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Setnor School of Music COVID 19 Protocols

The safety and comfort of the students, faculty, and staff is of critical importance. There are many requirements and regulations set forth by the Syracuse University campus, and this document is meant to assist in navigating how those regulations impact the specific practices of the Setnor School of Music. 

In order to continue to comply with university, state, and other health regulations and provide the best level of safety as the situation develops, we will continue to provide updated information on the services and policies for the students, faculty, and staff at the school. These protocols are meant to meet or exceed current guidelines, provide ease of access to needed services, and support the learning and music in the school.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone again, and to providing the safe, supportive, creative atmosphere that is so much a part of Setnor.

To guide these efforts, we have been closely monitoring an important study led by Performing Arts Organizations who commissioned a COVID-19 Study to assist educational facilities in preparing best practices for performing arts instruction. Their Performing Arts Aerosol Study strongly recommends protocols in the areas of protective gear (including masks and instrument covers, distancing, air circulation, and length of playing). These findings have been incorporated in these protocols and the preparation for the school.  Visit for more information.

It is more important than ever to take care of our health, and there are several services on campus to assist with care - for links visit:  Health and Wellness Services - Syracuse University

On the issue of PPE, Syracuse University requires masks on campus, regardless of the ability to social distance. The studies have also shown that masks make a significant difference in controlling aerosol transmission. Masks, time limits and breaks in spaces for air circulation, appropriate distancing, and conscientious hygiene practices are all important to the safe study of music.

There is a chart at the end of this document to provide details on personal protective equipment, air circulation and time limits in rooms, and room capacity, as well as a classroom chart with capacity for different activities in the classrooms.

We will continue to monitor studies and to update information as guided by Syracuse University and New York State. Our students, faculty, and staff are creative, collaborative, and caring. We will all work together to help keep Setnor safe and full of music.

Thank you for helping keep Setnor safe!

Building Safety information

New York State and Syracuse University are taking public health very seriously, and health and wellness of Setnor students, faculty, and staff are our highest priority. We do not want anyone in Setnor to become ill. We are taking measures to make sure we all work together to keep Crouse safe. You will receive detailed information from campus about protocols for Syracuse University.

  • Please follow important guidelines.
  • Do not come to campus if you are ill.
  • Please distance, wear a mask, and practice excellent hygiene and safety, both on and off campus.

PPE (Personal protective equipment)

  • Campus policy requires everyone maintain social distancing and wear face masks when on campus.
  • Protective plexiglass baffles will be placed in rehearsal spaces and teaching studios in some areas
  • Use gloves or protective covers when needed, such as when handling microphones.


  • Rooms and seating areas have been marked for social distancing. Please be sure to comply with all guidelines.
  • Performance-based distancing requires further spacing, as noted for classes and rehearsals, so lessons and classes have been moved to larger spaces when needed

Scheduling and Air Circulation

  • Time between use of practice rooms, classrooms, and rehearsal spaces should be factored into schedules. A chart at the end of this document is provided to assist with details on best practices for air circulation in classrooms, teaching studios, rehearsal spaces and practice rooms.
  • The Performing Arts Aerosol Study currently recommends limiting rehearsal time for winds, brass, and voice to a maximum of 30 minutes, after which time, it is important to clear the room and allow for air circulation to complete at least 1 air change prior to the next use of the space.  This applies to rehearsals, lessons, performance-based classes, and practice.  These recommendations are made assuming protective gear, including masks and instrument bags, are in use. Because these recommendations limit playing time in a space, there have been many creative suggestions for extended work on-line or in person, sharing video, reviewing on-line, and more.
  • Physical Plant is working to ensure windows are operational and screened for spaces marked “natural ventilation.”
  • The first-floor rooms are connected to an exterior fresh air ventilation system, and a MERV13 filter has been added
  • 11 classrooms will receive UVC filter units. These units provide air filtration only/no cooling.
  • Spaces in Shaffer are ventilated with a 100% outdoor air mechanical system
  • Rooms that do not have this ventilation, 122B, 111B, and the Wenger module will not be used for lessons.

