When to use a Children Display
Quality documentation is specific, concise, and easy to navigate. It is highly recommended that complex documentation be organized into a series of pages, with each page representing distinct processes, work-flows, stages, or optional steps. An example would be if documenting a tutorial and there was a separate process for a Mac user and a Windows user. Within the documentation it is recommended that a Children Display is inserted linking to separate pages; one each for the Mac user and the Windows user.
How to create a Children Display
- Inserting a Children Display can be done in editing mode. On the toolbar, select the plus sign "Insert more content' button shown below.
- Then in the drop down menu, select the 'Other macros' option.
- Children Display can be easily found under the Navigation section.
- It is recommended to always select the 'Show Descendants' option. If the intention is to display a page hierarchy from another parent then specify which page tree to display. Otherwise the default is to display all subpages to the current page.
Design Guidelines
- It is recommended to always 'Show Descendants' within a Children Display. This allows users to navigate the document thoroughly.
- When inserting a Children Display, always give the content a section heading; using an appropriate Heading.
- It is recommended that a Children Display, with the Parent Page of the document at the root of the display, be given a section heading and inserted at the bottom of ever child page. (Example below.)