OCV - Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - Students and Participants

Accessing Blackboard Collaborate Ultra 

  • Enter your course 

  • If the instructor or leader has not created a menu button linking to the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool - Click the Tools menu button 

Tools Button
Tools Button
  • Click Blackboard Collaborate Ultra 

Collaborate Ultra Link
Collaborate Ultra Link
  • Click the name of the room.  i.e. Lectures.  

  • Click Join Session

  • Click the purple button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to expand the panel.

  • You will see the chat pod, attendees list, (if the instructor or leader has allowed for students and participants to share content), share content option

  • Go to settings and set up your camera and microphone.

  • After setting up your audio and camera, go to the bottom-middle of your screen and enable your mic and camera.



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