Cleaning Protocols

  • We will all be part of keeping Setnor safe.
  • Please be sure to wear your mask, wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizer.
  • Do not use your performance-specific masks outside of rehearsals and lessons. Your standard mask should be used in those cases.
  • Use the wipes provided and any other materials (pads for spit valves, etc) to help keep Setnor clean and safe. Wipe areas you touch (lockers, music stands, etc)
  • There will be additional cleanings of restrooms and high touch areas.
  • When possible, please avoid eating in classrooms, practice rooms, and hallways – Syracuse University will provide updated information on food services
  • Discard all trash in receptacles in the hallways. Office trash should be brought out to those hallway receptacles at the end of the day.
  • Please do not leave personal items in rooms or hallways. 
  • Use only the bottle filling option on the drinking fountains

Building Access

Current faculty and music students with valid SUIDs who have received return to campus notices will be added to the card swipe system before the start of the semester. Students will need to complete all return to campus requirements in order to have an activated SUID

Due to social distancing requirements, the lounges on the 1st and 3rd floor have been modified and are not available as gathering or study spaces. The university is working on providing a list of locations at which students might take on-line classes, study, and take breaks without going back to housing locations. These will likely be in the library areas. We will also plan to designate a couple of smaller rooms for individual study spaces. We plan to have classrooms opened at the start of the day, so when someone arrives to class, they will not need to wait in groups in the hallway but can enter the classroom and take a properly distanced seat.

The current campus regulations do not allow for guests on campus. A “guest” is anyone who is not a current student, faculty, or staff member. Please be sure not to invite or bring anyone to campus who is not a current member of the campus community. This restriction includes visiting artists, family, prospective students, and any lessons or meetings with people who are not matriculated students at Syracuse University or employed by the university.

Delivery of Classes

Syracuse University has a number of modes of delivery for classes. The descriptions for these modes are:

  • In Person: A class offering taught in person, with students and instructors physically on campus with real-time interaction
  • Online Asynchronous Non-Residency Class: A class offering taught asynchronously, with students and instructors physically separated, and delivered/accessed online, primarily without scheduled class sessions or real-time interaction
  • Online Asynchronous Residency Class: A class offering with limited duration in-person, on-campus class meetings, followed and/or preceded by online asynchronous class delivery/access, primarily without scheduled class sessions or real-time interaction.
  • Online Synchronous Non-Residency Class: A class offering taught, synchronously, with students and instructors physically separated but interacting and exchanging class content online in real-time during scheduled class sessions, having no face-to-face interactions (except as mediated by technology).
  • Online Synchronous Residency Class: A class offering with limited duration in-person class meetings, followed and/or preceded by synchronous class delivery/access with students and instructors interacting and exchanging class content in real-time online during scheduled class sessions (that may include face-to-face interactions mediated by technology).
  • Hybrid (Blended) Online Courses: Courses that are fully online and dubbed hybrid engage students in both interacting with the professor and each other through tools like video- or web-conferencing that require them to be together at the same time-synchronously, and tools like email and discussion boards that allow them to interact asynchronously.
  • Online Exception Scheduling: An initially scheduled in-person class converted to a class offering taught, synchronously (Online), with students and instructors physically separated but interacting and exchanging class content online in real-time during scheduled class sessions, having exclusively technically mediated face to face interaction.


  • Synchronous: Students and/or instructors interact in real-time.
  • Asynchronous: Students access class content on their own time. Real-time communication among and between students and instructors is not required.
  • Residency: The physical presence of students is required in a physical campus location.
  • Non-Residency: The physical presence of students on campus is never required.

Classrooms and lessons

The capacities for the classroom have been re-evaluated to address social distancing guidelines of 6 feet for standard lecture-type classes, and extended distancing for performance-based activities. Classrooms will be used for class meetings, small rehearsals, and lessons. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate meetings and rehearsals of groups greater than the capacity of the spaces. Performance based social distancing will not allow for a cappella, dance, bands, or pit orchestra rehearsals or auditions at this time.

