e. Location: Enter in a location if required.(optional)
f. Driver: Select the appropriate driver from the Select software or Other... options.Generic PCL Printer
The first time you print you’ll get a pop-up box where you want to type in:
Username: AD\netid
Password: Your netid Password
Right-click on the printer you wish to install and click on connect. Choose from the numbered SOE printers: SOE-GA-Printer1/2/3
This credential box should show up:
Username: netid
Password: Your netid password
Make sure you check Remember my password and Click Ok
SOE GA Printer Location
SOE-GA-Printer1- located in Suite 200HH
SOE-GA-Printer2- located in Suite 350HH
SOE-GA-Printer3-located in 052HH (only idde ga’s have access to this room)
For any assistance connecting your personal laptop to the printers please contact us at soehelp@syr.edu