OCV - Course Duration

Course Duration

Course Availability

In addition to having a duration that includes the current date, a course must also be made available for students to access it. Please see our page on Course Availability for more information. 

Course Creation

Syracuse Blackboard courses are populated automatically based on data that comes from MySlice, where official registrar data is held. Each course receives a default duration that can be edited by instructors. The course duration determine where under which term label a course appears.

  • Courses are created in Blackboard 6-8 weeks before the start of each semester for all courses that appear in MySlice with an instructor of record. 

  • Courses receive automatic start and end dates:

    • The start date is set to four weeks before the start of main campus classes. For example, Fall 2021 classes began on 8/30/2021 so the duration start was set to 8/2/2021.

    • The end date is set to the end of the month that follows the semester. For example, the Fall 2021 semester ended 12/17/2021 so the duration end was set to 1/31/2022. 

    • The "Current Courses" area includes all courses that are set to "continuous" by the instructor or where the current date is within the duration of the course.

    • The start and end date of a course can be changed by the instructor in Original Courses by going in the course to Customization>Properties.

    • Students can only enter courses listed in the "Current Courses" area, if they are set to available.

      • Instructors can adjust the course duration to move a course to the "Current Courses" area so that all students in the course can enter it.

      • ITS can extend access to a course for an individual student upon request. We require instructor permission be sent to help@syr.edu

Courses have a limited duration to assist instructors in complying with fair use guidance around teaching that copy righted materials only be made available during the period they are in use for a course. 

Course Enrollments

Enrollments in Blackboard are populated automatically based on registrar data from MySlice.

  • Instructors and TAs listed in MySlice are automatically populated in their respective roles in the course

  • Student rosters populate in Blackboard 4 weeks before the start of each semester.

  • Instructors can add other instructors and teaching assistants to their own courses. To remove or change a users, or to add a student that will not be enrolled by the registrar, please email help@syr.edu.

  • Instructor can request that courses have their enrollments merged into a single course.

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