Directions for use of classrooms (in addition to COVID signage /safety information from campus)

  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to entering room
  • When in the room, wipe down seat and desk with wipes provided
  • Wipe music stand and other items with cleaning wipes prior to use
  • If to be used, wipe keys of piano prior to use with isopropyl alcohol 60-70% wipes (this dries extremely quickly).
  • DO NOT USE wipes on any other part of the piano. They will be monitored and disinfected by the piano technician
  • Please leave the piano fall board open, do not open lids on uprights, and minimize touching other areas of the piano
  • Avoid touching the case of piano when possible, including the music desk, etc. If you do so, please wash hands or use hand sanitizer
  • Food and beverage are not permitted or should be very limited in classrooms at this time
  • Please use appropriate cleaning and health materials (including floor pads for spit valves, etc)
  • Please do not leave any personal items in classrooms
  • Do not exceed capacity listed on door
  • Leave door open to aid in air circulation when departing unless you are the last scheduled occupant of a space
  • Wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer after exiting rooms
  • Do not use a room if not signed out, or remain in a space after designated use
  • Provide enough time at the end of your use for clearing of room before the next group arrives

Instrumental Ensembles

In order to allow for appropriate accommodation, some rehearsals have been moved to other campus spaces, and specific protocols have been put in place:

PPE and other Equipment:

  • Instrumentalists will use masks, some fitted with flaps and horn/instrument covers
  • Masks and instrument bags should be cleaned regularly by the individual instrumentalist
  • Distancing is recommended at a minimum of 12 feet spacing for winds and brass and 9 feet for strings, percussion and piano
  • Minimize shared items, including instruments and music stands
  • Use partitions as directed


  • No more than 30 minutes of rehearsal time, with 30 minutes of air circulation between the sessions, and no more than 45 min of rehearsal for strings and 30 minutes of air circulation between classes or rehearsal portions. 

Protocols during rehearsals (in addition to the COVID signage/safety information from campus)

  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to entering rehearsal room
  • Stop at check in table for cleaning supplies
  • Enter seating area as directed by professors
  • Use appropriate cleaning and health materials (including floor pads for spit valves, etc)
  • Wipe music stand and other items with cleaning wipes provided
  • If to be used, wipe keys of piano prior to use with isopropyl alcohol 60-70% wipes (this dries extremely quickly).
  • DO NOT USE wipes on any other part of the piano. They will be monitored and disinfected by the piano technician
  • Please leave the fall board open, do not open lids on uprights, and minimize touching other areas of the piano
  • Avoid touching the case of piano when possible, including the music desk, etc. If you do so, please wash hands or use hand sanitizer
  • If using mics, cables, amps, be sure to use hand sanitizer before and after handling and wipe as directed by faculty
  • Food and beverage are not permitted in rehearsal rooms at this time
  • Please do not leave any personal items in rehearsal rooms
  • Leave door open to aid in air circulation when departing unless you are last scheduled user of the day
  • Wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer after exiting practice room
  • Use only your assigned time or free time for which you sign up, if available
  • Follow all campus protocol and direction from ensemble directors, grad assistants, faculty, and venue staff

Choral Ensembles


  • Choral members will sing in masks in order to reduce aerosol emissions. A reusable Singers Mask will be provided for students and distributed in student lockers. Students should wear and clean according to directions to ensure best safety. If lost, students will be responsible for replacement.


  • Hendricks capacity, including the balcony is 250. Performance based spacing allows approximately 80, but overall limit should not exceed 50 to comply with state recommendations on gathering numbers. Faculty will schedule rehearsals with breaks for air out time (for example; 30 min rehearsal followed by 30 minute air-out time. All Hendricks Chapel protocols must be followed when in the space.

Protocols during rehearsals (in addition to the COVID signage/safety information from campus)

  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to entering rehearsal room
  • Stop at check in table for cleaning supplies
  • Enter seating area as directed by professors
  • Use appropriate cleaning and health materials
  • Wipe music stand and other items with cleaning wipes provided
  • If to be used, wipe keys of piano prior to use with isopropyl alcohol 60-70% wipes (this dries extremely quickly).
  • DO NOT USE wipes on any other part of the piano. They will be monitored and disinfected by the piano technician
  • Please leave the fall board open, do not open lids on uprights, and minimize touching other areas of the piano
  • Avoid touching the case of piano when possible, including the music desk, etc. If you do so, please wash hands or use hand sanitizer
  • If using mics, cables, amps, be sure to use hand sanitizer before and after handling and wipe as directed by faculty
  • Food and beverage are not permitted in rehearsal rooms at this time
  • Please do not leave any personal items in rehearsal rooms
  • Leave door open to aid in air circulation when departing
  • Wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer after exiting practice room
  • Use only your assigned time or free time for which you sign up, if available.
  • Follow all campus protocol and direction from ensemble directors, grad assistants, faculty, and venue staff.

