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The web based Travel & Expense reimbursement system for out of pocket spending is to be used for employees only. Therefore paper reimbursement forms should be used for reimbursements to non-employees.

The electronic templates for Employee Expense Reimbursements and Travel Vouchers Reimbursement Request  and  Travel Voucher Form(new form available as of 1/1/23) are available on the BFAS Forms page and are only to be used for non-employees.


This is a Microsoft Excel form (select image below) that is used to request reimbursement to an individual for out of pocket expenses related to University business travel. Please note that the form has two tabs.

 Complete the daily detail worksheet first. The total from the daily detail will automatically come across to the expense report worksheet. Use the Expense Report tab to move to the Expense Report Worksheet. Complete the entire expense report worksheet indicating the travel order number if one was issued for a travel advance

  • Please make sure to fill in highlighted sections of the sample below.
  • Once the excel file is complete save to your working files. The excel should then be converted to a PDF, merged with all receipts and supporting information into one packet.
    • If you are unfamiliar with merging pdf documents please reach out to Budget or IT. 
    • Paper documents (invoice, receipts, etc) should be scanned scan, copied, or Microsoft Lens used to create a PDF.
  • Other file types such as  jpg (such as a picture take with cellphone), emails, and word documents should be converted  into a PDF.
  • The completed packet order should be Expense Report, Daily Detail, Itemized receipts in date order, followed by any approvals or supporting information for the expense. 
  • See separate guideline for Per Diem Instructions.

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