From the link (QR Code) above for the VALT manual, follow the Review link and then the Upload link for the steps on how to upload your own video to VALT: https://ipivs.info/wiki/index.php/VALT_6_Review#Upload Your video file must be under 16GB and be one of the following filetypes: .mp4 .asf .mov .qt .mkv .avi
**Please note, when using templates to upload your video, it will add an additional upload section. You will need to scroll down and use the bottom upload section for your video. The text in each explains what file types are allowed and the file size limits.
What is BEAM?
BEAM is an iOS application that has been set up on 5 iPad carts. These iPads can be used to record video, live view, and upload to the VALT website while on campus.