**M.A. GUIDELINES Requirements Current Course Catalog
The Master of Arts degree signifies an important step in a student’s scholarly development. The requirements for a Master of Arts degree in anthropology at Syracuse University emphasize comprehensive understanding of anthropology and the articulation of its various sub-fields. The department feels this is the core strength of their discipline. Coursework and qualifying examinations reflect the department’s intent to expose students to the breadth of anthropology prior to engaging in more narrowly defined scholarly studies and doctoral research topics.
** "Please note that this is a PhD program and we do not accept applications for terminal MA degrees. Prospective students applying to the program should not check the MA box on their application, as these applications may not be considered for admissionThe department of anthropology admits applicants for graduate study at the MA and Ph.D. levels. Ensure that you check the proper box on your application. In addition, note that the department does not ordinarily provide financial assistance for those pursuing the MA degree."
Core courses: 30 graduate credits that include at least five core courses, including a two-course sequence within their subdiscipline, (ANT 611-ANT 711 for cultural students; ANT 641-ANT 741 for archaeology students) and at least three core courses in other subdisciplines.
Qualifying Examination: Successful completion of a qualifying examination in their subdiscipline: the History of Anthropological Theory and Ethnology for cultural students and Archaeological Method and Theory for archaeology students.
Writing Requirment: Students who do not continue beyond the master’s level are required to submit a master’s paper, which is a significant piece of work on a subject of the student’s choosing, and approved by the advisor. Minimally, it should demonstrate original thinking and knowledge of the literature on a given area, topic, or issue. See “Position Papers” for the writing requirements leading to a doctoral degree.
Tools and Methods requirement: