Contracts are defined as any agreement with an outside agency that provides standards for the exchange of goods and/or services for payment in any form. Vendors requiring contracts can be defined by the services provided. Contracts include but are not limited to In Person Services (such as DJ, bands, AV) Agreements, Hotel Room Rental Agreements, Conference Room Reservations, and Purchasing Quotes. Contracts must be reviewed by the Business Budget Office as contracts require approvals at other levels of the University.
To expedite contract review and approval please send all contracts and a completed intake form to ### and include “Contract- [Vendor Name] mm/dd/yy of event.” in the subject line. Once reviewed further instructions or guidance will be provided if necessary. Typical contracts include hotel room reservations, event venue contracts, and etc.
For Purchase Orders, see section Purchase Orders.
Purchasing Resources
The Purchasing Department proactively develops and negotiates contracts for the goods and services the University predominately uses. Purchasing also administers the University credit card program, manages the Single Use Account (SUA), Express Mail and University Travel.
The following table contains those areas where purchasing responsibilities have been delegated to other areas within the university, and the campus should contact these areas directly for assistance