Applied Lessons

PPE and other Equipment:

  • Instrumentalists will use masks, some fitted with flaps and horn/instrument covers
  • Masks and instrument bags should be cleaned regularly by the individual instrumentalist
  • Use distancing and/or partitions as directed
  • Minimize shared items
  • Schedule should include limits for playing, with breaks between lessons for air circulation. The chart at the end of the document provides more specific details

Schedule:  Applied lessons can be scheduled in a number of ways:  

  • for in-person lessons, the space must be large enough to accommodate the professor and student, both with proper PPE and distancing.  If the student or professor need to be remote for one of those lessons, the room remains the same.
  • If a faculty member is teaching mainly lessons on-line, a room will be scheduled for the student that may accommodate the student only. If occasional in-person lessons are scheduled, a space can be arranged for those dates. Lessons scheduled on other dates, including make up lessons, will need to be arranged separately.
  • In all cases, proper time limits for playing in the room and breaks for air circulation must be scheduled, whether student is alone or in-person with the faculty member.

Directions for use of teaching studios (in addition to COVID signage /safety information from campus)

  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to entering room
  • When in the room, wipe down seat and desk with wipes provided
  • Wipe music stand and other items with cleaning wipes prior to us
  • If to be used, wipe keys of piano prior to use with isopropyl alcohol 60-70% wipes (this dries extremely quickly).
  • DO NOT USE wipes on any other part of the piano. They will be monitored and disinfected by the piano technician
  • Please leave the fall board open, do not open lids on uprights, and minimize touching other areas of the piano
  • Avoid touching the case of piano when possible, including the music desk, etc. If you do so, please wash hands or use hand sanitizer
  • Students should not bring food and beverage into teaching studios
  • Please use appropriate cleaning and health materials (including floor pads for spit valves, etc)
  • Please do not leave any personal items in studios
  • Do not exceed new capacity listed on door
  • Student should leave door open to aid in air circulation when departing
  • Wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer after exiting rooms
  • Do not use a room if not scheduled
  • Because time must be scheduled between lessons and practice for air exchange, these activities cannot be scheduled back to back

Practice Rooms

In order to provide safe access to practice rooms, and to assist with fair distribution of time in the spaces, the process for using these spaces has been adjusted.

  • Each practice space will be assigned a cohort of users, teaming like instruments up as they will have similar cleaning protocol needs and can work as a studio to share space and time.
  • Students can select 1/2 hour blocks with at least 1/2 hour in between, during which time the door should remain open.
  • Students will be limited to how many blocks can be reserved at one time for the week to allow other students in the cohort an opportunity to book time. Cohorts can also work together on a room schedule.
  • Students sign up the week prior, and initial when they arrive and depart room.
  • Practice spaces will include the practice rooms and teaching studios that will be off- line for in-person lessons
  • if the students in a cohort have on-line lessons in studios, that time would be scheduled as part of the permanent weekly schedule for that space, and available practice time would be built around those slots
  • Students should use only the room(s) to which they are assigned
  • Grad assistants assigned an office might also practice in that space, if it is an appropriate size, etc
  • This process allows for some contact tracing in the event of a concern 

Directions for Use of Practice Rooms (in addition to the COVID signage/safety information from campus)

  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to entering practice room
  • When in the room, wipe keys of piano prior to use with isopropyl alcohol 60-70% wipes (this dries extremely quickly).
  • DO NOT USE wipes on any other part of the piano. They will be monitored and disinfected by the piano technician
  • Avoid touching the case of piano when possible, including the music desk, etc. If you do so, please wash hands or use hand sanitizer
  • Wipe music stand and other items with cleaning wipes
  • Food and beverage are not permitted in practice rooms at this time
  • Please use appropriate cleaning and health materials (including floor pads for spit valves, etc)
  • Please do not leave any personal items in practice rooms
  • Standard practice rooms are designated for one person use only. If you need a larger space to work with another student, please contact Michelle Taylor or Bryan Watson to schedule a space
  • Leave door open to aid in air circulation when departing unless you are the last scheduled occupant
  • Wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer after exiting practice room
  • Use only your assigned time or free time for which you sign up, if available.

