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Update: Dec. 7, 2020

Please read this important memo from Dean Boise about the upcoming Winter Break and the Path to Spring 2021.

Fall 2020 Exams

Training & Information Sessions


Guides & Instructions


College of Law Exam Rules & Uniform Instructions (Download PDF )

  • You are required to read and understand these rules before the start of any exam.
  • Remote exams are taken in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct .
  • General Exam Rules
  • Before You Take an Exam
  • Starting an Exam
  • Completing an Exam

College of Law Exam Process Training Manual (Download PDF)

  • General J.D. Residential Final Exam Information
    • Final exam schedule
    • Exam rules acknowledgment
    • Honor code and exams
    • Uniform exam rules
  • Examplify Protocols
    • Pre/post exam time window (set up, start/end time, and exam upload)
    • Examplify pre-exam notifications and instructions
    • Exam numbers and passwords
  • Proctortrack Information
    • What it does/What it doesn't do
    • Onboarding/mock exams
    • Identification of violations

Examplify Student Guide (Download PDF)

  • Minimum System Requirements
  • Downloading Examplify
  • Taking an Exam
    • Downloading an exam
    • Mock exam
    • Navigating your exam
    • Navigating questions
    • Flagging questions
    • Multiple choice questions
    • Essay questions
    • Exam notices
    • Exam attachments
  • Closing & Submitting Your Exam
  •  Important Things to Know

Proctortrack Student Guide (Download PDF

  • What Is Proctortrack?
  • How Does It Work?
  • Why Onboarding?
  • System Requirements
  • Taking an Exam with Proctortrack

Community Messages


Q: What has the College of Law asked Proctortrack to flag during our exams?

A: Please refer to this information page explaining the Exam Flags the College of Law has asked Proctortrack to use during fall 2020 exams. 

Q: What happens to my personal data after I have finished taking exams using Proctortrack?

A: Data collected during exams will be purged from the Proctortrack system 60 days after the end of all exams for a given exam period.  Data may be retained locally beyond this time period, by the College of Law, if it is in use for an active conduct review. 

Q: The Proctortrack documentation states that exam data can be kept for a maximum of 180 days. Why does this conflict with the previous answer?

A: While Proctortrack's internal policy permits retention of exam data for up to 180 days, should an institution request it, the College of Law has specified that it will be purged 60 days after the end of all exams for a given exam period.

Q: Why does Proctortrack report that streaming devices (Apple TV, Amazon Fire Stick, etc) have been detected?

A: As part of the initial scan to determine system status, the software notes your computer's list of available devices that are capable of receiving a screencast. Because these devices could be used to broadcast the contents of your computer, we ask that they be disconnected while taking an exam.

Q: I have approved testing accommodations. With this new online exam process, will I still get these?

A: All previously approved accommodations will be honored. Please reach out to Annette Jenner Matthews at if you have additional questions or concerns.

Q: Will my professor be reviewing any flags produced by the proctoring service?

A: No. While some Proctortrack documentation refers to flags being reviewed by instructors, this is not the review model we are employing at the College of Law. Because anonymity is an important part of our exam process, all review of flags will be conducted by College of Law administration, rather than by faculty members. Please see the question above for exploration of the flag review process.

Q: What is the proctoring protocol for JDinteractive students? Is it different to residential students?

A: The Fall 2020 exam proctoring protocols are the same for both residential and JDinteractive students.

Q. If professors choose not to use the proctoring service, will it be possible for students to print our exams?

A. Regardless of proctoring, ExamSoft does not have a printing function. Please know that in any event, printing your exams is strictly prohibited and would constitute a violation of the Code of Student Conduct .

Q: Is online proctoring mandatory?

A: Yes, if your professor has elected to conduct a proctored exam. Please consult the exam schedule which will be posted in the week of November 16 to discern if your exam will be proctored.

Q: If the online proctoring system flags my exam for any reason will I know or be made aware?  Will I have an opportunity to defend myself if I am flagged 

A: Not during your exam. If a flag is thrown, our College of Law exam administrators will review the record. They may dismiss the flag. If the flag is not dismissed, the matter will be referred as a potential violation of our Code of Conduct. In that event, you would be made aware and of course you would have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and defend yourself. Our presumption is and will be that our students are not cheating or willfully accessing resources or engaging in behaviors that are not permitted during the virtual sessions.

