Poll Everywhere - Presenting in Zoom - MacOs


When presenting a Powerpoint with Poll Everywhere activities via zoom, you MUST share your entire desktop. If you share only the presentation software window on which the activity displays, the audience will not see your activity. This is the case even if everything appears normal from your perspective.  Zoom sees the live poll as a separate program and will not display it to your audience if you only share the Powerpoint application.

1. Close all unnecessary apps and windows. 

2. Open your Powerpoint slide presentation with the poll everywhere activities.

3. Launch your Zoom meeting.

4. Select Share Screen from the toolbar.

Image is showing Share Screen link in Zoom's toolbar.

5. Select the desktop that has your Powerpoint presentation. It is important that you display the entire desktop and not just the Powerpoint window.

Image shows Desktop 2 option selected and highlighted in blue outline.

6. Select Share.

7. You can now present and activate your Poll Everywhere activities.

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