Auditorium use for lessons, rehearsals, and classes

The capacity of the Setnor stage with performance-based-distancing is approximately five people, depending on activity and equipment. Please remember that all social distancing and mask requirements must be maintained.


  • In consultation with faculty and the piano technician, the concert grand will be set close to recital location (and plugged in) to minimize movement.
  • If it needs to be moved or adjusted, wear disposable gloves, available in the auditorium and 301. Use gloves to move piano, lock wheels, and place bench and stick.
  • If you feel for your class or lessons you will need to move the piano each time, make an appointment with Bob Lee for training.
  • Wipe keys of piano prior to use with isopropyl alcohol 60-70% wipes (this dries extremely quickly).
  • DO NOT USE wipes on any other part of the piano. They will be monitored and disinfected by the piano technician
  • Minimize touching other areas of the piano
  • Avoid touching the case of piano when possible, including the music desk, etc. If you do so, please wash hands or use hand sanitizer


  • Five chairs and stands will be placed on stage for general use, and removed for recital performances. Please wipe down before and after handing
  • A PA system can be set up for class and rehearsal use in Setnor, Hendricks, and Schine to assist with speaking while wearing a mask. It is recommended that faculty bring in their mic, if they have one, to minimize concerns, or to use disposable mic covers available through the school. Wipe down any surfaces touched

Policies for Performances in Setnor

  • The capacity of the Setnor stage with performance-based-distancing is approximately five people, depending on activity and equipment. The layout of the seating area will be set by Campus Planning (they plan to strap unused seats in place to avoid use and handling). The chart is based on standard social distancing (6 feet), not performance distancing.
  • Schedule: As a different cleaning schedule may be implemented, and the playing and break time limits must be observed, the weekend recital schedule will need to be reviewed to be sure there is sufficient time between recitals for air circulation. Students in need of a fall recital date should discuss this with their applied teacher and be in touch as soon as possible about a date, and to discuss the format for their PRJs. Priority will be given to students who need to present degree recitals. In those cases, recitalists will be able to access the stage with their accompanists. Additional collaborators will need to be discussed, so we can be sure the stage can accommodate players using performance distancing requirements.
  • Set up: Stage set up will be minimal, and we recommend musicians wipe and set their own stand before performance or make the adjustments they need during performances. The piano should be set in place, and we recommend the pianist wipe and set their bench.
  • Seating and Access: Social distancing and space needed in front of the stage will limit audience. The auditorium seating will be set for social distancing, and seats will be strapped in place to prevent use. Only current students, faculty, and staff are able to access campus and performance areas. Access/egress may be set up to help with social distancing – limited audience should exit at main entrances in the seating area, with “backstage” entrance will for the artists, disabled access, and those working the event or using the restroom. Events may require additional custodial services.
  • Guests: Campus regulations do not allow for guests this semester. This means we cannot have audience members from outside the campus community (only SU faculty, staff, and students). The building may be on swipe access, allowing for our Setnor community to attend events. We will need to comply with the social distancing seating in the auditorium and to an overall capacity cap for safely accommodating audience seating, access and exiting, and restroom use.
  • Programs: To avoid handling, printed programs may be supplied for archival purposes for the event and for the performers, only. If we have the information in time, program details can be available on the website or via a QR code for access.
  • Receptions cannot be accommodated at this time, but space will be made available for the artist to warm up.

