- Strategies
- Design of print and digital marketing pieces (brochures, postcards, flyers, invitations, posters, etc.) plus writing and/or editing of copy per the University’s editorial style guidelines
- Advertising*
- Content management for VPA’s social media channels
- Branded premiums (promotional products)**
- Website content management and development of vpa.syr.edu and college microsites
- Digital signage administration and content management
*Advertising refers to paid promotional messages or listings in print and digital publications, online, or on billboards, radio, or television that utilize the college and University name, logos, trademarks, images, or URLs referring to any program, initiative, service, or operation of VPA. All college advertising materials, as well as advertising purchases and contracts, must be coordinated through and approved by the college’s Office of Budget and Operations and the Office of Communications.
**A branded premium is a custom-imprinted item that utilizes the college and/or University name, logos, trademarks, images, or URLs referring to any program, initiative, service, or operation of VPA. All branded content purchases and contracts must be coordinated through and approved by the college’s Office of Communications. Many college and University marks are considered trademarks or registered trademarks, and improper use of them can result in personal or institutional legal liability.