OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Course At-a-Glance

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Topic Overview


Course At-a-Glance

Course At-a-Glance Report Example
Course At-a-Glance Report Example

Learn Course Information includes

  1. Course Name

  2. Instructor on record

  3. Course ID: MySlice and Blackboard ID

  4. Term: Fall, Spring or Summer and year

  5. Status: Active

  6. Delivery Method: in person or online

  7. Students enrolled: the number of students enrolled in MySlice

  8. Sections

  9. College: Syracuse University School or College

  10. Department

Course Item Count vs. Department Avg. (same instruction method) Bar Graph

Assessment = Test, survey, assignment, self and peer assignment, Turnitin assignment, McGraw-Hill assignment, Mobile Compatible Test

Content =  Item, File, Audio, Image, Video, Web Link, Learning Module, Lessons Plan, Syllabus, Course Link, Document Package, Content Package (SCORM), Content Folder, Module Page, Blank Page, Flickr Photo, Slideshare Presentation, Youtube Video, Ensemble Video, Ensemble Web Destination

Tool = Discussion Board, Blogs, Journals, Wikis, groups, Chat, Virtual Classroom, Tools Area, Echo Content, Adobe Connect, Announcements, Ares Course Reserves, Blackboard Help, Calendar, Contacts, Course Analytics (Student Report), Course Messages, Email, Glossary, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, My Grades, Science Toolkit, Tasks, Turning Technologies Registration Tool

Avg. Activity Per Student vs.  Department Avg. (same instruction method) Bar Graph

Minutes = the number of minutes spent in a course

Interactions = the number of clicks while in a course

Submissions = the number of submissions by a student i.e. assignment

Bars (Green) to the right indicate that the student's average is above the department average and at what percentage

Bars (Red) to the left indicate that the student's average is below the department average and at what percentage

Course Access Avg. vs. Department (same instruction)

Minutes Avg. vs. Department Avg. (same instruction method)

Interaction Avg. vs. Department Avg. (same instruction method)

Submissions Avg. Department Avg. (same instruction method)

Course At-a-Glance Legend

The legend conveys the meaning of the arrows. 

Up (Green) - Student average is above 10% of the course average

Down (Red) - Student average is below 10% of the course average

Horizontal (White/Grey) - Student average is within the course average

Student Activity Summary

Course Access Trend

Date of Last Access

Date of Last Submission

Course Accesses Student Avg.

Total Minutes Student Avg.

Total Interactions Student Avg.

Total Submissions Student Avg.

Grade Center Score Student Avg.

Students last name, first name and Syracuse University ID appear in the student roster.  When you click on a students name it will drill down to additional data about the student.

Student Compared to Course Average

Reports can be downloaded by clicking on the "floppy disk" icon at the top of the screen.

Sources and Relevant Links

OCV - Blackboard Analytics

OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Instructor Reports

OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Student Reports

OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Activity and Grade Scatter Plot

Blackboard Analytics - Activity Matrix

Blackboard Analytics - Course Submission Summary

OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Activity Compared to Others

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