personal to you and outside of SU's new Google Apps service, it should be moved to a new personal account as soon as possible. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
For more information, we encourage you to consult Google’s Transition readiness checklist.
Policy for use of SU's Google Apps Service
Since the University is liable for the content stored in its organizational Google Apps account, all individual user accounts within the SU organizational account must comply with the University’s Information Technology policies: policies.