Livestreaming and Recording

  • Groups may wish to present their culminating experience of the class as a livestream or recording during rehearsal, instead of a public performance
  • Livestreaming is available in Setnor. Microphone placement will be set more permanently to avoid additional handling and personnel. In consultation with the recording studio engineer and faculty, the most common set up will be determined for use, since most events may be recitals, and similar in performer placement.
  • Hendricks Chapel hopes to have livestreaming options available this fall.
  • Schine does not have this option, but facebook live or other options may be investigated
  • Music rights issues are being reviewed, as sharing previously recorded material is different than one-time livestreaming licensing


Keys will continue to be arranged by  Bryan Watson, but should not be picked up in the office. Email your request and he will place the keys in an envelope in faculty mailboxes or student lockers. Please plan ahead to be sure you have what you need.

  • Practice Room Keys – Music Majors: Practice rooms are re-keyed each fall. Bryan Watson will assign practice room keys for each student and place the keys in their assigned locker.  At the end of the academic year, students will be sent instructions regarding key return. A fee of $25 for replacement will be charged to student bursar accounts. All keys are numbered, so returned key must match assigned keys.
  • Practice Room Keys – Non-Music Majors: will be addressed on a case by case basis in consultation with faculty.
  • Classroom and Auditorium Keys: All keys must be arranged in advance for placement in faculty mailboxes or student lockers. Students arranging space for PRJs, recital rehearsals, and other school activities may be able to sign out space and a key for those dates of use only. Keys must be returned promptly.  Any lost key or key not returned will result in a fee of $25 for replacement will be charged to your bursar account.


Lockers are available for storage of music and instruments for music majors on their primary instrument.  Music majors will be assigned a locker, and Bryan Watson will email the individual details. Space is limited, so additional lockers, or lockers for non-music majors may not be available, but students can email Bryan with a request to be placed on a waiting list. Please be reminded that the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items, including musical instruments.

Offices and related services

We hope to give you the support you need, even if it can’t always be in person. Syracuse University recommends limiting in-person meetings. This will be one of the most difficult aspects for all of us, since we are people who thrive on performing together and meeting face-to-face. To make appointments for on-line meetings, please email the faculty or staff member - visit VPA SETNOR SCHOOL of MUSIC DIRECTORY.  

Crouse 301 will be generally be available for in-person business from 8:30-5:00 pm M-F. Please note that access to the space has been altered to allow for safe distancing practices, and the student lounge is unavailable at this time. Offices on campus will adjust staffing due to social distancing, so there may be only one person in an office or area at a time. Please plan ahead for any requests, and remember that drop in meetings are not recommended.

Office and Classroom Supplies: All faculty will receive a welcome back packet of standard classroom items in their mailbox or office. Additional supplies are available in 301 Crouse College.  If you need something that is not generally available, please email Megan Carlsen with more information to see if something can be arranged.

Resources: Links for forms and other information you will need is located at, and includes access to a number of school and university resources. 

Printing and Copying: If you need items printed, you can email so either Bryan or Michelle can print for you during office hours. Any requests must be sent well in advance and be sure to provide plenty of time for processing. When possible, please post items to blackboard to minimize copying and provide students with faster access. Note any requests (staples, double sided, etc. If not stated, we will do whatever saves paper). Items will be placed in your mailbox in 301. PLEASE NOTE: the office staff may need to leave for a meeting or to assist someone. Last minute requests will not be able to be supported. Thank you for your understanding.

If you use the copy machine:

  • Wipe touch areas on copy machine with wipes provided before and after use
  • If you forgot your copy code, please e-mail Bryan or Michelle before the start of the semester. 
  • If you are having problems printing to the machine, please send a note to so they can assist you with the specific concern.
  • The school is charged per copy, and the machine tracks the number of copies made with each code. In an effort to save trees and keep copying costs down, please make use of e-mail attachments and Blackboard to provide electronic versions to students. This also allows students to have a searchable copy, instead of more paper they might leave in a classroom.  
  • Copies for personal use are not authorized. Students are not authorized to use the copy machine. If a grad assistant or student needs to make copies for a class, the student should confirm the code with the faculty member teaching that class. 
  • We must be responsible to authors, artists, and composers, so please be VERY conscious of copyright concerns. 

