Note: Biology graduate students do not have direct-book access to the conference room calendars. Graduate students who would like to request a conference room reservation must contact Biology Academic Support Coordinators, Tina Orlando ( or Ilene Firenze ( Teaching Assistants in need of space for office hours must contact Ilene Firenze (
Please include the following information in your email request: date(s), time period, room, frequency, and purpose.
Viewing Conference Room Availability Using Calendars
First add the Calendars to Outlook. This will only need to be done once – and then they will always be linked in Outlook.
Add Calendars to Outlook
Outlook for Windows
View the Calendar screen in Outlook by selecting the calendar icon
Click the drop-down arrow in the “Open Calendar” section
Click Open Shared Calendar
Type in the name of the calendar’s listed above (one by one) and click ok and ok at the next box that appears.
The calendar should now appear in the “Shared Calendars” section
Outlook for Mac
View the calendar screen in Outlook by selecting the calendar icon
Click on “Open Shared Calendar" at the top
Type the name of the calendar’s listed above (one by one) into the search box
Select the calendar and click “open”
The calendar should now be in the list on the left-hand side under “SU exchange”. You may need to uncollapse the list by clicking on the arrow to the left of this
Repeat for the other calendars
Viewing Room Availability
Outlook for Windows
Select (tick the circle next to the name) the room’s calendar (can select more than one room to view multiple calendars)
Unselect (untick the circle) “your” calendar (listed under “My Calendars”) so that only the conference room(s) are selected
Depending on the outlook settings the calendars will open next to each other or combined in different colors representing each calendar.
Colored blocks on the dates will show when the room is already reserved. For those who do not have “write” access, the details of the meetings will not appear – it will just show as blocked out.
Outlook for Mac
Depending on how the Outlook is setup will depend on how to select the calendar.
For setups like this:
Select (tick the circle next to the name) the room’s calendar (can select more than one room to view multiple calendars)
Make sure to highlight the word “calendar” under the room number
For setups like this:
Select (tick the circle next to the name) the room’s calendar (can select more than one room to view multiple calendars)
Next, for both setup types
Unselect (untick the circle) “your” calendar so that only the conference room(s) are selected
Depending on the outlook settings the calendars will open next to each other or combined in different colors representing each calendar.
Colored blocks on the dates will show when the room is already reserved. For those who do not have “write” access, the details of the meetings will not appear – it will just show as blocked out.