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  • Students must submit a proposal detailing the placement, activities, deliverables, and competencies to be met. This proposal is submitted to the APE Committee for review. Proposal requirements and template located on the APE Milestone Blackboard Organization.

Step 6: APE Proposal Committee Meeting

  • All proposals are reviewed by the APE Committee. The committee provides feedback and suggested revisions to the proposal, as well reviews for appropriateness in meeting APE requirements. Each student will meet with the committee to review their proposal and receive feedback. The committee must approve the proposal for the student to move forward.

Step 7: APE Approval

  • Students cannot enroll in PHP 667 until the steps above are complete.
  • Students cannot begin their placement until the official first date of the semester enrolled in PHP 667 AND they have received approval from the APE Committee AND a contract/letter of agreement/offer letter is secured from the placement agency.

Step 8: During APE (PHP 667)

  • Placement begins on or after day 1 of the semester, but not before.


  • Complete assignments per the PHP 667 syllabus.
  • Maintain contact with the PHP 667 instructor. Semi-monthly check-in meetings required.
  • Meet with the Applied Practice Experience Committee as needed.

APE Timeline



Summer APE

Fall APE

Spring APE

APE Information Session

September, Year 1

September, Year 1

September, Year 1

Submit PHP 667 application materials

Meet with APE coordinator to discuss placement ideas, opportunities, etc.

Note: Students interested in going abroad for their APE must submit their application at least 1 month prior to the dates listed on the right.

Application due: January 15th

Application due: April 15th

Application due: Sep 15th

Secure placement
APE Proposal submission

Proposal due:

April 1st

Proposal due:

July 1st

Proposal due:
December 1st

APE Proposal review, edit, and approval process

Approval needed by:
May 1st

Approval needed by:

August 1st

Approval needed by:

January 1st

Enroll in PHP 667, begin placement upon official start date of summer semester





Students discuss placement interests and receive final placement approval from the PHP 667 instructor.


The university must have a valid contract with any agency a student is placed. The contract process can take up to 3-4 months to complete. Students wanting a placement at an agency with which the University does not have a contract should speak with the PHP 667 Instructor during the Fall semester prior to PHP 667 enrollment.
*A contract is not needed if a student is accepted into an existing internship program within an agency or the placement is a paid experience.


Completion of the Applied Practice Preparation Milestone. By permission of instructor. 



Learning Objectives:

At the completion of this course, students will be able to


All pass/fail requirements must earn a “Pass” to pass the course.


  1. Timesheets (P/F); Tevera.
    1. Students are required to complete a minimum of 200 hours of field experience with their practice site.
      1. Note: Students are required to meet at least 80% (160 hours) of the required hours to pass the course.
        1. Students completing 80-89% of the required hours will receive a 20% grade deduction on the journals and portfolio assignment.
        2. Students completing 90-99% of the required hours will receive a 10% grade deduction on the journals and portfolio assignment.
    2. During their placement, students are required to track and submit timesheets noting the number of hours completed at the site. Timesheets are to be completed by the student on Tevera and submitted to the supervisor for approval on a weekly basis. The supervisor will then use Tevera to electronically sign the documents.
  2. Student Evaluations (P/F); Tevera.
    1. At the mid-point of the practicum placement and at the end of the practicum placement, each student use Tevera to send their mid-term and final evaluation form to their site supervisors. The site supervisors complete these forms at the mid-term and end of the semester. The written evaluation will be used to determine if the following objectives are being/have been met, and if the student is:
      1. Making steady progress on the completion of the assigned site projects, including any requested reports and papers.
      2. Making steady progress towards the completion of required practicum hours.
      3. Making steady progress towards identified competencies.
      4. Engaging in the site activities as an active participant and contributor to the project or organizational goals.
      5. Communicating effectively, both orally and written.
      6. Interacting with individuals, groups, and/or communities across diverse setting competently.
      7. Respecting the rights of others and maintains confidentiality.
  3. Bi-Weekly Check-Ins (P/F)
    1. Students communicate with the course instructor at least once every two weeks. This check-in can be in the form of an email or zoom meeting and include: Description of how the practicum experience in progressing, a review of any issues or barriers the student is or believe they might experience, a progress report on the APE products as described in the APE portfolio.
  4. Seminars (4 – P/F)
    1. Students attend 4 seminars (online asynchronous) over the course of the semester; must attend at least 3 out of 4 to achieve a “Pass”. See schedule below.
  5. Journals (30%)
    1. Students keep track of their personal and professional learning experiences during their practicum by submitting a semi-weekly electronic journal to the course instructor via blackboard.
    2. The weekly journal writing allows students to document their own responses to the work in their practicum site as well as their observations of the organization, its leadership and the strengths and weaknesses of public health practice at the site. The journal is meant to be a series of personal reflections that communicate the impact of the experience on the formulation of the student’s views of effective public health practice.
    3. Entries should include specific accounts of experiences, interactions, and observations. Each entry should be at least one page single-spaced or two pages double-spaced. See rubric on Blackboard.
  6. APE Portfolio (70%):
