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  1. Students and/or their Academic Advisors should first check the TES (Transfer Equivalency System – please see description below) to determine if the course they wish to take at a particular college is listed (or to get ideas about where to take courses).

  2. Courses listed within the TES do not require approval paperwork for the course. However, an official transcript must be sent to the College Recorders, (330 Barclay Hall, Syracuse, NY, 13244) for the credits to transfer to SU once the course is completed.

  3. If the course is not listed students must complete a petition for transfer credits form (one petition per course).

    • Once the Transfer Credit form is completed, submit the form, and the form will be sent to your faculty/academic advisor for their approval and signature. Some courses will require submission of supplemental materials such as a course syllabus for review.  Some courses will require additional review and approval by departments outside of Falk College.  Students should consult with their Academic Advisor for more information.

    • This form requires additional signatures. After the faculty/academic advisor approves and submits, it will go to the next person for their approval. After all required signatures are obtained, the form will then be sent to the Student Services Office for final review.

    • Students will be sent a link if this transfer credit has been approved or denied. 

    • After the course is completed, the student must have an official transcript sent to Falk Records Department in 330 Barclay Hall or e-mail to


Note: Grades for transfer courses have no impact on a student’s grade point average. Only credits transfer.

View the Transfer Evaluation System (TES)


The Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics is continually looking to improve and expedite our processes for our students. We are happy to be able to provide a list of accredited institutions and those courses that have already been reviewed and approved by our college as appropriate for transfer back to SU. The table below lists the college or university that has offered the course and how that particular course articulates within our majors in Falk. It should be noted that this is an internal document specific to our Falk majors and that transfer by a student into another home college at Syracuse University or an outside institution does not guarantee equivalency or acceptance. This list will be updated at the end of each semester.

Important Information About the TES Listing:

The equivalencies in the TES listing have been determined by reviewing individual petitions to faculty as submitted by our FALK College students. They are a best practice reference for our college and majors. Students who transfer to another college will have their transcripts / records re-evaluated by the new college.

The listing below is updated periodically and subject to change. Please check for current information.

The maximum number of credits allowed for transfer from any combination of 2-year schools is 66 credits. Maximum number of 90 credits may be transferred (if degree applicable), to include 2- and 4-year schools, AP credits, IB credits, etc. 

Minimum grade allowed to transfer credit back to SU is a grade of “C”. “C-” grades do not transfer (and) P/F grades only transfer with proof of grade being a “C” or better. P/F courses can only be used towards elective credits, not program requirements.

It is the student’s responsibility to request that an official transcript be sent directly to their college recorder upon completion of their course(s) taken at other institutions.

The Writing Department has made significant reductions in the classes that are now recognized as equivalent to WRT 105 and WRT 205. Any time you are going to petition for these classes to be fulfilled outside of SU, please refer to the WRT Course Substitute web page.

There is no need to petition the equivalencies listed within the table below. 

Please note: courses that have an * next to them have been approved by either Biology, Chemistry or Math Departments.

Questions about this listing?

Contact Falk Student Services at
Office of Student Services
Falk 330 (Barclay Building), Syracuse NY 13244

Falk College Course Transfer Listing:


Internal Admissions Process for Graduate Students
