Recurring Grants and Funding
FCAR internal grants will be awarded to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members to enhance their creative activities and research. Proposed project activities should be concrete and achievable in one year with the $5,000 of funding.
Application Deadline: TBA (Applications are typically due in early October)
Through project-based funding, the program supports opportunities for public engagement with the arts and arts education, for the integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and for the improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector.
Application Deadline: TBA (Applications are typically due in early February for first grants and early July for second grants)
MCHF funds domestic section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service and the State of New York. Specifically, grants may only be made to a domestic public charity as described in Internal Revenue Code section 509(a)(1) or (2) or an exempt operating foundation as described in Internal Revenue Code section 4940(d)(2).
Application Deadline: TBA (Letters of Intent are typically due in May)
The Foundation makes grants to organizations that advance its charitable mission and strategic goals. Their grantees include organizations that are large and small, established and new, based in the US and around the world. The Foundation makes most of its grants to organizations in the United States that have been determined by the IRS to be section 501(c)(3) public charities.
Application Deadline:
Guggenheim Fellowships are grants awarded to around 175 selected individuals every year. The purpose of the Guggenheim Fellowship program is to provide Fellows with blocks of time in which they can work with as much creative freedom as possible. As such, grants are made freely, without any special conditions attached to them; Fellows may spend their grant funds in any manner they deem necessary to their work.
Application Deadline: TBA(Applications are typically due in mid-September)
NYSERDA’s various programs (such as residential, commercial, transportation, environmental) outline broad energy and environmental challenges, and then publicly request proposals, from any private or institutional entity, to submit project plans addressing those issues.
Application Deadline: Deadlines vary based on the grant. Check here for more information.
The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts fosters the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society. The Graham realizes this vision through making project-based grants to individuals and organizations and producing exhibitions, events, and publications.
GRANTS TO INDIVIDUALS - Application Deadline: TBA(Applications are typically due in mid-September)
GRANTS TO ORGANIZATIONS - Application Deadline: Feb 25, 2024
Since its creation in 1965, NEH has awarded more than $5.6 billion for humanities projects through more than 64,000 grants.
Application Deadline: Deadlines varies based on the grant. Check here for more information.
The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Stipends program aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication.
Application Deadline: TBA(Applications are typically due in mid-September)
Quarterly Grants and Funding
Nonprofit organizations in Onondaga and Madison counties are encouraged to apply for grants to fund innovative projects in the areas of: arts and culture, civic affairs, education, health, human services and the environment.
Application Deadline: TBA(Applications are typically due in early-October)
The Foundation's Veteran Housing Grants Program awards grants to nonprofit organizations for the new construction or rehabilitation of permanent supportive housing for veterans. Awards typically range from $100,000 to $500,000.
Application Deadline: Applications are accepted year-round