OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Activity Matrix

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Topic Overview


Activity & Grade Matrix

  • Note - This report will not be generated if there are no grades in the Blackboard Grade Center.

Activity and Grade Matrix Example

  1. Activity Matrix Legend
  2. Activity Matrix Grid
    a) Inactive & Higher Grade
    b) Active & higher Grade
    c) Inactive & Lower Grade
    d) Active & Lower Grade
  3. Students name and student ID
  4. Interactions by Week of Term
  5. Matrix = Average of the individual student
    You can click on the double headed arrow next to Interactions, Grade and Matrix to reorganize 

Click on each students name to drill down

Activity & Grade Matrix Details

  1. Student name and student ID
    This matrix shows where an individual student falls compared to the other students.  The student's name that was selected from the previous matrix is highlighted by the orange dot.  The blue, purple, red and pink dots are other students. 
    Hover mouse over dot to show the total grade (%) and number of interactions (#)
    Click on a dot (student) to drill down

Student Compared to Course Average

Student Compared to Course Average Example

Reports can be downloaded by clicking on the "floppy disk" icon at the top of the screen.

Report Download Floppy Disk Icon

Sources and Relevant Links

OCV - Blackboard Analytics

OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Course At-a-Glance

OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Activity Matrix

OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Activity and Grade Scatter Plot

Blackboard Analytics - Course Submission Summary

OCV - Blackboard Analytics - Activity Compared to Others

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