Update: Nov. 24, 2020
Update: Nov. 11, 2020
Except for the limited purpose of retrieving items from your lockers between now and Friday, Nov. 14 at 6 p.m., Dineen Hall is now closed to all students through Jan. 18, 2021 (subject to prevailing conditions). Please read this important message regarding the end of residential instruction on Nov. 12 and University "pause mode".
Fall 2020 Exam Season
Please attend the Examsoft/Proctortrack training sessions:
- For JD residential students: Wednesday, Nov. 11 at noon. You may enter the meeting by using this link: https://sulaw.zoom.us/j/95832094681.
- For JDi students: Thursday, Nov. 12 at 5:30 p.m. You may enter the meeting by using this link: https://sulaw.zoom.us/j/91717110021.
- To ensure that we answer all of your questions, please send them to lawpreparedness@law.syr.edu.
Message to Students from Dean Boise (Online Proctoring of Fall 2020 Exams) | Nov. 4, 2020
- Haven’t been tested yet? You must take a COVID-19 test within 10 days of your first arrival to Dineen Hall or campus and submit your results before coming to Dineen Hall or campus. Review Syracuse University's memo on how to take and submit a test.
- Mandatory College of Law SurveillanceTesting: On Sept. 14, 2020, at the Shaw Quad or Sky Barn (South Campus), between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Student participation is mandatory. Locations and times can be found in this memo.
- COVID-19 Response: What to do if you have tested positive or suspect exposure.
- Mandatory College of Law SurveillanceTesting: On Sept. 14, 2020, at the Shaw Quad or Sky Barn (South Campus), between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Student participation is mandatory. Locations and times can be found in this memo.
Have you participated in post-arrival screening (pooled saliva test): Please read this Sept. 1, 2020, memo from Dean Boise.
- Still in quarantine? Send us your affirmation of compliance as soon as you have completed. Access the quarantine affirmation form and the Stay Safe Pledge.
- Looking for your textbooks? Students may contact the SU Bookstore via their contact form or call them at 315.443.9901 to order your books, to inquire about e-book options, and to discover shipping options and plans.
- Are you tech ready? Check your tech for online learning by reviewing the Tech Check list for laptop, platform, email, remote access, and other requirements.
- Looking for answers? Search Frequently Asked Questions, and review our Fall 2020 Operating Procedures below.
- Prepare for changes! Review the Changing Conditions plan below.
Questions? Email us at lawpreparedness@law.syr.edu
Community Messages (Fall 2020)
Message to Students from Dean Boise (Winter Break and the Path to Spring 2021) | Dec. 7, 2020
New Action Underway to Combat COVID-19 Spread | Dec. 4, 2020
COVID-19 Update: December Testing Hours, Mask Reminder, Sharing Thanks | Dec. 3, 2020
Parts of Central New York Community Now in "Orange Zone" | Nov. 24, 2020
COVID-19 Update: Non-Essential Travel, NYS Travel and Quarantine Advisory, CDC Holiday Guidance | Nov. 16, 2020
- Dineen Hall Quiet Study & Active Learning Rooms List
- Study Room Reservation Form
- LetsGetChecked COVID Testing Portal (At-Home Testing Kits)
Barnes Center at The Arch Services: For Fall 2020, the Barnes Center at The Arch has announced important updates related to its services, hours, and processes.
- Event Room Reservation Form
- University Protocols on In-Person Events (Fall 2020)
Fall 2020 Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I received a message from Syracuse University’s Public Health Team and Dean Boise stating that I need to participate in a second round of COVID-19 surveillance testing on Sept. 14, 2020. Must I do that if I just received a negative test result last week?
A. Yes—this second round is a new round of testing altogether. You must proceed with the new test, which is mandatory. Locations and times can be found in this memo.
Q: What is the grading policy for fall 2020?
A: On Aug. 28, 2020, the College of Law faculty voted to restore normal grading policies for fall 2020. Please refer to this Aug. 31, 2020, explanatory memo from Dean Boise and Assistant Dean for Student Resources and Internal Research Zach Kelley.
Q: What rooms are available for me to study in or take online classes if I’m in Dineen Hall for other classes?
A: During the Fall 2020 semester, the following protocols are in effect in Dineen Hall regarding both active learning and quiet study for students:
- Active Learning—Students who have back-to-back in person and online classes will find spaces in which to attend their on-line classes.
- Quiet Study—Rooms for quiet study have been identified and marked accordingly throughout Dineen Hall. Students are invited to use these spaces for study between classes.
- Law Library—The library will be open for research and study from 7 a.m. to midnight every day. Group study rooms in Dineen Hall are now individual study rooms. Students may reserve these for up to 4 hours per day.
