JoAnn Heffernan Heisen Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Achievement in Economics

The Department of Economics proudly announces the JoAnn Heffernan Heisen Award. The award is given annually to recognize the academic contributions of an outstanding graduating senior in Economics. The recipient's name is engraved on a plaque in the Department office, the award is included in commencement materials, and the recipient receives a $500 prize. Distinguished Professor William Horrace noted that employers and graduate schools already recognize the outstanding achievements of our majors. This award heightens recognition within the college, especially among our own students of opportunities for creative and high quality work by Economics Undergraduates.

Graduating seniors are eligible if nominated by a member of the Economics faculty. Selection is based on the nominating letter, academic performance in all courses counted toward the major, a writing sample, and if relevant, participation in an Economics research project (such as a class project, internship, honors thesis, or independent study). We send a letter describing the award to all seniors during the spring term.

The award honors not only the recipient, but also JoAnn Heffernan Heisen, who earned a B.A. in Economics from Syracuse University in 1972. Ms. Heisen served as a Vice President of Diversity at Johnson & Johnson. She served as Corporate Vice President and Chief Global Diversity Officer of Johnson & Johnson from 2006 to 2008. She served as Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Johnson & Johnson from 1997 to 2005. She joined Johnson & Johnson in 1989 as assistant treasurer and served as its Treasurer since 1991 and Controller since 1995. She retired in June 2008 from Johnson & Johnson after 19 years in senior leadership. Ms. Heisen is one of the most distinguished women in America.