OCV - Google Assignments

About Assignments

Assignments is an add-on application for learning management systems (LMSs) that helps you distribute, analyze, and grade student work with Google Workspace for Education. 

Assignments makes Google Docs and Google Drive compatible with your LMS for file submissions. You can use Assignments to save time distributing and grading student work and analyze student submissions with originality reports to ensure authenticity.

To get the latest updates on Assignments, follow Google for Education Twitter and subscribe to the Google for Education blog.

Features and benefits of Assignments

Distribute personalized Google Drive templates and worksheets to students

  • Assign and collect virtually any file type, including Google Docs and Microsoft® Word files.

  • Automatically distribute a personalized copy of assignment files for each student.

  • Each distributed copy will be labeled with a student’s name and organized in a Drive folder.

Spot missed citations and possible plagiarism with originality reports

  • Assess student work for originality without leaving your grading tool.

  • Searches hundreds of billions of web pages and 40 million books.

  • Help students learn to support their ideas by letting them scan their work for missed citations up to three times before submitting.

  • For Google Workspace for Education Plus customers, originality reports will scan past student submissions for student-to-student matches within your school’s domain.

Save time grading while providing rich feedback

  • Prevents students from editing their work while you grade.

  • Grade with rubrics to keep grading consistent and transparent.

  • Give rich feedback and suggestions on student work using the power of Google Docs, including margin comments, strikethroughs, and highlighting.

  • Easily reuse frequent margin comments with a personalized comment bank.

  • Grades save to the LMS grade book.

Assignments Links

Instructors: Create Assignment

Students: Submit Assignment

Google Assignments Support

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