Q: Now that Dineen Hall can open to students on Aug. 31, 2020, what are the protocols if I wish to study in the building?
A: Please refer to Dean Boise's August 27 memo reminding students of COVID-19 pre-arrival requirements, the daily health screening form, and other instructions for safely being on campus.
Q: Do I need to confirm I have complied with the testing, quarantining and screening requirements? Will the College of Law notify me?
A. If you have been tested and submitted your negative result to SU, and if you have sent your evidence of compliance with the quarantine requirements, you do not need to do anything further, other than to be screened as outlined in my previous message.
You should not expect confirmation from the College of Law that you have complied. We will only contact you if you have not complied with these requirements.
Q: What do I do if you I have tested positive for coronavirus or if I suspect exposure?
A: Please refer to the University's COVID-19 response checklist.
Q: If I am not able to attend class online, can I just listen to the recording of my class?
A: Listening to recordings of classes does not constitute attendance. The American Bar Association and the College of Law require that classes have attendance policies. The details of each class’s attendance policy are in the professional discretion of your course professors and may be found in your course syllabi. Alternatively, you may ask your professors to confirm their expectations. In short, you are expected to attend class synchronously, regardless of the modality in which instruction is delivered, and to adhere to the attendance policy set forth in the course syllabus. Students in need of special accommodations should consult with Director of Student Affairs Sarah Collins and the University's Center for Disability Resources.
Q: Do I need to confirm I have complied with the testing, quarantining and screening requirements? Will the College of Law notify me?
A: If you have been tested and submitted your negative result to SU, and if you have sent your evidence of compliance with the quarantine requirements, you do not need to do anything further, other than to be screened as outlined in this previous message. You should not expect confirmation from the College of Law that you have complied. We will only contact you if you have not complied with these requirements.
Q: If I don’t plan to arrive on campus in the next few weeks, must I still get screened or should I wait?
A: You should get screened as soon as possible. If not this week, please contact sucovid@syr.edu to schedule your arrival COVID screening prior to August 31. Because you plan to be on campus, SU wishes all students to go through that process now.
Operating Procedure
NOTE: This is a brief overview of Fall 2020 operating procedures: for full details, please review this memo .
NOTE: Conditions on campus are evolving; please keep checking this section for updates.
- Hours of Operation—Dineen Hall is open every day from 7 a.m. until midnight. You will need your swipe card to enter the building. Guests are not permitted.
- Rules & Regulations—When approaching and while in Dineen Hall, all students must observe the following rules and our Stay Safe Pledge, subject only to special accommodations in place via the Center for Disability Resources:
- A mask is mandatory at all times.
- Practice proper social distancing protocols (six feet apart).
- Except during designated times during the weekdays only, no food is permitted in the building.
- Beverage containers with a lid are permitted.
- When occupying a designated Quiet Study Room or Active Study Room, you must vacate the room 10 minutes before the next scheduled class in that room.
- Before leaving a room, sanitize your spaces.
- Be respectful of others and your surroundings.
- Adhere to room capacity limits.
- Be mindful of the need to social distance in elevators. No more than three people should occupy an elevator at the same time. If you can, use the stairs.
- Failure to comply with these directives may result in a referral to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) for violation of the Code of Student Conduct, which governs individual and group behavior on and off campus. Sanctions for violating the pledge may be found on the OSRR website, ranging from warnings to expulsion. Failure to comply could also impact state assessments of your character and fitness for purposes of bar eligibility.
- In-Person Classes—Please refer to your class schedules to find out where to attend your classes in person.
- Navigating Dineen Hall—In Dineen Hall, you will find spaces to accommodate as many aspects of the student experience as possible. All seating spaces within Dineen Hall have been reconfigured to allow for social distancing.
- Active Learning—Students who have back-to-back in person and online classes will find spaces in which to attend their online classes.
- Online Learning
- Live online class sessions will take place via Zoom. Your professor's schedule and Zoom link (a "recurring meeting") to the class will be posted on Blackboard.
- All classes will be recorded and recordings will be posted on Blackboard.
- Links to class recordings will be posted on Blackboard for your course. Please contact your instructor with any questions about accessing the live classes and recordings.
- Students will be expected to attend class synchronously, regardless of the modality in which instruction is delivered (in-person or online), and to adhere to the attendance policy set forth in the course syllabus. Listening to recordings of classes does not constitute attendance.
- If your professor has created asynchronous content, those lessons will be posted on Blackboard under “self-paced lessons.”
- During fall 2020, faculty cannot hold in-person office hours. Your professors will post online office hours on Blackboard and provide a link to their virtual office and/or a recurring meeting.