Mailboxes: Faculty mailboxes and graduate assistant folders are located in room 301. If faculty would prefer to visit only offices and classrooms, please let us know and we can make sporadic deliveries of mail to offices. Students may leave items for mailboxes during business hours only


  • EVENTS: parking is generally available in the evenings and on weekends for recitals, when there is not a Dome event or construction. It is possible there will be limited parking in the evenings and on weekends for people coming in for lessons and rehearsals instead of concerts. This is not guaranteed and cannot be arranged in advance. If you choose to park in a lot for which you do not have a permit, please note this is at your own discretion.
  • GUESTS:  At this time, no guests are authorized to visit campus.
  • FACULTY/STAFF/STUDENTS: If you have questions about your own permit, you can access parking through myslice or

Technology Support

The school is acquiring 200 TASCAM DR-40s for faculty and students use. These recorders will improve audio quality for remote instruction that can be synced with Zoom. They will replace the microphone housed in computers while also serving as 4-track portable recorders for hi-fidelity collaborative work within ensembles, lessons, or for recording projects. In order to eliminate latency for remote lessons and real-time collaborative creative projects, the school will be licensing Source Elements for Setnor students and faculty, along with a 50-seat simultaneous use ProTools license bundled with limited versions for students and faculty. Further details and training will be provided.

Computers, Network Connections, Printing, etc: VPA’s Office of Information Technology supports all college-owned computer hardware, software and peripherals. Standard VPA IT technical support is available during regular campus office hours: 8:30 am to 5 pm during the academic year. Requests for service can be submitted via email to, or directly through the University’s OrangeTracker web-based ticket system, Provide a detailed description of your support request and contact information. For classroom technology, call the help desk at 443-2677.  Support hours are Mon-Thu 8 am-8 pm, and Fri 8 am-5 pm or request assistance at  LEARNING ENVIRONMENT RESOURCES. For help identifying adaptors or cords, contact for recommendations.

Room capacities

 Room #

Lecture, meeting, quiet study

(6 feet distancing)

Practice, lessons or performance of Strings, Piano, Percussion

(9 feet distancing)

Practice, lessons or performance of Voice, Brass, Winds, Mixed Ensembles

(12 feet distancing, and 18 for large choral ensembles)

Added filtration





UVC filter unit





UVC filter unit









UVC filter unit





UVC filter unit





UVC filter unit

Setnor Aud

50 total in the seating area and stage

6 on stage

5 on stage

UVC filter unit





UVC filter unit





UVC filter unit





UVC filter unit

Shaffer 201




Mechanically ventilated, outside air

Modular unit




Mechanically ventilated, outside air

All practice rooms are designated as one-person occupancy.


S   T  A  Y    S  A  F  E    S  E  T  N  O  R  !

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment): Wear a mask! Use appropriate performance masks for singing and playing, and standard mask for all other activities

Distancing: Maintain appropriate distancing. Do not exceed marked capacity of room

Air Circulation: Time in rooms is limited so room can be cleared completely and remain clear for 30 minutes prior to the next activity to allow for appropriate air circulation

Hygiene: Use proper hygiene and cleaning protocols. Wash / disinfect hands before entering and after exiting rooms. Clean surfaces you will touch, and clean up when you leave


These protocols apply to rehearsals, lessons, individual practice, technique and performance-based classes



PPE: masks

Distancing: 6 feet

Air Circulation: clear room in time to allow 20 minutes time between classes



PPE: masks

Distancing: 6-9 feet

Air Circulation: limit time in room to 45 minutes in, 30 minutes out




PPE: singers masks

Distancing: 12 feet / 18 for choral

Air Circulation: limit time in room to 30 minutes in, 30 minutes out


Woodwinds/Brass /Mixed Ensembles:

PPE: masks with slits for mouthpiece/reed and instrument bags

Distancing: 12 feet

Air Circulation: limit time in room to 30 minutes in, 30 minutes out

DO NOT EXCEED the following capacities in each room, for these activities

Lecture, meeting, quiet study

(6 feet distancing)

Practice, lessons or performance of Strings, Piano, Percussion

(9 feet distancing)

Practice, lessons or performance of

Voice, Brass, Winds, Mixed Ensembles

(12 feet distancing, and 18 for large choral ensembles)

Capacity will be noted on the door of each room

Capacity will be noted on the door of each room

Capacity will be noted on the door of each room

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