OCV - My Courses Module Displays All Available Courses

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Blackboard Learn Logo

Problem Description

With the upgrade to SP14, the behavior of the My Courses module has changed significantly. Previously, the duration date setting for each course limited the display of courses from only the current semester – after the duration date the courses would no longer display, even if they were still available.

The My Courses module will now display all available courses taken in previous semesters, even those that have past duration dates.

According to Blackboard, this is not a bug but the expected behavior. It is just a change from the previous behavior. We are currently looking for options to reduce what is shown in the My Courses module.


As a work around, students can either:

  • Use the My Courses Plus module

  • Move their courses from this semester to the top of the My Courses module using the edit function.

Sources and Relevant Links

Editing the My Courses List

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'ivy-ai' is unknown.