This document will help project Agents and Administrators understand the Automation feature within Orange Tracker (OT) and the current Automation rules set for the system.
There are two types of Automation. The first one is at the project level and only fires for the certain project. The second is Global Automation, which fires for all projects within the system.
Project Administrators can add, edit, and remove project automation rules.
To review automation, select the Project Settings → Automation
This screen will show you all the rules, including the global rules.
You can use the filters to show certain rules.
Global Automation
OT Administrators can add, edit, and remove Global Automation rules. The team has only created rules that should be set for all projects.
Based on our license, we have a limit of 1.2M executions per month for Global Automation. OT Administrators will monitor this usage and plan accordingly. They may seem like a large number, but the global rules fire often.
Current Global Automation Rules
This is a list of current Global Automation Rules set by the OT Administrators
Rule Name
Customer Comments -> Transition to Open
When a customer responds to a ticket in "Waiting for Feedback" status, transition to "Open"
Customer Reopens Closed Tickets
When a customer comments on a Resolved/Closed request, set the Status to "Reopened"