Q: What ID can I use for Proctortrack identity verification

A: You may use your SUID, a state-issued ID or driver’s license, or your military ID.

Q: I am concerned that showing and scanning my ID will give the software companies personal identifiers, such as my date of birth, address, etc. Is there a way to supply biometrics without sharing other data?

A: The ID that you use to verify your identity needs to be one that is officially distributed and that has a photo. You can show the ID displaying its official designation and your photo and blank out other information with a strip of paper. 

Q: If Proctortrack’s exam policies appear to conflict with the College of Law’s, which policies take precedent?

A: In cases where the documentation for Proctortrack appears to contradict stated College of Law policy, College policy takes precedent. Proctortrack offers many customization options to accommodate different types of exams, some of which are not relevant to our exam process. The options chosen by our exam administrators support existing College exam process and policies.

Q: If a technical issue develops during my exam, will I get extra time equal to time incurred in addressing the issue?

A: In the past, additional time for technical issues has been provided on a case-by-case basis. The College of Law Information Technology team determines the need and then communicates the number of minutes to the Registrar. The same protocol will apply for this exam season.

Q: What equipment will I need in order to complete my exam?

You will not need any additional equipment beyond that which you have been required to have for the fall semester, as listed on this tech checklist , which you received before the start of the semester. Tech requirements for Examsoft and Proctortrack are also outlined in their respective students guides.

Q: What happens if there a WiFi interruption of service or connection occurs during my exam?

A: An interruption of WiFi will have no impact on the proctoring of your exams. If you experience an outage, the situation will be as if there were no proctor: you will reboot when WiFi service returns and complete your exam at that time. The interruption of service will not trigger any flags.

Q: While using Proctortrack, am I allowed to eat or drink during my exam?

A: Yes.

Q: Where are ExamSoft and Proctortrack headquartered?

A: According to its website, ExamSoft is  headquartered in Dallas, TX . Proctortrack is a service of Verificient Technologies,  headquartered in New York City .

End of Semester (Fall 2020) Protocols

Community Messages


Q: What new COVID-19 restrictions on student and College of Law activities have been put in place as of Nov. 9, 2020?

A: Please read this memo from Dean Boise and this update from the University regarding new restrictions and paused activities to prevent the spread of COVID-19, as well as those activities not paused.

Q: When will Dineen Hall be closed, and when will it open?

A: Dineen Hall will be closed as of Nov. 16, 2020, and will re-open on Jan. 18, 2021, subject to then-prevailing conditions. During that time you will have no access to Dineen Hall. End of semester exams will be administered remotely. Over the holiday break please check your email with frequency for any updates on Spring campus opening plans.  

Q: What should I do about the contents of my locker?

A: Empty your locker before noon on Nov. 15, 2020. Take everything you require to continue academic instruction in spring 2021 in the unlikely event our campus re-opening date is delayed. Please contact Director of Student Affairs Sarah Collins if you have any questions.

Q: Will I be able to print materials in Dineen Hall after it closes on November 16?

A: Students will not be able to use printing services within Dineen Hall after November 16. As enumerated in our Tech Check document, students are required to have access to a printer off campus. If you do not own a printer, the Law Library has generated a  list of printing options near Syracuse University.

Q: I am a research assistant or a work study, will I have access to Dineen Hall to continue to perform my work?

A: Answer TBD

Checklist: Exams and End of Fall Semester

  1. Fall 2020 Exams—Attend training sessions for exams and visit this page often to review updates.
  2. Empty your locker—Remove your belongings before November 16 and be sure you have what you need to continue academic instruction in January.
  3. Get Tested Before Leaving CampusFollow instructions in this memo as to when and where to get a COVID-19 test before leaving for home. Complying with all aspects of this measure is mandatory as a part of your Stay Safe Pledge .
  4. Monitor Your Email—Stay tuned across the winter break for important messages regarding updates on campus re-opening plans and requirements that must be met before returning to campus. These are likely to include pre- and post- arrival testing and state-mandated self-quarantines.

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