- Quiet Study—Rooms for quiet study have been identified and marked accordingly throughout Dineen Hall. Students are invited to use these spaces for study between classes.
- Law Library
- The library will be open for research and study from 7 a.m. to midnight every day.
- The Circulation Desk and Reference Office will be open for in-person services during the day.
- We will also provide library services remotely during the day and into the evening through the Law Library website, including access to all print and electronic collections.
- For information on working remotely with the Law Library and utilizing all library resources, please consult our Research Guide.
- Group study rooms in Dineen Hall are now individual study rooms. Students may reserve these for up to 2 hours per day.
- Modified Socializing—As always, the Levy Atrium will provide space for students to meet informally. The capacity of the Atrium is greatly reduced to accommodate social distancing. Please sit only where permitted and do not sit on the floor.
Student Organization Meetings—For the fall 2020 semester, all clubs and organizations should plan to meet via an online collaboration platform (e.g., Zoom). If it is absolutely necessary to meet in person, such meetings may be held in person but only between 7 p.m. and midnight, subject to room availability. Rooms must be reserved in advance via this form.
- Parking permits—Students should contact Parking and Transit Services to ask how to obtain a parking permit.
- Administrative Spaces & Student Services—All administrative and student services spaces will be inaccessible. Instructions on how to meet with staff are posted.
- Eating
- The Neporent Café is open from 8 a.m. until 9 a.m. and again from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. for food service and consumption, Monday through Friday. The café will be closed at all other times.
- Students can bring their own food and beverages for consumption in the café.
- The Gray Courtroom is the only other place in Dineen Hall where students can eat, from 11:50 am to 12:50 pm on weekdays.
- No one will be permitted to eat and drink in the Atrium, where a mask must be worn at all times.
- Campus Food Services has removed half of the seating in the café, installed plexiglass shields where appropriate to safely maximize space, and placed social distancing signage reminders as needed.
- The café will limit “made to order” options and enhance “grab and go” offerings.
- The café will be open for students to eat their lunch subject to social distancing guidelines and space availability. First-come, first-serve will apply.
Our plans are subject to change, as COVID-19 guidelines continue to evolve. We will keep you posted on any adjustments and thank you for your patience and flexibility.
Planning Ahead for Changing Conditions
NOTE: The College and the University are making every effort to ensure a safe campus for the fall 2020 semester. To this end, the following decision framework has been submitted to the New York State Department of Health detailing levels of response if individuals test COVID-19 positive while on campus:
Level 1: If a small number of individuals test positive, and contact tracing suggests that exposures are confined to 10 or fewer people, then epidemiology and contact tracing suggests that the situation can be contained, isolated, and remediated. Affected areas will be decontaminated, University medical staff will monitor for possible escalation, and all other campus operations will remain unaffected.
Level 2: If the number of infected or exposed people is estimated at between 10 and 100 people, and there remains high confidence in the ability to contain, isolate, and remediate the flare-up, then precise curtailment of operations in specific areas (rooms, floors, buildings, including possibly Dineen Hall) may be required. In addition to decontamination, these areas or programs will remain curtailed for a period of time to prevent ongoing exposures.
Level 3: If small outbreak occurs in a defined population (e.g., a certain school/college—including possibly the College of Law/Dineen Hall—or degree program) and the number of potential exposures is greater than 100 and contact tracing and containment become difficult, then curtailment of operations in these select programs or areas may be required. This select response will fall short of a campus-wide response. Select programs—including possibly the College of Law/Dineen Hall—will move into an online-only environment with non-resident students staying off campus, resident students staying in their rooms, and non-essential affected employees working from home.
Level 4: If a significant outbreak in excess of approximately 100 infections has occurred, and there is low confidence in the ability to contain the outbreak campus-wide, then the whole campus will come to a full “pause”. All programs move to online alternatives, campus access will be restricted, and non-resident students and non-essential employees will work from home and stay away from campus.
Level 5: If ongoing campus or community transmission is occurring at a significant rate and there is no realistic strategy to contain or control the situation, the University will shut down on-campus operations completely. Assuming permission from public health officials, a 72-hour move out/shut down process will be initiated:
- Those with the means to travel within 8-10 hours of Syracuse will be asked to leave within 24 hours.
- Those who need to arrange travel to other areas of the United States will be asked to leave within 48 hours.
- Those students who are able to arrange international travel are asked to leave within 72 hours.
- Those unable to leave will appeal to remain on campus. Syracuse University will support any student who, for financial or other hardship reasons, cannot depart campus in response to a shutdown scenario.
- If the scenario is more extreme, students may be asked to evacuate campus immediately with only those items they can carry with them. All other possessions are left behind.