- Start Rhino, open Grasshopper.
- Drag and drop the file 'installer.gh' on the Grasshopper window. The file can be found in G:\Student Resources\Software\Rhino Plug-ins\Ladybug Honeybee Dragonfly\.
- You should see a two-step process appear.
- Double click on the word False under Step 1.
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- Wait while the step completes. It may look like nothing is happening OR the Grasshopper window may disappear... but after about 60 -90 seconds Grasshopper will reappear and the toggle will change to True, and you will see new output in the text box to the right.
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Image Added - Repeat this process under Step 2 by double clicking on the word False.
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- Again, be patient as it may take more than a minute for it to complete and it will look like nothing is happening. The toggle will then change to True and you'll see an "Installation Successful!" popup window:
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And new output to the right:
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Image Added - Restart Rhino and Grasshopper. Look on the Grasshopper toolbar and you should see new tabs for HB-Radiance, Honeybee, Ladybug, Dragonfly and HB-Energy.
Image Removed Image Added - Honeybee normally requires further installation of OpenStudio and Radiance, but these are already installed on the lab computers.